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  1. PlayStation 4 | Play Station 4 Pro | PlayStation 3 Calitati: (+)Poveste captivantă cu personaje noi (+)Locaţie familiară, redată de un motor grafic modern (+)Dialoguri excelente în limba japoneză (detine si dublaj în engleză) (+)Sisteme împrumutate din jocuri adventure (+)Lupte fluente cu multiple procedee situaţionale (+)Upgrade de frigider la nivel „badass” Defecte: (-)Ruleaza doar in 30 de cadre pe secunda Caracteristici: Mod: SinglePlayer Data Lansarii: 13 Decembrie 2018 (Japonia) 25 Iunie 2019 (Global) Seria: Yakuza Descriere si Informatii: Judgment este produs de echipa din spatele cunoscutei serii "Yakuza", acţiunea având loc în acelaşi univers, în oraşul "Tokyo" al zilelor noastre. Firul poveştii din "Judgement" îl urmăreşte pe Takayuki Yagami, un detectiv particular ce încearcă să desluşească misterul unei serii de crime. Judgment este primul joc modern plasat în cadrul universului Yakuza care beneficiază de o localizare completă în engleză. SEGA a optat pentru reînregistrarea tuturor dialogurilor în engleză, rolul personajului principal Takayuki Yagami fiind interpretat de actorul Greg Chun. Poze / Trailer: Trailer: Poze: Alte informatii: Din pacate nu am reusit sa fac rost de niste cerinte de sistem exacte. Puteti incerca jocul. Nu pot sa ma afirm daca nu sunt sigur. Am gasit niste cerinte de sistem dar nu sunt sigur ca sunt bune asa ca am luat decizia sa nu le public. Sursele din care m-am inspirat: Go4it | Wikipedia | YouTube . Sper sa nu fi facut greseli gramaticale, etc. Recunosc ca m-am grabit putin cu acest topic. Succes!
  2. Salutare, După cum bine știți, în urma ultimului update (https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/updates/server) a fost implementat un sistem de apartamente lângă Dealership LS. • - Blocul cu apartamente Pentru a decide modalitatea de acordare a apartamentelor, am decis să facem un sondaj și să aflăm părerea voastră. În urma sondajului, părerile au fost împărțite așa că am decis să facem 50/50, să fie toată lumea mulțumită. Structura blocului Blocul este alcătuit din 24 de apartamente, 12 etaje, 2 apartamente / etaj. Metoda de împărțire 5 etaje vor fi licitate în joc pe bani de către adminii responsabili; 5 etaje vor fi acordate random unui jucător online (MIN LEVEL 25) fără casă; când? în intervalul orar 20-23. NOTĂ!!! Ultimele 2 etaje (11 & 12) vor fi vândute pe shop de către Bobo. Pentru detalii referitoare ultimelor 2 etaje, am să vă rog să-l contactați pe @Bobo prin PM. Hello, As you know, after our last update (https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/updates/server) we implemented an apartment system near LS Dealership. • - Apartment building To see how you wanted us to offer the apartments, we created a poll. The results were mixed, so we decided to make it 50/50 so that everybody will be pleased. Building structure The building has 24 apartments, 12 floors, 2 apartments on each floor. How do we offer 5 floors will be auctioned in game for cash by the staff; 5 floors will be randomly given to an online player (MIN LEVEL 25) without a house; when? between 20 & 23 PM. NOTE!!! Last 2 floors (11 & 12) will be sold only by Bobo via shop. For details regarding the last 2 floors, please contact @Bobo via PM.
