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  1. Riscul de a face o afecţiune cardiovasculară creşte după vârsta de 40 de ani la bărbaţi şi după 50 la femei. Însă dacă o persoană are o rudă de gradul 1 cu o astfel de afecţiune, pericolul creşte chiar după vârsta de 20 de ani. În aceste condiţii vizita la un specialist cardiolog devine obligatorie pentru a calcula riscul de boală şi pentru a stabili un program care să prevină o afecţiune gravă. Un cuvânt important de spus în declanşarea bolilor îl au fumatul, excesul de grăsimi animale, obezitatea, stresul, abuzul de alcool, hipertensiunea, valorile crescute ale colesterolului, trigliceridelor şi glicemiei. Persoanele care au rude de gradul 1 cu o boală cardiovasculară au un risc de 12 ori mai mare decât cele sănătoase, fără antecedente în familie. În cazul celor cu rude de gradul 2, riscul e de 2, 3 mai mare. Tratamentele destinate bolilor cardiovasculare au evoluat mult, iar astăzi specialiştii pot interveni prin medicaţie şi terapii intervenţionale pentru a salva în timp record viaţa şi sănătatea pacienţilor. În funcţie de fiecare caz în parte, se poate recurge la tehnici intervenţionale fără incizie, doar prin vasele de sânge, sau la operaţii clasice, de amploare. Dupa spusele medicului cardiolog Sinan Dagdelen: “Tehnicile se îmbunătăţesc foarte repede, iar astăzi, putem detecta o problemă cardiovasculară în doar câteva ore, cu ajutorul metodelor actuale de imagistică. Tehnologia avansată ne permite să tratăm pacienţii în timp record, fără tăieturi, intervenind prin vasele de sânge, cu riscuri minime, cele de accident vascular de exemplu, fiind mai mici de 1 la sută. La fel, riscul de sângerare este mai mic de 1 la sută în terapiile intervenţionale. Nu există risc de infecţii. Facem aceste intervenţii cu pacientul pe masă, stând de vorbă cu el, iar acesta poate pleca acasă a doua zi după intervenţie” Mişcarea fizică susţinută, făcută zilnic, este un aliat important al sănătăţii sistemului cardiovascular. Aceasta trebuie făcută atât de persoanele sănătoase, cât şi de cele cu probleme cardiovasculare, la recomandarea specialistului. sursa
  2. Deşi pare nefolositoare şi cu toţii o aruncăm la coşul de gunoi, cercetările au demonstat că coaja de ou are efecte benefice pentru sănătate, tratând diverse boli. Studiile arată că în coaja de ou se găseşte o sursă foarte bună de calciu natural. Coaja de ou este formată în proporţie de aproape 93% calciu şi conţine şi alte minerale foarte necesare pentru sănătate, cum ar fi magneziul, sodiul, fierul, potasiul, siliciul sau fosforul. Coaja de ou are o compoziţie similară cu cea a oaselor umane, a dinţilor sau a măduvei spinării. Aceasta poate accelera procesul de vindecare a fracturilor osoase dacă într-o astfel de situaţie se consumă de 3 ori pe zi câte o linguriţă de pulbere de coajă de ou. Pulberea obţinută trebuie amestecată cu ceai sau apă plată. Cei care suferă de arsuri la stomac sau osteoporoză, pot consuma o linguriţă de pulbere amestecată cu iaurt, lapte sau suc. Sursă: http://www.csid.ro/health/noutati-sanatate/alimentul-la-care-nu-te-ai-fi-gandit-ca-are-efecte-benefice-asupra-sanatatii-14922797/ Cu stimă, Dilimanjaro
  3. Making basic lifestyle changes could help to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, according to new analysis by British health charity Age UK. The review of academic studies and data reveals that about 76 percent of cognitive decline -- changes in thinking skills with age including memory loss and speed of thinking -- is accounted for by lifestyle and other environmental factors including level of education, Xinhua reported. The analysis suggests that there are five "simple and effective" steps people can take to maintain brain health and reduce their risk of developing dementia. The lifestyle factors could decrease the risk of developing dementia, which included regular physical exercise, eating a healthy diet, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation. In addition, preventing and treating diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity were also found to reduce the risk of dementia. One large British study carried out over 30 years found that men aged between 45 and 59 who followed four to five of the identified lifestyle factors were found to have a 36 percent lower risk of developing cognitive decline and a 36 percent lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not. Age UK hopes the new evidence will spur people to make changes which will help them reduce the risk of developing dementia. "While there's still no cure or way to reverse dementia, this evidence shows that there are simple and effective ways to reduce our risk of developing it to begin with," Caroline Abrahams, director of Age UK, said. "The sooner we start, the better our chance of having a healthy later life." Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Lifestyle-linked-to-changes-in-brain-ageing/articleshow/45559955.cms
  4. Yes, you heard us right. How much you weigh has little to do with how healthy you are. Lean body mass should be your new focus. We've all been there. Despite regular exercising, controlling what we eat and adequate rest, the weighing scale needle refuses to budge. It turns out, that needn't be such a bad thing. Despite exceeding your weight category, you might be metabolically fit, and therefore not at risk of obesity related diseases including big silent killers blood pressure and diabetes. All fat isn't bad In a study that was conducted by US and European researchers, and published in the European Heart Journal in 2012, overweight and obese participants were found to be at no greater risk of developing or dying from heart disease or cancer, compared to normal weight people. This was because they were metabolically fit despite extra kilos. Nearly half of the 43,000 participants qualified as metabolically fit. Dr Jayashree Todkar, bariatric surgeon with Powai's Hiranandani Hospital, says it's important to note that all fat isn't bad. "Fat is manufactured by a battery of hormones and enzymes in your body, and is essential for protecting crucial organs." The problem arises when the proportion of fat to muscle increases, and especially so, when the excess is stored around organs. Bariatric surgeon Dr Manish Motwani says, "When there's excess fat in the body, insulin is unable to penetrate the cells and help metabolise sugar. Besides, there is no safe location for fat to accumulate. If it were to choose the area around the liver, for instance, you are at risk of developing a fatty liver which can progress onto non-alcoholic cirrhosis." Account for lean body mass Dr Pradeep V Gadge, a visiting diabetologist at Breach Candy Hospital, says if muscle or lean body mass accounts for a good portion of your weight, you are safe. It's exercise that helps increase muscle mass. Other than exercise, age is a significant player, he explains. Choosing the example of actor Salman Khan, who at 48, is beefy and considered one of the fittest stars, Dr Gadge says, as you age, muscle mass decreases and is replaced by fat. "If you remember, at 25, Salman was far from muscular. Now, although he may work out a couple of hours every day, and he does manage to look muscular, he is also bulky because at that age the body is fighting fat." There's an easy way to calculate if you have struck the right balance. Dr Gadge says between 40 and 60 per cent of your today body mass should be accounted by muscles and bones. In an article that appeared in Time magazine, coauthor of the 2012 study, Dr Timothy Church, director of the Laboratory of Preventive Medicine at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, was quoted saying that physical fitness — irrespective of weight — is a strong predictor of whether or not you're going to be metabolically fit. "Think about insulin resistance. The biggest consumer of sugar in the human body is muscle. Muscle doesn't just move us from point A to point B; it is also extremely important for many metabolic variables like blood sugar," says Church in the article. "So it makes sense that someone who is fit is metabolically going to be far better off than someone who is unfit." This explains why dieting (especially crash diets) without exercise will help you lose kilos, making you fall within your 'healthy' weight category, but your health and fitness levels won't be up to the mark. Restrictive diets leave you in mess, metabolically. Church says such individuals will appear trim, but continue to carry too much visceral (belly) fat and not enough muscle. Choose protein well Dr Gadge says to increase the muscle mass in your body — and you should do so even if the weighing scale is your best friend — you need to exercise for at least 30 minutes, five times a week. Half of this time should be spent in strength training, a regime that specifically helps you build muscle. Lifestyle nutrition consultant Tripti Gupta adds the body needs an adequate amount of protein for building muscle. For men, it's 2.5 to 3 gm per kg of body weight, while for women, it is 2.2 gm per kg of body weight. However, not all dietary sources of protein are equal "Among vegetarian sources, for instance, paneer and buttermilk are considered better than pulses. This is because the body is able to absorb 90 per cent of proteins from dairy as opposed to just 40 per cent from sprouts." 