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ToVarasu Gaaby

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Everything posted by ToVarasu Gaaby

  1. Good bye, Adolfe nab, with your romana:)). I hope you will be back soon. We will miss you, pwp
  2. Ola, gagica, eu sunt OLTEANCLAN, dacă vrei să ne futem, mâinile-n tavan.

  3. Guys, probably Aymen has an inactivity request on leader's topic. So, I hope he will be good, and he come back alright
  4. Kalai, That's a good suggestion, you have pro from me.
  5. Hy,guys, how are you. Anyone know when will Aymen come back?
  6. Hello, guys, how are you. Im at school and here is so boooring..
  7. Nickname: xGaaByVALOARE Level: 14 Sunt jucătorul cu numărul: 25 Alte precizări: -
  8. • Nick: [9GAG]xGaabyVALOARE • Rank: 2 • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • Date of offense: 08.02.2015 • Reason: DM-ing me a lot for no reason. • Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/pGQKL • Anything else?: I go to chilliad to get my gift and he shoted me immediately • Nick: [9GAG]xGaabyVALOARE • Rank: 2 • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • Date of offense: 08.02.2015 • Reason: DM-ing me a lot for no reason. • Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/d8oeN#1 • Anything else?: I was in hq to /repair and /refill me , and he open fire, my car bomb and me killed.
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