  3. Dupa cum spune si titlul voi organiza un giveway cu 1 sultan pe data de 1.1.2017 ora 00:00 tot cea ce trb sa faceti lucruri: sa va abonati la canalul: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCksqBUwwqsCgnvBjWpGfoiw+ com cu urmatoarele lucruri Particip Nume joc: Nume forum: Canal YTB Ce sa va mai spun Succes ! aveti destul timp la dispozitie
  4. Creatii noi: Logo-uri:
  5. Ce este RPG4? RPG4 este noul server pe care comunitatea B-Zone urmează să-l deschidă, un server pe care sunt așteptați jucătorii noi și vechi pentru o experiență nouă, unică. B-Zone a evoluat în ultimul an, ajungând la performanța de 3000 jucători online pe serverele RPG, datorită numeroaselor update-uri pe care noi le-am pregătit. Dorim în continuare să vă surprindem cu updateuri inedite, cum ar fi: un nou sistem de paintball, sistem de barbut și jocuri de noroc, joburi noi, sistem de realizări și altele. Când va avea loc deschiderea? Deschiderea va avea loc Luni, 1 Februarie 2016, la ora 20:00. Adresa serverului este: rpg4.b-zone.ro:7777 / Adresa siteului este: http://rpg4.b-zone.ro Primii 5000 de jucători înregistrați vor primi o săptămână de cont premium, începând cu momentul înregistrării. Gamemode Serverul va rula același gamemode ca celelalte 3 servere RPG cu mici modificări după cum urmează: tutorialul de la înregistrare va fi dezactivat până pe 4 Februarie, inclusiv, însă va putea fi accesat din comanda /tutorials. jucătorii înregistrați până pe 4 Februarie, inclusiv, vor primi automat chirie în una din casele de pe server. în funcție de chiria primită, vehiculul de tutorial va fi spawnat în apropiere. Folosiți comanda /v pentru localizarea lui. toți jucătorii înregistrați până pe 1 Martie, inclusiv, vor primi toate licențele, mai puțin cea de arme, pentru 600 de ore. roburile vor fi oprite până pe 1 Aprilie 2016. locurile la joburi au fost suplimentate (trucker-100, garbage-200, quarry-150, farmer-150, arms dealer-75, drugs dealer-75, transporter-50) comanda /surrender îți va oferi posibilitatea de a-ți ispăși pedeapsa conform nivelului de wanted. Comanda va fi disponibilă până pe 1 Martie, inclusiv. Facțiuni Nivelul minim de intrare în facțiuni: Facțiuni pașnice - nivel 5 Departament și Hitmen - nivel 10 Ganguri - nivel 15 La aproximativ 1 săptămână, vom deschide: Los Santos Taxi, Tow Truck Company și Paramedics. La aproximativ 2 săptămâni, vom deschide: Las Venturas Taxi și News Reporters. La aproximativ 3 săptămâni, vom deschide: Los Santos Police Department, National Guard și Hitmen Agency. La aproximativ 4 săptămâni, vom deschide: Los Santos School Instructor și Las Venturas School Instructor. La aproximativ 5 săptămâni, vom deschide: Las Venturas Police Department și Federal Bureau of Investigation. După ce toate facțiunile de mai sus vor fi populate vom deschide: San Fierro School Instructors, San Fierro Taxi și San Fierro Police Department. După popularea tuturor facțiunilor, vom deschide, pe rând, gangurile din fiecare oraș în următoarea ordine: Los Santos, Las Venturas și San Fierro. Noi ganguri vor fi deschise de fiecare dată când cele actuale vor fi populate. Case și Bizuri Toate casele în afară de cele de pe Vinewood vor fi la liber și vor putea fi cumpărate de către jucători dacă respecta cele 2 condiții: level și bani. Casele de pe Vinewood vor fi scoase la licitație după cel puțin o lună de la deschidere. Vom anunța atât în joc cât și pe forum când aceste licitații vor avea loc. Bizurile până la nivel 15, inclusiv, vor fi la liber și vor putea fi cumpărate direct din joc, respectând cele 2 condiții: level și bani. Celelalte bizuri vor fi scoase la licitație după cel puțin o lună de la deschidere. Vom anunța atât în joc cât și pe forum când aceste licitații vor avea loc. Staff Echipa administrativă va fi formată din: aproximativ 10 admini din stafful celorlalte 3 servere. adminii și helperii acceptați în urma aplicațiilor ce vor fi deschise pe 16 Ianuarie pentru RPG4. În alegerea acestora, vom lua în considerare conturile candidaților de pe celelalte servere RPG. Link: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/317067-cerinte-admin-si-helper-admin-and-helper-requirements/ . Liderii vor fi aleși pe baza aplicațiilor care vor fi deschise de fiecare dată, conform programului facțiunilor de mai sus. În alegerea acestora, vom lua în considerare conturile candidaților de pe celelalte servere RPG.