'Some proteins are better than others. Pick paneer and buttermilk over pulses because you absorb 90% of protein from dairy, 40% from sprouts - Nutrition consultant TRIPTI GUPTA on picking muscle-building protein smartly Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/Never-mind-the-kilos/articleshow/45627334.cms
  5. Don't be in a tearing hurry to lose that baby weight. Slow and steady is best What do celeb moms like Shilpa Shetty Kundra, Shakira and Kourtney Kardashian have in common? They took their time to get back in shape after having a baby. None of them were shy of showing off their 'mummy tummies' with the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton, being the most recent example. And while they may have an array of nannies and trainers at their fingertips, getting back in shape after pregnancy is not a lost cause. While the first couple of months can be emotionally, mentally and physically taxing, things will soon fall into a familiar pattern. In the first four or five months, most babies tend to sleep a lot. Use this time to get back in shape. Dedicate time in your schedule for exercise and stick to it as much as possible. Easier said than done, but not impossible... Start slowly Pregnancy and child-birth are huge turning points in a woman's life and rather demanding. While your body is slowly returning to normal, it also needs a push when it comes to dropping all those pregnancy pounds. Avoid any sort of exercise for the first four weeks after delivery. This is the time when your body needs to rest. And if you've had a C-section, you shouldn't exercise for at least 10 weeks. Ask your gynaecologist when you can start doing light exercise. After delivery, a woman's joints are loose because of the hormone Relaxin, which makes everything stretch to accommodate the baby in the womb. Start by going for walks and increase the duration gradually. Do light stretching and exercises or yoga at home. Avoid intense cardio or lifting weights. Your aim should be to improve posture, strength, stamina, energy and gradual weight-loss. Follow a schedule As difficult as it is to follow a schedule when you have the responsibilities of a baby, try to stick to it as much as you can. Your baby will sleep most of the time during the first few months, so make the most of this. Catch a nap, run your errands, spend time with your partner, exercise a bit or just do anything that helps you unwind during this time. Take help from your partner, family and friends. Plan your time wisely. Things to keep in mind - Start slowly. Begin with a warm-up to stretch out your body. - Go for a 20-minute walk daily and gradually increase the pace. - If swimming interests you, start by doing 10 laps and increase the number slowly. - Don't tire yourself out. Know and accept your limits. - Keep yourself adequately hydrated by keeping a bottle of water always on hand. - Whenever you workout, ensure that you wear a supportive bra. - Check with your doctor beforehand what exercises you can do and what you can't. Simple exercises to start off with... - This exercise aims at strengthening your core muscles. Start by lying down on your back and bend your knees. Make sure your back is neither pressed to the ground nor arched and tighten your abdominal muscles. Slowly raise your hips off the floor until they are aligned with your knees and shoulders. Count till 10 and slowly return to your original position. Do this a couple of times daily and increase the number as your start feeling more comfortable. - Strengthen your abdominal muscles with this exercise. Lie on the floor on your back with knees bent. Touch your back to the floor, tighten the abdominal muscles and bend your pelvis up a little. Count till 10 and repeat 10 times. - Tone your pelvic floor muscles by doing kegel exercises. When you pee, contract the muscle to stop your urine flow. Wait for 10 seconds and release. Repeat this as often as you can, whenever you visit the washroom. - Join a neighbourhood yoga class and inform them that you're a new mother so that they can suggest suitable exercises. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/How-to-keep-fit-after-having-a-baby/articleshow/21550079.cms
  6. Having a baby is the single most life-changing event in a couple's life. In fact, many excitedly go about planning every bit of it as they prepare to take on the mantle of parenthood. But with changing lifestyles and increase in stress levels, there's been an alarming rise in infertility. And obesity has been identified to be one of the major contributors to that. Obesity was once believed to affect a woman's chances of bearing a child, but recent cases now point in the direction of men as well in playing a part in infertility. Dr. Kedar Ganla, fertility consultant physician at a reputed hospital, points out that 40 per cent of infertility among couples is caused by male obesity. "Obese tissue leads to the lowering of male hormone, i.e. testosterone, which directly affects fertility. The rising level of estrogen and the low level testosterone affects sperm making and production. Most of these health conditions arise from hypertension and diabetes, a by-product of obesity. In fact, uncontrolled diabetes leads to abnormal sperm production. Obesity also leads to low stamina, which reduces the urge of having sex," says Ganla. He also reasons that obesity causes high amount of stress levels due to bad eating habits, poor physical activity and erratic works schedules. Its common knowledge now that stress makes one eat abnormally and cause weight gain. "A simple picture will tell you that an overweight man will not be able to play with the kid or get involved in a lot of physical activity which is a must for becoming a father," adds Ganla. Ever since male infertility has come into focus in a lot of cases, a lot of doctors are working on improvising the quality of sperms and suggest simple changes in lifestyle and medications for the couple. IVF clinics, too, have come out with some sustainable solution for the same, where sperm counts can be regularised by following proper diet and exercise regimen. Dr Manish Motwani, a bariatric surgeon, says, "Apart from infertility treatment, obesity treatment and bariatric surgery plays a very important role in infertility and obesity management." Motwani also adds, "Obesity affects sperm count directly. In fact it also leads to decreased libido and erectile dysfunction among males — both are important factors behind infertility. Moreover, it also leads to a reduced number of hormones as well as a direct effect on semen. This affects a man's chances having a relationship or a normal sex life." Keep an eye on the BMI Obesity is determined by the BMI (Body Mass Index) level of a person, which is calculated as an average ratio of one's height and weight. A person with a BMI of 35 may be around 30 kgs overweight which poses a potential risk of infertility among males. According to Dr Manish Motwani, overweight men also have a higher cycle of cancellation rate when undergoing an IVF (in vitro fertilisation). This is why fertility doctors recommend overweight men to reduce weight before undergoing fertility treatments. "If all the weight loss options have been tried in the past without experiencing effective results, weight loss surgery should be considered for better