RO : De 1 Septembrie, echipa B-Zone sarbatoreste impreuna cu membrii comunitatii cei 4 ani de la infiintarea B-Zone. Pe data de 1 Septembrie la ora 13:00 (ora Romaniei) se va tine un event la care sunteti invitatii cu totii pe serverul B-Zone : RPG. Va asteptam sa sarbatorim intr-un mod unic. Cu aceasta ocazie, puteti utiliza codul promo : "BDAY2012" (fara ghilimele) pentru a beneficia de o reducere de 25% la orice produs de pe . Acest cod poate fi folosit in perioada 1 Septembrie 2012 00:00 - 10 Septembrie 2012 24:00 . Comenzile realizate in aceasta perioada pot fi achitate pana pe data de 15 septembrie 2012, inclusiv.
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EN : By comming of 1st of September, B-Zone's Staff celebrates together with the community members 4 years since B-Zone was founded. On the 1st of September at 13:00 (Romania time) there will be an event at which everybody is invited on the B-Zone RPG server. We wait for all of you to celebrate in an unique way. With this event, tou can use the promo code : "BDAY2012" (without quotes) in order to receive a 25% free discount when you order a new product from . This code could be used from September 1 2012 00:00 to September 10 2012 24:00 . Orders made in this period of time can be paid up until September 15, 2012, inclusive.
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