  6. Cast: Emraan Hashmi, Vidya Balan, Rajkummar Rao Direction: Mohit Suri Genre: Romance Duration: 2 hours 11 minutes Story: Vasudha's (Vidya Balan) husband, Hari (Rajkummar Rao) disappears, leaving her holding their baby alone for almost five years. But she gets a chance at love again when she meets the hotel tycoon, Aarav (Emraan Hashmi) who falls for her hook, line and sinker. Review: So a seeped-in-tradition, middle-class florist Vasudha is married off to a boorish tourist taxi-driver, Hari by her priest father. The father is a two-faced man; a pujari outside and a 'wife-beater' at home. Despite a word of caution from her mother, Vasudha, who is brain-washed to believe that pati is indeed parmeshwar(husband is God); continues putting up a world of make-believe for her young son Saanjh. An arrangement of white Lilys in Aarav's suite plays cupid between the Vasudha and Richie Rich. He literally follows the fragrance and finds that besides the scent, even the florist has a heady effect! Images: Trailer: Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/movie-reviews/Hamari-Adhuri-Kahani/movie-review/47642256.cms#write
  7. Idol Hands (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 422 MB Genre: Simulation Idol Hands is a strategy game where you gradually take over the world by guiding your people and defeating other gods.You are a god in a time of many gods. Rather than having direct control over your people’s actions, your people will live their own lives; placing buildings, growing crops, and micro managing themselves. Without you, your people are directionless! Your powers will provide them with usable land, protect them from attack, and control nature to their benefit. With your help they can grow and prosper; allowing them to increase the bounty of their harvests, and learn skills to eventually forming an immense fighting force that you can unleash upon your enemy’s population to wipe them out, leaving any other god powerless and defeated. Key Features: Play God with a nation of followers ready to respond to your command. Shape a beautiful and fully-3D land as you see fit, carving out your perfect world. Feel the power! Unleash massive natural disasters, striking your enemies down before you. Play the game in the way that you want to. Multiple strategies mean that no two games will ever be the same. Source: http://tinydl.com/games/pc/9942-idol-hands-skidrow.html
  8. Exodus Wars Fractured Empire (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 874 MB Genre: Indie, Strategy Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire is a 3D turn-based strategy wargame that puts you in brigade-level control of futuristic infantry and armored companies, as well as huge super-vehicles. This is warfare on a massive scale that will appeal to those who enjoy games that provide both a strategic and tactical challenge, such as the Total War PC game series or tabletop games like Warhammer 40,000. Featuring a unique, streamlined command system for fast-paced battles with Chess-style alternating activations, customizable armies, and simple–yet deep–strategic and tactical play, the game tells a story from the Exodus Wars, a bloody civil war fought between the Guild and the Royal Empire of Man.Game Features An engaging and fully realised sci-fi universe set in a period of interstellar civil war — Play your part in the Exodus Wars. The Royal Empire of Man against the Guild Legions — Each faction has an extensive roster of units, from infantry and medium armour up to the Empire's Baron small behemoth and the Guild’s Elektra and Enforcer heavy tanks, and with more units being added over time. Deep strategy via army building — What you bring to the battle is every bit as important as the tactics you employ. Manoeuvre warfare — Gameplay that rewards solid tactics. Easy-to-learn, difficult to master — The intuitive user interface enhances the game's depth and balance. Chess-style, interleaving activation-based play that enables quick games — Give your formations their orders and see these executed on the battlefield; no long waits like you find in typical "You Go, I Go" games. Cover — Use cover to reduce your opponent's effectiveness. Overwatch — Achieve superior positioning and control the battlefield. Campaign play — Play a single-player campaign titled "The Ties That Bind", which can be experienced from either the Guild or Royal Empire of Man perspective for a different view of the story's events. High replayability — Given the large array of units and the formation combinations possible via the Force Selector interface, not to mention the multiple tactical options available for inflicting your will upon your opponent, every battle offers new challenges and experiences. Source: http://tinydl.eu/games/pc/6623-exodus-wars-fractured-empire-skidrow.html
  9. Shiver 4 The Lilys Requiem Collectors Edition(PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 885 MB Genre: Quest, Hidden Object Terrible things are happening in the small town Blackwill insidious Siren steals all red-haired girls! One local doctor R. Thompson, Beatrice found redhead lying unconscious in front of his house, and drove to the hospital.::System Requirements:: * OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 * CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster Processor * RAM: 1024 MB * ​​DirectX: 9.0 or higher * HDD: 920 MB free space ::Shiver: The Lily's Requiem Collector's Edition Includes:: < Bonus gameplay and built passage < Wallpaper and desktop wallpaper < Soundtrack and concept art Source: http://tinydl.eu/games/pc/6620-shiver-4-lilys-requiem-collectors-edition-wendy99.html