chances of fertility. However, if a person can attain a decent BMI level within six months of following a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise, a surgery can be avoided," says Motwani. However, a weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery has proven to be the most effective for individuals with a BMI level more than 32.5 and suffering from associated medical conditions like infertility as well as associated complications like diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea. For morbidly obese people with a BMI rating of more than 40, a surgery is sometimes the only solution. Motwani also adds, "Depending on the type of weight loss surgery, a person can lose about 40 to 70 per cent of the extra weight within six-to-nine months after surgery. Ninety per cent are able to their weight loss for 10 years or more. This helps them stay healthy in the first few years of fatherhood, as well as in the years of bringing up their child. How obesity leads to infertility 1. It reduces sperm count 2. Lowers levels of testosterone 3. Hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes deteriorates the quality of semen 4. Physical constraints in having a normal sex life 5. Lack of interest due to tiredness and stress Measures taken to regularise fertility 1. Maintain a balanced lifestyle 2. Follow proper diet 3. Ensure you indulge in regular physical activity 4. Start with a fertility treatment only after considerable weight loss for better effects SourcE: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Obesity-in-men-can-lead-to-infertility/articleshow/38216458.cms
  7. For most of us, the day does not begin without the early morning shot of caffeine. While drinking coffee might be viewed as an addiciton, there are myriad benefits to drinking coffee. Here are some of them. Coffee reduces the risk of cancer: Caffeine contains polyphenols, which help reduces the risk of cancer. Regular coffee intake is also known to decrease the incidence of early onset of breast cancer too. Helps protect the liver: Research suggest that the more coffee people drink, the less susceptible they are to liver diseases like cirrhosis. One analysis even found that every two-cup increase in daily coffee intake was associated with a 43 per cent lower risk of liver cancer. It's good for the brain too: Moderate coffee drinking is known to reduce the risk of dementia, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, since caffeine is rich in antioxidants, which prevent damage to the brain cells. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Benefits-of-drinking-coffee/articleshow/45148698.cms
  8. Have you stopped wearing sleeveless just because you have heavy arms? Now, there is no need to be upset. Follow these easy tips and you can have the toned arms you wished for... The most effective way to tone arms is being physically active. This doesn't mean that you need to hit the gym every day, but there are many household activities that requires intense arms movement, mopping, cleaning, rolling to name a few. But to melt down the bulky plump, you need determination and focus. You need to start with cutting down on unhealthy and high-calorie food, eating fresh to stay healthy and look healthy. Here are a few more tips. Go for skipping If you think it's irrelevant, then you are wrong. Skipping is the best cardio workout and it's inexpensive as well. It doesn't just help you sweat out the fat from your body, but gives you sleek and tone arms too. "Skipping rope affects arms muscles as you lift your body's weight as well as move your arms in circular motion. This increases the activity in the arms. Count seconds instead of skipping repetitions to make the process more effective," says Gautham Kumar, a fitness expert. Keep stretching Don't wait for the evening or morning fitness regime and stretch your arms as and when you get time. This will not only keep you active, but also release the tension. Gautham says, "Stretching tones the arm muscles and brings them back in shape. Do it in the office, post meeting or after finishing a report." He suggests these exercises that you can do in your office. - Interlock your fingers behind your head and stretch your arms up. Make sure the elbows are behind your head. Now, bend your waist right for a few seconds and repeat the same on the left. Keep arms stretched and straight. - Hold both your palms together behind the lower spine and interlock the fingers. Stretch both your arms backward so that chest comes forward. This is also beneficial to relieve the back stress. Rotate wrist Wrist rotation affects your shoulders and lower arms which are the plumpest areas. "Hold one to two pounds of dumbbells in each hand and stand up. The gap between your feet should be equal to your shoulder length. Extend both the hands forward and keep them firm. Now, swiftly rotate your wrist upward and inward as far as possible. This will help tone the arm muscles," says Gatuham. Lift your body up Do you remember how you used to do pull-ups in the park as a kid? You have to just follow the same. Hold a sturdy strong rod that can bear your body weight. Grasp it firmly and pull yourself up the floor. When you go up hold the position for a few seconds and let your arm muscles take all the strain. Do a set of 20 and after a two-minute break, repeat the set. In case, you are doing it for the first time, then, do as many pull-ups as you can, but don't strain yourself. Triceps with one arm Sit on the floor and place your hands almost a foot behind your hips; your fingers should point towards the butt. Your legs and feet should be pressed together, knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your arm straight to raise your hips above the floor. Bend your left elbow only with one arm and lower your butt as close to the floor as possible without actually touching it. Repeat it with right elbow. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/5-ways-to-reduce-horrible-arm-fat/articleshow/23586452.cms
  9. Gautam Rode on his diet, fitness regime and why he has always said no to steroids Gautam Rode, better known as Saraswatichandra these days, is one of the fittest actors around. And while guys with six-packs are often on an eggs-and-boiled chicken diet, Gautam is a pure vegetarian. The actor is often referred to as an amateur dietician these days by his friends, given the number of people who've started approaching him for diet and exercise tips. "For me, fitness is about the right habits with the right attitude," he says. Excerpts from a conversation with the actor. On his diet I really don't see non-vegetarian food as a must for a good body or for six-pack abs. My diet includes healthy home-made food, as well as my protein shakes. I try to balance my carbs and proteins by having brown rice poha, oats, muesli and low-sugar fruits like apples, pears, oranges and strawberries. For protein, I have a good amount of dal, soyabean, tofu as well as soya milk. I also make sure to have lots of green vegetables and drink at least six to eight cups of caffeine-free green tea. I don't drink at all. In fact, I've never tasted alcohol. I don't need alcohol to get high, as living a healthy lifestyle gives me that high. I do have my cheat days as well when I like to binge, but that's once in a while and I soon get back to my routine. On gymming I am, at times, shooting for 12-14 hours a day and hence gymming happens either before or after shoot. The day feels incomplete without having exercised and that includes everything from crunches to weight lifting. I don't believe in shortcuts in life and, hence, steroids are a big no on my list. In fact, I have seen many people taking this shortcut but I feel it ends up backfiring in the long run. People think that the only way to have a good muscular body is through steroids. But I want to tell them that the natural way is doable and anyone who is dedicated and has the willpower can do it. And, finally, it's not about getting those six-pack abs or a slim body, it's about a person staying healthy and fit. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/Who-says-a-vegetarian-cannot-get-six-pack-abs/articleshow/30730911.cms
