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Cata ZEW

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Everything posted by Cata ZEW

  1. La text asa folosesc, multumesc. photoshop cs6
  2. @@ICE Cristi, Multumesc :> @, Ok, multumesc pentru sfat. @@Zeus69, Mersi :3
  3. UPDATE • 13.08.2016 •
  4. @, O sa incerc sa le repar, mersi. @, Mersi.
  5. @@MrKinG, http://imgur.com/a/UsKAF
  6. @@H A R R I S O N, http://imgur.com/a/VFhyV
  7. Salut baietii, http://imgur.com/a/T3sGo
  8. UPDATE • 14.07.2016 •
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