  10. Life Is Strange Episode 1-(PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 2.16 GB Genre: Action, Adventure Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future.You are Max, a photography senior who saves her old friend Chloe by discovering she can rewind time. The pair soon find themselves exposed to the darker side of Arcadia Bay as they uncover the disturbing truth behind the sudden disappearance of a fellow student. Meanwhile, Max begins to have premonitions as she struggles to understand the implications of her power. She must quickly learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future. FEATURES A beautifully written modern adventure game. Rewind time to change the course of events. Multiple endings depending on the choices you make. Striking, hand-painted visuals. Distinct, licensed indie soundtrack. Title: Life Is Strange™ Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: DONTNOD Entertainment Publisher: SQUARE ENIX Release Date: Jan 29, 2015 Source: http://tinydl.com/games/pc/6628-life-strange-episode-1-reloaded.html
  11. Grim Fandango Remastered – PC – (PC/MULTI/2015) Multi | PC | 2015 | 4.08 GB Genre: Adventure Something's rotten in the land of the dead, and you're being played for a sucker. Meet Manny Calavera, travel agent at the Department of Death. He sells luxury packages to souls on their four-year journey to eternal rest. But there's trouble in paradise. Help Manny untangle himself from a conspiracy that threatens his very salvation.One of the most acclaimed adventure games of all time is now back, better than ever. Grim Fandango's epic story of four years in the life (or death) of Manny Calavera, travel agent to the dead, has been remastered to look, sound, and control even better than when it won GameSpot's Game of the Year award upon its original launch. Grim Fandango still stands as a classic of the genre, with unforgettable characters and unique combination of film noir and Mexican folklore. Remastered version includes Repainted, hi-res character textures New, dynamic lighting Classic score re-recorded with a full live orchestra Over 2 hours of exclusive developer commentary Concept art browser Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese Minimum system requirements – Windows: Windows Vista or Later Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon™ X2 2.8 GHz, or higher Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4650 / NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 / Intel HD 4000 Graphics, or equivalent Hard Drive: 6 GB available space Sound Card: Windows Compatible Card Additional Notes: GPU that supports OpenGL 3.3 or higher Included FREE goodies: HD wallpaper, Making of Grim Fandango Remastered (mp4) Source: http://tinydl.com/games/pc/6629-grim-fandango-remastered-pc-gog.html
  12. Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 5.19 GB Genre: RPG | Strategy Packed with fast-paced, turn-based RPG action, fourth-wall-breaking, trope-demolishing dialogue, and more item, weapon, and costume customization than you can shake a Lvl. 1 Stick at, Gamindustri is a world set on turning the concept of the JRPG on its head! Key Features Previously only available on consoles, now you can immerse yourself in the zany JRPG madness of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series for the first time on PC! Major graphical updates let you savor the true power of these Goddesses in glorious HD! Battle with up to 3 characters on the field, with 3 more as support. Use them to perform special attacks, or swap them out at any time! Use "Plans" to customize the game – change up enemy difficulty, dungeon treasures, and more! Craft unique equipment imbued with one or more abilities! DLC included. Source: http://tinydl.com/games/pc/6164-hyperdimension-neptunia-rebirth-1-reloaded.html
  13. Supreme League of Patriots Full Season (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 5.397 GB Genre: Adventure, Indie Don your cape and mask and join the Supreme League of Patriots in this hilarious and irreverent superhero comedy adventure!Poking fun at pop culture, politics, reality TV and more, join Kyle Keever in his politically incorrect quest to win a spot on the newest hit reality TV show, America's Got Superpowers. But when a freak accident turns Kyle's alter-ego, the Purple Patriot, into his main ego and triggers real superpowers at the cost of his sanity (and good taste), Kyle's got a new mission to become the hero New York deserves, and definitely not the one it wants. Navigating a twisted world of vigilantes and villains with his cheeky and sarcastic sidekick Mel, Kyle's got a lot to learn about the world of superheroes! Features: Classic point and click gameplay with a hilarious modern sense of humor Upgrade and buy the season pass for three episodes of fully-voiced satirical superhero antics–all episodes available at once, and includes the soundtrack! Two playable characters of Kyle Keever aka The Purple Patriot and his sarcastic sidekick Mel Tiered hint system to make the game as challenging as you want it to be Discover, befriend and declare your enemies from the city’s zany and colorful cast of superheroes and archenemies Fantastic original soundtrack composed by Jake "Virt" Kaufman! Fight for something resembling justice from the sewers of New York to the theatres of Broadway! Source: http://tinydl.com/games/pc/6170-supreme-league-patriots-full-season-flt.html