  10. A new study has claimed that kids who eat chicken wings become more aggressive as compared to those who eat pre-cut chicken. The researchers asserted that since biting food seemed to increase the activity level, aggression and noncompliance, it may not be wise to serve young children chicken wings shortly before bedtime, the Mirror reported. Dr Brian Russell told Fox News that he would place absolutely zero chicken stock in this study. Russell said that according to him people have been eating chicken wings and chicken drumsticks for a millennium and he did not think that it made them any more aggressive than they otherwise would have been. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Eating-chicken-wings-makes-kids-aggressive/articleshow/40697605.cms
  11. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help you stay away from several diseases. Not only are they tasty but they're also low in fat. Here's a low-down on how blueberries can help you stay hale and hearty. Vitamin C: Blueberries contain Vitamin C, which builds your immune system. It decreases the chances of developing various eye problems that damage the optic nerve. Hence, doctors often prescribe blueberries in your diet. Reduces Cancer risk: Blueberries help attack cancer-causing radicals and can even block tumour cells from forming. Researchers have suggested that the fruit can act as a therapeutic agent for the early stage of prostate cancer. Regulates blood sugar: Those having type 2 diabetes can have a problem in regulating their blood sugar levels. Studies suggest that blueberries can help such patients as they maintain the blood glucose levels. Boosts brain health: According to scientists, blueberries help brain functions. In fact, studies performed suggest that adults who were given blueberries did well on memory tests. It is also said that blueberries act as a preventive method for cognitive decline. Fights Urinary Tract Infections: Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria. Blueberries contain compounds that prevent bacteria from sticking to bladder walls. Hence, blueberries are highly recommended for those with such infections. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/5-reasons-to-include-blueberries-in-your-diet/articleshow/45523774.cms
  12. While regular oiling, shampooing and conditioning is important for your hair, what you eat is equally essential. Your hair needs nourishment in the form of a healthy diet so that it doesn't suffer from breakage or damage. Make sure that you include plenty of vitamins, proteins and minerals in your diet. A deficiency in iron can also cause hairfall. Here's what your diet should contain... - Dairy products. A warm glass of milk early morning or before you go to bed is important not just for healthy bones but also for your hair. Make a habit to include milk products like cheese, yogurt and dahi in your diet. - Fresh fruits and vegetables are another must. Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, papaya, pineapples, apples and peaches, especially are great for your hair. - Another excellent source of antioxidants is green tea, which helps get rid of toxins from the body and is good for hair. Don't forget drinking water — at least right to 10 glasses are a must. Have coconut water also on a daily basis. - Avoid fried and junk food as well as food items that are high in the sugar content. These contain high calories and do no favours to your skin or hair. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Foods-for-healthy-hair/articleshow/40864793.cms
  13. All children should undergo vision health screening between age 36 and 72 months - preferably every year - using evidence-based test methods and with effective referral and follow-up, suggest experts. The national expert panel to the National Center for Children's Vision Health, US, has made these recommendations for vision health in preschool-aged children. Preschool-aged children need screening for early detection of vision problems, particularly refractive error (vision problems requiring glasses), amblyopia ("lazy eye") and strabismus (a disorder of eye alignment). "Unfortunately, many children receive neither appropriate screening to help identify those who need immediate eye attention, nor a comprehensive examination by an eye care professional prior to beginning school," said Anthony Adams, editor-in-chief of Optometry and Vision Science that published the study. Quick diagnosis and referral to an eye care professional (optometrist or ophthalmologist) has major implications for school readiness and child development, the authors said. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Kids-must-undergo-vision-check-ups-regularly/articleshow/45520993.cms
  14. A blanket ban on junk or force feeding is not the answer. Raising a healthy child is all about a healthy foundation. How to read the early signs of deficiencies, fight those recurring allergies or make your child eat wholesome food when all he craves is junk? Being a young parent is no small feat! But imbibing some wisdom from the field of macrobiotics, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and yoga could answer a lot of questions. CATCH THEM YOUNG In macrobiotics, it is known that every seven years, the body replenishes itself and hence, for a growing child, the first 21 years (3 times 7 years) is crucial. At this age, getting children to eat healthy is really the most important role of the parents.A child who grows up eating the living energy of vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds and fruit, develops a strong and balanced immune function. This lessens the possibility of chronic digestive issues, colds and coughs and also prevents an early onset of diabetes, heart diseases and osteoporosis."Moms should serve the child a healthy and appetising meal with a variety of flavours and textures. Another way is to involve the child in gardening - it is enormously beneficial for a child to witness Mother Nature in action," says macrobiotic nutritionist and health coach Tarika Ahuja, who has recently written a book on this subject. SMART PACKAGING How to wean away your child from addictive chemicals found in fast food? Don't give up, say experts. Re search says that by feeding your child good food, a new cellular memory is created and, over a period of time, the child will begin to crave healthier foods. So, don't say an absolute no to the food they crave, just package it smartly. "Easyto-prepare variations of junk food like brown rice smoothie, rice and chickpea burger, cashew cauliflower soup and apple walnut muffin, will appeal to children and improve their heart and kidney function, as well as maintain the acid-alkali balance in their body," says Ahuja. Another way is to reduce white sugar and other simple sugars in the diet.When a child's tongue is coated with something as sweet as white sugar, it is difficult for him to enjoy the natural sweetness of vegetables. Use jaggery, palm sugar and fruits instead. ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES Be an informed parent and move beyond what your GP says. There is a world of alternative wellness out there to rescue you. For instance, Oriental and yogic teachings say that brown rice improves brain function and intelligence while white sugar hampers neural function and makes a child forgetful. The brain functions well when the child eats foods that are slow burning such as whole grains, healthy nuts, seeds and foods rich in natural protein and fats. And the brain weakens and becomes dull when a child eats acidic or packaged foods. Similarly, any food that makes the blood sugar spike and crash quickly affects the steadiness of the whole brain and body. These foods give quick energy which leaves the give quick energy w child chaotic and exhausted. EXERCISE THE RIGHT CHOICE Give future gym fees a miss and go running with your kid now! A simple long walk is a daily massage for the abdomen and it also strengthens the core abdominal muscles. It also increases the child's breathing capacity and oxygen to the cells and this aids in the process of daily rejuvenation. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Imbibing-better-food-habits-among-kids/articleshow/45512087.cms
