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Everything posted by Scooby69

  1. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: [bN]nexT.2EZ4ME Cipri.MINUNEPETURF SebiOWN[] Punishments: Faction warn Date: 18.11.2019 Reason: absent war Proof: Evidence war Other specifications:
  2. Evidenta war 18.11.2019 nexT.2EZ4Me - Faction Warn SebiOWN[] - Faction Warn Cipri.MINUNEPETURF - Faction Warn
  3. Your nickname: Damon.Salvatore Your rank: Lider Tested player: RAZORRR Theory test score (x/3): 0.5/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3/5 Final answer (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted Other specifications: Welcome
  4. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: [bN]nexT.2EZ4ME Cipri.MINUNEPETURF [AoW][GGWP]TheAirwalker LeniX. ST.Franck [uV]Bras. [uS]AmEryKaNu OWN.WARMACHINE Kimbal[VODA] Punishments: Faction warn Date: 13.11.2019 Reason: absent war Proof: Evidence war Other specifications:
  5. Evidence war 10.10.2019 Daca vedeti vreo greseala, trimiteti-mi un pm.
  6. Evidenta wars 08.10.2019 Daca vedeti vreo greseala, trimiteti-mi un pm.
  7. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: nJxGoNNNy andrew.bombarusa amerykanu Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 07.10.2019 Reason: Absent wars 07.10.2019 Proof: Evidence war Other specifications: Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: badwolf Punishments: 3/3 Faction Warn Date: 07.10.2019 Reason: reclamatie - rpg Proof: rpg Other specifications:
  8. Evidenta war 07.10.2019 Daca vedeti vreo greseala, trimiteti-mi un pm.
  9. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: bembo nJxGoNNNy Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 04.10.2019 Reason: Absent wars 04.10.2019 Proof: Evidence war Other specifications:
  10. Evidenta wars 04.10.2019 Daca vedeti vreo greseala, trimiteti-mi un pm.
  11. Your nickname: dean.2ez4me Your rank: lider Tested player: Ale[K]s.TSA Theory test score (x/3): 0/3 Practice test score (x/5): 2/5 Final answer (Accepted/Rejected):Rejected Other specifications: Good luck next time
  12. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: bembo nJxGoNNNy Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 03.10.2019 Reason: Absent wars 03.10.2019 Proof: Evidence war Other specifications:
  13. Evidenta wars 03.10.2019 Daca vedeti vreo greseala, trimiteti-mi un pm.
  14. Evidenta war 02.10.2019 Bembo - Fw Gitrashi.tsa - absent 1/4 bras - absent 1/4
  15. Evidenta war 23.09.2019 **If you see any mistakes, send me a pm**
  16. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: Adrian.shunK[ZEW] Leonard_Vijelie PeTi. [IPX]Coco_2003 padiN.NAMCOD [EkT]CombaTer. rpg3_.Chelios. Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 28.08.2019 Reason:Absent wars Proof: Evidence war Other specifications: 
  17. Evidence war 28.08.2019 **If you see any mistakes, send me a pm**
  18. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: Leonard_Vijelie [EkT]CombaTer. rpg3_.Quick[BOMBARDIER] rpg3_.Chelios. [uN]AmEryKaNu padiN.NAMCOD Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 27.08.2019 Reason: Absent wars 27.08 Proof: Evidence wars Other specifications: Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: Adrian.shunK[ZEW] Punishments: AV Date: 27.08.2019 Reason:Absent 1/2 Proof: Evidence war Other specifications: 
  19. Evidence war 27.08.2019 **If you see any mistakes, send me a pm**
  20. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: badwolf Punishments: Faction Warn Date: 26.08.2019 Reason: Insulte - PM Proof: PM Other specifications:
  21. Your nickname: Dean.Winchester Rank: Leader Punished member: bogdanmeister Punishments: 3/3 Faction Warn Date: 20.08.2019 Reason: Vulgar language - Complaint RPG Proof: RPG Other specifications:
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