  14. Love Chronicles 4 Winters Spell Collectors Edition (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 1.11 GB Genre: Adventure | Hidden Object | Puzzle From Vendel Games, creators of Spirit of Revenge: Cursed Castle, comes another installment in the Love Chronicles brand! The entire kingdom has turned out for your daughter?s 8th birthday celebration, featuring the world famous magician, Mister X. But her party takes a dangerous turn when Mister X is revealed to be a dark wizard he kidnaps your daughter and turns the entire kingdom to ice! This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won?t find in the standard version. As a bonus, Collector's Edition purchases count toward three stamps on your Monthly Game Club Punch Card! The Collector?s Edition includes: *Chase down a new villain and conquer evil in the bonus game! *Morphing winter-themed items with unlockable greeting cards *Soundtrack, concept art, and wallpapers A comprehensive Strategy Guide ::System Requirements:: OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 CPU: 2.0 GHz or faster Processor RAM: 1024 MB ?DirectX: 9.0 or higher HDD: 1178 MB free space Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6312118-love-chronicles-4-winters-spell-collectors.html
  15. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Collectors Edition (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 1.007 GB Genre: Hidden Object After several centuries of peace, a terrible new evil threatens the Lost Lands! Rumors are spreading of four mysterious horsemen cutting a path of terror throughout the land. They burn villages freeze the water, and bring darkness wherever they go. The horsemen are after a key that will allow them to control parallel worlds, and they'll stop at nothing to get it. As the champion of the Lost Lands, you're the only one brave enough to face them but can you track them down and stop them in time? Find out in this thrilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! This is a special Collector's Edition release full of exclusive extras you won t find in the standard version. The Collector's Edition includes: Explore the story from a new angle in the bonus game Collect morphing objects, trophies, and bonus puzzles Wallpapers, concept art, soundtracks, and ! A comprehensive Strategy Guide is included Game System Requirements: OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 CPU: 1.6 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 1111 MB Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6302034-lost-lands-the-four-horsemen-collectors-edition.html
  16. Tengami (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 429 MB Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie Tengami is an atmospheric adventure game set inside a Japanese pop-up book. Fold and slide the beautifully crafted paper world to solve puzzles and discover secrets. Discover the wonders of a folding world Go on a serene journey through Japan of ancient fairy tales brought to life through striking visuals, unique gameplay and haunting music. Experience dark forests, abandoned shrines and tranquil mountain waterfalls as you seek to uncover the secret behind the lone dying cherry tree First of its kind pop-up book gameplay Not a book, but a game inside a pop-up book. Tengami plays like nothing else before it. Reach directly into the world to flip, fold and slide parts of the world to delve deeper into your mysterious journey Stunning original soundtrack A beautiful and original soundtrack by renowned composer David Wise accompanies your adventure. Use of headphones is recommended for the most immersive experience Authentic and intricate Tengami's world is built as an authentically folding three dimensional pop-up book with an all new technology created just for this game. Everything seen in the game could be recreated in real-life with just paper, scissors and glue Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6302370-tengami-hi2u.html
  17. Lord of the Dark Castle - (PC/ENG/2015) English | PC | 2015 | 167 MB Genre: Adventure | Strategy | RPG | Casual Lord of the Dark Castle is a casual turn-based retro style roguelike dungeon crawler with elements of strategy in the same dark gothic mood as the Diablo series. Creator's Visions & Goals with this game: - Casual, Fast & Easy to get started. Have 30 minutes on the bus/train? Give it a go and see how far you get. If you have a good round and play well, it is possible to beat the game within 1-2 hours. - This is STRATEGIC dungeon crawler - NOT a no-brain-dungeon-brawler! Casual does NOT mean easy! Normal mode is pretty difficult, and you may have to try many times before you win the game. - Big replay value! Every new game is a new experience. Level randomness, monster spawns and different skill choices makes up for lots of variety. - Flat Skill Tree where no skill is dependent on any other. Each skill provides an important strategic advantage on its own. - Every hit counts! It is not wise to make a move that ends next to a monster, because then, the monster may hit first! - All monsters have unique strengths. Not even the rats