  15. Go through this alphabet of anti-ageing eats to stay young and lovely, longer If we really are what we eat, wise food choices can lead to a healthier body, as well as boosting vitality and improving mental agility. There are some wonder-foods say nutritionists, that pack in vitamins, supernutrition and antioxidants that are essential to anti-ageing. The list is not meant to replace your diet, but to help ensure you always include them in your meals. A for Avocado: It contains more potassium (helps lowers blood pressure) than bananas. It is rich in glutathione, which protects the body from toxins, helps neutralise bad fat and is an antioxidant that fights free-radical damage to cells that accompanies ageing. B for Broccoli: It boosts the immune system and contains more calcium than any other vegetable. It also has properties that fight bone loss and cancer. C for Carrot: Carrots lower cholesterol and their orange pigment boosts immune function. And they're really are good for eyesight — the betacarotene in them protects eyes from diseases that occur with ageing. D for Dark chocolate: This treat is full of antioxidants, which fight cell damage. It's rich in vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which converts to serotonin, a chemical that helps fight depression. E for Eggs: The complete food (after breast milk), eggs contain every amino acid the body needs. They're a rich source of lutein, which protects against macular eye degeneration. F for Fish: Omega 3 oils found in salmon, tuna, sardines and herrings have blood-thinning properties that protect arteries, lower BP, and may slow damage to your DNA. G for Garlic: It maintains blood circulation and oxygenated blood helps keen skin, hair and nails strong and healthy. H for Honey: Organic coldpressed honey (no more than ½ tsp a day) has a healing effect. Heating it robs it of essential vitamins, so don't put it in hot drinks or cook with it. I for Iceberg Lettuce: Iceberg lettuce fights harmful free radicals and boosts the immune system because it contains manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. J for Japanese Green Tea: Japanese green tea is full of antiageing antioxidants and contains methylxanthines that boost metabolism, help burn fat, and lowers cholesterol. K for Kombucha Tea: Fermented and packed with antioxidants, just one cup a day is an inexpensive way of taking all the antioxidants you need to age well. L for Legume: Sprouted grains, millet, buckwheat, barley and lentils all contain saponin, which can slow the growth of tumours. They are also a good source of protein. M for Mackerel: Mackerel (bangda) is an inexpensive oily fish high in essential oils, vitamins, minerals and rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. N for Nuts: The skin of nuts is full of antiageing flavonoids. And all nuts are full of protein, fibre, essential fats, vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which improves recall. O for Onion: Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral, onions are full of digestive enzymes that detoxify and boost the immune system. Red onions are by far the best. P for Parsley: A great inner cleanser, parsley is full of vitamins C, A and some B, as well as iron, calcium and potassium. It's also a natural diuretic. Q for Quinoa: This energy-sustaining food that contains all eight essential amino acids; rich in calcium and iron. R for Red Fruits: Red fruit and veg like raspberries, strawberries, red peppers, red cabbage and red onions are preferable to green varieties as they have powerful antioxidants that can fight heart disease and prostate cancer, minimise stroke risk and degeneration of the eyes. S for Spinach: Full of antioxidants spinach can help deter stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. It is among the top 10 super-foods because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, strong anti-ageing compounds. T for Tomato: This contains quercetin and the antioxidant lycopene, which is proven to be a super-efficient, freeradical scavenger and preserves mental and physical functions in elderly people. U for Uncooked Vegetables: Cooking your vegetables can destroy many nutrients. Steaming or boiling in less water preserves nutrients. Eat raw veg as often as you can, and lightly cook at other times. V for Veggies: Go for deep green, richly red or bright orange and yellow to get the maximum antioxidants and vitamins. They are all high in water content. When you eat water-based food as opposed to drinking water, your body keeps it for longer. W for Walnuts: A great source of copper, walnuts stop hair turning grey and help it retain its natural colour longer. X for Xylitol: The natural zero-calorie sweetener around, xylitol doesn't have the risk factors like artificial sweeteners, and helps to re-mineralise teeth. Y for Yellow Fruits and Vegetables: Grapefruits, melons, pineapple and lemons have high antioxidant content, helping detoxify the body. Z for Zucchini: Use zucchini in pasta as a base so you avoid the starchy pasta carbs that cause inflammation and excess weight because of the high sugar content. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/A-to-Z-of-youth-superfoods/articleshow/33438939.cms
  16. Good posture goes beyond sitting up straight. Slouching over a computer keyboard all day creates a chain reaction throughout your body that can result in shoulder, neck and back pain. Not pretty. Here are six simple stretches you can do to improve your posture. Good posture means good health. Sitting is part of our every day, even if we lead an active lifestyle. Sitting isn't necessarily a bad thing, but long periods of sitting and lack of stretching can cause postural problems. Regular stretching can address these specific postural imbalances. Do these stretching exercises in the prescribed order every day for a great pain-free body. Relax the back: Lie on your back, knees bent at 90 degrees, placing your calves on the seat of a chair. Straighten your arms out from the shoulders with your palms up. Relax, breathing deeply, letting your low back settle into the floor. Hold the position for 5 minutes. Stretch the chest: Stay in the 'relax the back' position. Lace your fingers, palms together, with your arms extended above your chest toward the ceiling. Extend your arms, keeping your elbows straight, over your head to the floor behind you. Repeat 30 times with a steady, controlled movement. Back-friendly crunches: Lie on your back with your feet on the wall and your knees bent less than 90 degrees (glutes should only be about four to six inches from wall and knees almost touching chest). Lace your fingers behind your head to support your neck. Keep your elbows back while looking at the ceiling. Exhale as you use your stomach muscles to lift your shoulders, elbows and head off the floor, then lower. Be sure you don't pull on your head with your hands. Repeat for two sets of 30 reps. Kneeling hip-flexor stretch: Kneel (preferably on a padded floor). Bring your right knee into a 90 degree angle and push your left leg back so it's at an angle where you feel stretch in the front of your hip. Keep your legs parallel to each other and place your hands on your right knee and let your hips sink forward to the floor, keeping your upper body straight. Do not lean forward. Hold for 1 minute and switch legs. Supine hip-flexor stretch: Lie on your back with your right leg bent and resting on a chair at a 90 degree angle. Place your left leg straight on the floor, keeping your toes pointed up so your knee and foot do not roll out. Place your arms straight out from your shoulders with your palms up. Breathe deeply and relax your body. Remain in this position for 10 minutes, then repeat on other side. Airbench: Sit against the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees bent at 90 degrees, heels straight under or slightly in front (not behind) of your knees. Keep your feet pointing straight ahead, push your lower back into wall and keep pressure on heels. Press your shoulders back, keeping your head up, and relax your shoulders, neck, arms and hands. Hold for 90 seconds. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/6-simple-stretches-for-a-good-posture/articleshow/11685523.cms
