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Last visited
ADRIANEW's Achievements
About Me
Real Life:
Nume: Bodea Adrian-Gabriel
Varsta: 19 ani
Locatie: Timisoara
NickName RPG2:
My Faction RPG2:
Lv Taxi -> Rank 5 -> Left the Faction
69 Pier Mobs -> Rank 6 -> Left the Faction
My Best Faction RPG4:
15/02/2017 -> LV Taxi -> Got Leader -> Left the Faction
News Reporters -> Rank 5 -> Left the Faction
Avispa Rifa -> Rank 3 -> Rank 6 -> Left the Factions
69 Pier Mobs -> Rank 6 -> Left the Faction
Best's RPG2 / 4:
TestTw (really?):
09.12.2016, ora 19:00
09.12.2016, ora 20:30
Suferinta :
LiNiE War's:
Best Moment:
Faction's moment:
Clan's moment:
To be continued ...*2019*
Revenire Adrianew