are "safe kills". - The majority of monsters can wear EXACTLY what YOU can wear. If you drop something, they might pick it up and use it against you! Features: - 7 levels, all with their unique environments and graphics. - Randomized level builder. Randomization gives each new game a completely new gaming experience, including random monster, treasure and item spawns. - 45 Unique Skills (E.g. First Strike, Charge, Pick Lock, Giant Health, etc) - 18 Unique Monsters + Elite versions - 15 Unique Weapon types - 3 Full Sets of Armor: Cloth / Leather / Plate - Jewelry Pieces: Rings and Amulet - 7 Effects/Spells (Poison, Disease, Fire, Cold, Life Drain, Fear, Web) - 6 Enchantments/Spells: Invisibilty, Regeneration, Speed, Freeze Time, Summon, Teleport - Enchanted items: weapons and armor can be enchanted with skills and spells. - 25 x Unlockable Achievements per account. Achievement gives bonus gold when starting new games. Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6237649-lord-of-the-dark-castle-alias.html
  18. Armaan


    Description: For over nineteen years sheep have been an integral part of the worms' fearsome arsenal. Held for years within the evil thrall of their diabolical masters the sheep are finally making a dash for freedom! Escaping the tyrannical worms, the flock must dodge its way past all manner of lethal machinery and traps as the sheep negotiate their path through the confinement of the Worms' weapons factory out into the testing grounds and ever onwards towards pastures green. Flockers is a modern day take on the classic A to B puzzle genre with a generous helping of sinister foreboding and dark humour for good measure. Levels have been designed to challenge the player's skill and strategic planning as they attempt to guide their flock past heinous traps, sadistic devices and diabolical puzzles; rewarding those that can save the most sheep while still allowing progression for anyone who falls foul of the factory's deadly machinery. Features: 60 gruelling & puzzling levels to master.6 bonus levels - Psst... Hidden throughout the campaign levels are portals to a greener, more tranquil place. Discover them to unlock a new play mode where waking lazy sleeping sheep becomes the priority...Rewards - Want a zombie sheep? You got it! Green blood? Yes sir.. There are a stack load of customisation rewards to unlock by fulfilling a wide range of objectives. Choose from 17 crazy skins and 6 types of blood.Create your own levels - We're including a powerful level creation tool, the "Meat Maker", that will give you the power to design your own deadly puzzles. (Currently only available on PC)Steam Workshop integration - Share your own creations with the community and play challenging levels created by other Flockers players.Steam Leaderboards - Players can compete against their friends and others in an attempt to get the fastest time on a level and the fastest time in the story mode.Star system - Player performance is assessed via a star rating system encouraging players to perfect each level.Twitch support - Share your sheep herding talents to a wider audience with integrated Twitch support.Steam Achievements - Demonstrate your gaming prowess and show off to your friends by earning Flockers achievements. Publisher: Team17 Digital Ltd Developer: Team17 Digital Ltd Genre: Action, Indie, Strategy Release Name: Flockers.MacOSX-ACTiVATED Size: 2.86 GB Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6227047-flockers-macosx-activated.html
  19. Leviathan The Last Day of the Decade (PC/ENG/2014) English, Russian, German | PC | 2015 | 522 MB Genre: Adventure, Quests Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade - is a detective story, told by a man who grew up in a dark, affected by the epidemic, a world where power is held five clans, and on top of a huge tower sits eternally living dead in the corona. Features RePack'a 1. Do not cut; 2. Nothing is converted; 3. Game Version: 1.32.2 4. Installation time ~ 45 seconds; 5. RePack by R.G. Freedom OC: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Processor: 1.5 Ghz RAM: 512 MB RAM Video: 128 mb Video Memory Free space: 2.3 GB of free space Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6233880-leviathan-the-last-day-of-the-decade.html
  20. Corto Maltese Secrets Of Venice- (PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 830 MB Genre: Adventure Along Venice's canals and narrow alleys, fight against a poison that ravages you, avoid bullets and explosions, face the unknown, and eventually open the doors of knowledge. This video game unravels a thrilling quest based on a point and click riddle-driven gameplay within the worlds of Corto Maltese, the main character created by Hugo Pratt, the genius of graphic novels (more than 5 Million hardcopies sold worldwide). Searching for a fabulous emerald, you may find a magical balance and finally, utopia. Key Features An intimate experience with one of the most charismatic graphic literature's figures : the iconic Corto Maltese for the first time in a video game An original story featuring existing characters from Corto Maltese's comic books, as well as brand-new characters Gorgeous artworks combining: original settings based upon sceneries and places in Venice, cutscenes using stunning photographic work of Marco d'Anna, and animated comic strips from Corto Maltese's adventures all over the world. A mysterious compass and a gazette full of stories and hints will help you throughout the adventure. Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6167478-corto-maltese-secrets-of-venice-cpy.html