  17. While weight gain is often related to stress, it also triggers weight loss in many people. Here's how to decode which category you fall into... For most people, stress goes beyond the usual feeling of anxiety and discomfort. While it adds to weight gain in most people, there are others who lose weight drastically when under stress. Says bariatric surgeon, Dr Apratim Goel, "The stress hormone, Cortisol, is responsible for this. Constant worrying and everyday pressures at work and home can cause mental imbalance in many people, which gives rise to various health-related problems like putting on or losing weight." Stress = Weight gain Too much of the stress hormone, cortisol, slows down your metabolism, which in turn leads to gaining more weight than you would normally experience. What you need to watch out for — - Indulging in emotional eating: Do you tend to hog on pizzas, pastas, burgers, chocolates, ice cream etc., when stressed? A recent survey has established that people who consume high-fat meals when worried tend to put on an unnatural amount of weight. - Prolonged stress can affect blood sugar levels: Says clinical psychologist Dr Seema Hingorrany, "Too much worry can make you diabetic and susceptible to various cardiac diseases, thereby making you put on extra weight." - Storage of abdominal fat: High level of stress is often linked to storage of abdominal fat in most people, especially those who have a tendency to put on weight. - Lack of exercise: When under stress, one tends to stop exercising. Lack of physical activity then leads to weight gain, which becomes difficult to shed. Stress = Weight loss Unintentional weight loss is possibly the worst, as it affects your health in more ways than one. What you need to watch out for — - Loss of appetite: Many people lose interest in food under stress. You don't feel hungry, thereby eating less than usual. Starving yourself under stress is common, but not healthy. - Rapid movements: Some people tend to move constantly when suffering from anxiety. They develop leg shakes or nervous ticks — they feel that they have to be on the go continuously. This, in turn, burns calories. - Change in lifestyle: Many people stop eating out and socialising when under acute stress. Though such lifestyle changes are considered healthy, at times, they make you lose muscle mass, thereby leading to drastic weight-loss. - Depression and lack of interest: There are many who, under acute depression and lack of interest for everyday things, tend to lose weight drastically. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Do-you-gain-or-lose-weight-when-stressed/articleshow/39615920.cms
  18. A healthy heart is considered the window to a healthy life. Here are six simple things to keep your heart healthy and pumping... -Take time out to exercise every day for at least 60 minutes. "If you are too busy, divide your workouts into small sessions. You can spend about 20 minutes walking in the morning and indulge in some stretches later in the evening," says Vrusha Mehra, a fitness expert, "You don't necessarily have to hit the gym. Even if you are sweeping or spring cleaning, you are keeping your heart active." -Healthy diet is a must if you want to take good care of your heart. Dr Hariharan S says, "Basics like adding a lot of whole grains, fruits and vegetables in your diet must be followed regularly. Also, stick to lean proteins (like cottage cheese, egg whites, beans and legumes) and keep off saturated fats whenever you can." -"Smoking increases risk of cardio disease by two to four times," says Mehra. Passive smoking also raises the risk by 30 %. So, quit smoking right away. "Studies have shown that nicotine-free cigarettes, e-cigarettes and patches are equally harmful. Divert your attention every time you feel the urge to pick up a cigarette. Drink water or juice when you crave for smoke. Or consult a therapist," she adds. -Stress and depression have a direct impact on the health of your heart. "If you are stressed out, it strains your heart. This, in turn, encourages smoking, drinking and binge eating. Try out yoga and meditation. Listening to soothing music and reading also helps," Mehra says. -Overweight and obesity is another factor that targets the heart. According to Mehra, "BMI of over 25 is dangerous. It's important to maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts a lot of pressure on the heart, which has to work hard to keep the body going. " -Most importantly, you must get a regular checkup done. Dr Hariharan says, "Screen for Type 2 diabetes every now and then, especially if your family has a history of it." Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Six-steps-to-a-healthy-heart/articleshow/41098084.cms
  19. One of the body regions where we tend to put on more weight is the belly. While crunches and floor exercises help us get in shape, it's a Herculean task to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. Here are three food items that are a great help when it comes to getting your belly in shape... Broccoli: This little green vegetable is rich in vitamin C and calcium, which increases the absorption of chemical elements in the body and boosts metabolism. The fibre and water content in broccoli is high, which means you feel full fast, won't indulge in overeating and are hydrated throughout the day. It's advisable to include broccoli in your meal at least four times a week. You can either steam or microwave the broccoli instead of boiling it for longer duration. Cinnamon: This spice is loaded with antioxidants and has the ability to control your blood sugar. Thus, it directly affects the insulin level and controls your appetite. Once you stop craving for food, your body automatically uses up stored fat, especially from the mid-section. The best way to add cinnamon to your meal is by using it for flavouring your drinks. You can also add it to your lunch and dinner by cooking it along with the main course. Avocado: While the fat content in avocado is slightly higher than that in other 'healthy foods', studies have found that the monosaturated fats in this fruit help in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. They are also loaded with potassium, which helps in converting nutrients into energy. Avocados are also quite filling, as they have a higher fraction of fibre, vitamin B and amino acids. Try taking in avocados during breaks by substituting it with oily items. Eggs: Whole eggs, especially its whites, are rich in protein. And for one to burn fat, it's important to add more protein-rich food to your diet as it keeps you feeling fuller for a longer duration. Also, eggs are low in calories, and studies suggest they are a good source of vitamin D too. You can start by adding egg whites to your breakfast. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/4-food-items-that-burn-belly-fat/articleshow/39953694.cms
  20. These superfoods can avoid a cold and everything related to the disease Winter is just round the corner and it is time to boost your immunity to fight the cold weather. Here are some superfoods which will help you do that: Fish: All varieties of oily fish contain fatty acids that boost immunity and fight health issues like cold and flu. Garlic: Raw garlic produces antioxidants which fights cold and boosts immunity like nothing else. Tea: Nothing works like a steaming hot cup of tea in the cold weather. It not only soothes a sore throat but also contains components which fight flu. Mushrooms: These contain antioxidants, potassium, vitamins and fiber which boost one's immunity and fight cold. Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are very good for maintaining one's health in the cold weather. They produce compounds which are converted into vitamin A, which is essential for strong immunity. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Fight-a-cold-with-these-superfoods/articleshow/45111586.cms