  21. Clover Tale The Magic Valley English | PC | 2015 | 143 MB Genre: Hidden Object Who doesn't like Match-3 games? That's exactly what Clover Tale is about. Get ready for pure amusement and peek into an amazing fairy-tale world! Explore a beautiful world, complete quests, unlock new levels and gather collections! There's always something going on in the Nifflings' Valley. Sometimes it's funny, other times very dangerous. Even now, when everything seems so perfect, a black mist approaches their lands. What will happen to the peaceful valley of the Nifflings? Only you can solve all the mysteries and save the Valley! - A revolution in match-3 puzzles - 10 challenging game modes - Over 200 exciting quests - A vast world to explore Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6227257-clover-tale-the-magic-valley-v1.0.0.1-zeke.html
  22. Christmas Eve Midnights Call Collectors Edition (PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 778 MB Genre: Hidden Object, Adventure, Puzzle Snow Hill is a magical town that preserves the Spirit of Christmas for the whole world. But now an evil sorceress threatens to plunge Snow Hill into eternal darkness! Do you have what it takes to save Christmas? Play the Bonus game and battle the ancient evil of the Black Swan! Replay hidden-object puzzles and mini-games. Collect Extras like original music, concept art and videos. Get the available strategy guide, screensavers, and wallpaper. Game System Requirements: OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 CPU: 1.4 GHz RAM: 1024 MB DirectX: 9.0 Hard Drive: 823 MB Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6156090-christmas-eve-midnights-call-collectors-edition.html
  23. Elegy for a Dead World (2014) 2014 | PC | Developer: Dejobaan Games, LLC, Popcannibal Publisher: Dejobaan Games, LLC | 117MB Language: English Genre: Adventure, Indie Explore dead civilization, write about what you find, and share their stories with the universe: a game about writing fiction. Features of release Elegy for a Dead World Do not cut Do not recoded Archives of the game is not affected Game Version: 1.0 System requirements: Operating System: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 @ 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+ @ 2.8 GHz RAM: 1 GB Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 3600 Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX Hard disk space: 1 GB Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6156135-elegy-for-a-dead-world-2014-repack-xghost.html
  24. Assetto Corsa 2014 (PC/MULTI/2014) Multi | PC | 2014 | 4.23 GB Genre: Racing Assetto Corsa a new racing simulator company Kunos Simulazioni. Among the main features Assetto Corsa appear on modern graphics engine with full DirectX 11 support, realistic physics, officially licensed cars and tracks, recreated with the help of laser scanning, open architecture that allows simreyserov community to create and implement various modifications to the game and much more. ::System Requirements:: ? Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 ? Processor: AMD Six-Core CPU, Intel Quad-Core CPU ? RAM: 6 GB ? Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7870, Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 ? Free Space on the Hard Disk: 19 GB ? it's important : Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6144097-assetto-corsa-2014-multi2-repack-seyter.html
  25. Making basic lifestyle changes could help to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, according to new analysis by British health charity Age UK. The review of academic studies and data reveals that about 76 percent of cognitive decline -- changes in thinking skills with age including memory loss and speed of thinking -- is accounted for by lifestyle and other environmental factors including level of education, Xinhua reported. The analysis suggests that there are five "simple and effective" steps people can take to maintain brain health and reduce their risk of developing dementia. The lifestyle factors could decrease the risk of developing dementia, which included regular physical exercise, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation. In addition, preventing and treating diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity were also found to reduce the risk of dementia. One large British study carried out over 30 years found that men aged between 45 and 59 who followed four to five of the identified lifestyle factors were found to have a 36 percent lower risk of developing cognitive decline and a 36 percent lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not. Age UK hopes the new evidence will spur people to make changes which will help them reduce the risk of developing dementia. "While there's still no cure or way to reverse dementia, this evidence shows that there are simple and effective ways to reduce our risk of developing it to begin with," Caroline Abrahams, director of Age UK, said. "The sooner we start, the better our chance of having a healthy later life." Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Lifestyle-linked-to-changes-in-brain-ageing/articleshow/45559955.cms
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