  21. With time, we start conditioning ourselves to accept that joint pain and arthritis are natural signs of aging and are to be expected. Many things can lead to chronic joint pain, but it is important to remember that pain is your body's way of sending a message - in this case it's that your body needs help. While you can take away the pain with medication, but to really help your body, you should identify the root cause of the pain and then apply the correct method to get rid of it. If any part of the joint is compromised, be it through trauma, injury or inflammation, you will experience pain. Joint pain has become more common with age as years of physical strain takes its toll on the shoulder, elbows, hips and wrists mostly. You can practice these simple precautionary measures to ensure a pain-free lifestyle. 1. Start with the basics by evaluating your exercise pattern, injuries, bed and even your work station. 2. Keep track of your pain by maintaining a daily journal, which will help in identifying recurring pattern. 3. Assess your stress levels and accordingly consider stress relief activities - light exercise, yoga, and meditation. 4. If the pain is persistent, you can opt for some advance therapy with magnets. Magnetic therapy is effective in controlling arthritic pain. 'Magnet wraps' strapped above the kneecap has proven to have reduced arthritic swelling and softening of joint inflammation. 5. Dehydration has been one of the underlying causes of joint pain. Consumption of magnetized water has a positive effect on relieving joint pain. 6. Poor posture, over the course of time, affects our joints. Fatigue, bad sleeping position, sitting in front of the computer at work for long durations, and extensive travelling has an adverse effect on your posture. Light stretches during the course of the day can help in maintaining a good posture, which will also help in minimizing backache and muscular pain. 7. Wearing high heeled and ill-fitted shoes frequently weaken body alignment, eventually putting pressure on the joints. Opt for shoe inserts/gel heels and insoles, they not only absorb shocks but also keeps your ankle from rolling. 8. Post menopause, women suffer from gradual bone loss. This can be controlled by consuming mineralized water on a regular basis. Calcium is particularly important as it is one of the major constituents in keeping your bones strong and healthy. Magnetized water contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium that are crucial for maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis. 9. Consuming a wholesome diet consisting of essential minerals and proteins will make the bones healthy and strong. Avoid foodstuff that is rich in carbohydrates and fatty acids, like fried and processed food items, sugar & dairy products, because these food items can constitute to the swelling of joints. 10. Lightly massaging the knees and the shoulders using olive oil can help significantly in relieving joint pain and inflammations. While massaging the joint, the direction of your strokes should be towards the heart. However, if you feel the pain is unusual and is causing extreme difficulty in your day-to-day life, then consult a physician. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/10-easy-steps-to-pain-proof-your-body/articleshow/45032585.cms
  22. From spinning to a special butt workout and some suspension fun, here's a lowdown on three regimens you must try... 1) Soul Cycling The spinning regimen has Hollywood folks like David and Victoria Beckham and Katie Homes as fans. So, what's so great about it? If you have felt like your workout needs a change, try this for size. But it's so much more than just a stationary spinning class. It is a motivational therapy that involves loads of dancing and fun. The challenging workout has caught on so much and it's getting to be quite an addiction with the celeb frat too. Victoria Beckham is reported to have called it her favourite, while actors Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller and singers Harry Styles and Mel B love it. It's not just an exercise, as you get sweaty and tire those muscles, there's a bit of drama here, as the riding instructors teach you dance moves or even yoga stretches while cycling. Did you know that one group even a carried out an actual enactment of Moulin Rouge while being on the bike! WHAT IT IS: To put it simply, it's spinning while also moving to the music on the bike. As you pedal on, you burn the fat, tone muscles, release stress, while improving endurance. Says gym expert Althea Shah, "In Mumbai we conduct spinning, which is similar to SoulCycling. This is a high energetic pulsating class on stationary spin bikes. With no complicated moves to learn, a motivating group environment, invigorating music, and visualisation, you can have a blast as you ride your way to a healthier, stronger body," she states. ADVANTAGES: The cardiovascular exercise helps you improve your overall physical health. "Done on a regular basis, it keeps the heart pumping strong, blood circulating properly, and helps to improve your breathing capacity, while boosting your endurance. A consistent program also reduces your blood pressure, reduces glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, increases HDL-cholesterol (the 'good' cholesterol), and decreases total cholesterol," adds Althea. CALORIE BURN (approx) 550 calories a class. HOW LONG? 1 hour session. WATCH OUT!: Wrong postures and weak bones can lead to injuries. It is thus important to strengthen the body and get the form right before getting onto the bike. 2) Dedicated to your derriere Butt camps that are made for your behind are the hot new draw We've heard of boot camps and stretch camps and now here's one just to help you get a tight butt. These are a series of exercises that just target the lower body — butt and legs — instead of giving you the usual rounded out workout. The workout is getting to be hugely popular and a report says fashionista Kim Kardashian has actually got a dedicated special corner in her home for her 'derriere' with butt-toning gym equipment like a thigh shaper and a range of butt-toning belts and resistance bands, a source told a magazine. WHAT IT IS: Toning the booty requires a specific regimen. Says fitness expert Jivesh Shetty: "First do squats, which work on the glutes and the butt and work on enhancing the shape. Remember, the wider you keep the feet, the more you have to sit back and this puts more focus on the butt. Lunges are apt too — beginners can do 15-20 reps of 2 sets and slowly increase this to 4 sets. It targets the glutes, quads, hamstrings and core." Add a treadmill session to this. "Doing an uphill incline is always better. Do 10 minutes of this combined with running on the flat surface for 10 minutes," he advises. City-based fitness trainer, Swati Shah, who is doing a program on lifting the booty, says there's a huge demand for 'butt transformations' with the holiday season coming on. "This is a 10-day program, which includes bodyweight exercises focuses only on the booty. It has squats and lunges with variations and other mat exercises. It does show a marked difference as it tightens and shapes the butt," she says. ADVANTAGES: Extra butt fat can be a hotbed of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, so having a slim, toned butt means lesser risk of this happening. CALORIE BURN (approx) 100-500 calories a class. HOW LONG? 45 minutes to 1 hour per session. WATCH OUT! While you work out, be careful not to overdo it or you will fall prey to a 'flat-butt syndrome'. People also forget to stretch after they finish the exercises. This is crucial as it becomes harder for the muscles to recover after a workout. 3) TRX secret to fitness The 'suspended' workout uses gravity and your bodyweight to perform exercises Being as flexible as it gets, this one was voted the top fitness trend of 2014! Also called suspension training, the TRX workout, this is the popular choice when it comes to getting a rock-solid core. Once a workout only used by military, it has a steady following of fitness lovers everywhere including celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Olivia Munn, Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lopez, are all said to be ardent of followers of it. WHAT IT IS: TRX basically uses bands that are suspended from the ceiling. These straps and handle are attached to the ceiling and during the workout you use body weight to lift and lower. The resistance challenge can be increased as per your body fitness level. You can do overheads squats, side planks, lunges, push-ups, hamstring pull-ins, single arm rows and more with it. You must do each of the exercises with a 30 second rest in between. Says Hetal Madhiwalla who teaches TRX, "The underlying principle is to use gravity and your bodyweight to perform exercises. As you do the pulling and pushing exercises with the ropes, it strengthens and builds muscle tone and enhances flexibility and balance. This is especially apt after a hard day at work as you really de-stress with all the stretching." ADVANTAGES: TRX training requires balance, so it builds concentration. It also increases muscle tone. The workout can be set up anywhere — at home, in the office or a hotel room. It helps tone muscles and works well on the core. CALORIE BURN (approx) 160-250 calories a class. HOW LONG? 30 minutes is enough. WATCH OUT! If the straps are unstable, it can cause an injury. Also, those with back and joint pains should always ask a doctor before starting on a TRX workout. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/3-fitness-regimens-to-tone-you-up-this-season/articleshow/44852651.cms
  23. Orange juice and juices from other citrus fruits could be much healthier than previously thought as researchers found that these are ten times richer in antioxidant content than what current methods estimate. High content of antioxidants in one's diet help reduce harmful free radicals in our body. "The antioxidant activity is, on average, ten times higher than that which everyone thought up until now," said Jose Angel Rufian Henares, professor at the University of Granada in Spain. The new technique to measure antioxidant content called 'global antioxidant response' (GAR) shows that this property has been undervalued in other food as well. The results suggest that tables on the antioxidant capacities of food products that dieticians and health authorities use must be revised. The method includes assessments of various physical and chemical parameters, such as colour, fluorescence and the relationship between the concentrations analysed and compounds indicators such as furfural. Upon applying the technique to commercial and natural orange, mandarin, lemon and grapefruit juices, it has been proved that their values greatly increase. With the help of this method, scientists have also created a mathematical model in order to classify juices according to their natural and storage conditions, which ensures that the correct raw materials and sterilisation and pasteurisation processes are used. The findings appeared in the journal Food Chemistry. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Citrus-juices-rich-in-antioxidants/articleshow/45411438.cms
  24. An instructor is all that stands between you and a slip disc. Here's how to pick the right one Two years ago, a patient walked into the Seven Bungalows clinic of orthopaedic physiotherapist Harshada Rajadhyaksha after suffering a slip disc while doing yoga. "The man, who was in his early 30s was a gym trainer. Though strong, he was not flexible. This particular asana required him to touch his toes while standing and his instructor tried to push him into the pose. A niggling pain in the lower back escalated into a sharp snap that led to a slip disc and hospitalisation for more than a month," she says. In her 25-year practice, Rajadhyaksha has noted that 99 per cent of fitness enthusiasts report some injury or the other at least once. The right trainer and dietician, then, is all that stands between you and a debilitating injury. Look for certification While fitness trainers in India are not regulated by any central body, there are several top gyms that run three-month programmes. Experts suggest looking at your trainer's course. Coursework, which typically equips a graduate to become a floor trainer, includes studying human anatomy and planning exercise programmes that suit clients. A good trainer will have a few years of experience with different body types to back him. Picking a certified dietician is equally important. Niti Desai, Consulting Dietician at Cumballa Hill Hospital, says dieticians undergo clinical training which helps them understand the various ways and combinations in which foods affect health. "In India, however, all certified nutritionists undergo the clinical training as well. Ensure that the one you consult has a diploma or a degree in dietetics or nutrition and not just a three-weekend course. They should have undergone the State exam to become a Registered Dietician," she observes. Are you being heard? Does your trainer understand your fitness goals and limitations? Vinod Chenna, a professional fitness trainer with 20 years of experience, says the best trainers are those who understand not only the client's body but also their lifestyles. "If you work in an IT company, then your trainer needs to understand that your lower back and neck are weak. Your trainer needs to then strengthen your weak muscles before proceeding to achieve your target — whether it's sculpting six packs or weight loss. Good trainers take into account age, stress levels, medical history and nutrition supply." Make sure that your trainer asks you these questions before lining up a routine. Chenna says, keeping with international standards, he goes that extra mile to be a reliable trainer. "The best way to understand training is to work on your self. Twice a year, I use different workout regimens to gain 30 kg and lose that weight to get back to my original six pack. So, I have practised weight loss and gain on my own body at least 40 times in the course of my career. If I understand what works for me, I will be able to understand my clients," he says. Your dietician, says nutritionist and fitness expert at Integym, Madhuri Ruia, should also take into account your workouts, your doctor's prescriptions and your daily meals. "A dependable nutritionist is a keen listener to not just your diet record but also your lifestyle. Are you a singleton or living with your in-laws? They understand your home scenario and can suggest suitable alterations to your diet. They also come up with customised diet charts." Don't buy the celeb card Most of us head straight to the trainer who has helped the current Bollywood favourite sculpt his surfboard abs. Althea Shah warns against falling into this trap. Shah, a fitness expert with Gold's Gym Fitness Institute, says, "You may like to choose a trainer based on reputation or style of working, but the best thing to do is to find one who will work with your body type." Shah suggests attending a few trial sessions to check if your trainer is giving you scientific explanations for the regimen. Do an upper body and a lower body exercise and see if the muscles are being worked, she adds. Starvation point? Look for warning signs when your nutritionist advises you to go on a crash diet or prescribes single food nutrition (such as cabbage for a week). A starvation plan can leave you with lowered immunity, excessive hairfall and muscle breakdown. A year ago, Desai counselled a 27-year-old who was to undergo a fibroid extraction and was found to have ketones in her blood, a primary symptom of diabetes. Reason: the patient had undergone a crash diet to lose weight as prescribed by her nutritionist. Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/Whats-between-you-and-a-slip-disc/articleshow/33650148.cms
  25. Researchers have found that women who eat a Mediterranean diet can keep age-related diseases at bay and live longer than others. The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes and heart-healthy fats and greater adherence to such a diet is associated with longer telomeres, the biomarkers of ageing, the findings showed. "To our knowledge this is the largest population-based study specifically addressing the association between Mediterranean diet adherence and telomere length in healthy, middle-aged women," said Immaculata De Vivo, an associate professor at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) in the US. Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes that get shorter every time a cell divides. Shorter telomeres have been associated with decreased life-expectancy and increased risk of ageing-related disease, while longer telomeres have been linked with longevity. "Our results further support the benefits of adherence to this diet to promote health and longevity," De Vivo added. The study involved 4,676 disease-free women. The researchers found that a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and even small changes in diet, were associated with longer telomeres. The study was published online in The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal). Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/Mediterranean-diet-your-ticket-to-healthy-ageing/articleshow/45360645.cms
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