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Autumn Sale Week#2 [Promo code]


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Toamna vine cu o serie de reduceri pentru unele produse din cadrul magazinului B-Zone Market. In perioada 29 Octombrie 2012 00:00 - 05 Noiembrie 2012 23:59 utilizati codul de reducere "A2012W2" (fara ghilimele) pentru achizitionarea unuia dintre vehiculele de mai jos pentru a beneficia de o reducere de 25%. In plus, vehiculele vor primi automat culoarea hidden rosie (161, 161) inspirata de cromatica anotimpului. Comenzile realizate in perioada promotionala pot fi achitate pana pe 10 Noiembrie 2012 23:59.


Premier - 10€(pret initial) - 7.50€/30Lei(pret redus)

Phoenix - 12€(pret initial) - 9€/36Lei(pret redus)

Feltzer - 15€(pret initial) - 11.25€/45Lei(pret redus)

Huntley - 16€(pret initial) - 12€/48Lei(pret redus)

Savanna - 16€(pret initial) - 12€/48Lei(pret redus)

Sabre - 17(pret initial) - 12.75€/51Lei(pret redus)

Jester - 18€(pret initial) - 13.5€/54Lei(pret redus)

Comet - 20€(pret initial) - 15€/60Lei(pret redus)

Super-GT - 20€(pret initial) - 15€/60Lei(pret redus)

Elegy - 25€(pret initial) - 18.75€/75Lei(pret redus)

Sultan - 35€(pret initial) - 26.25€/105Lei(pret redus)

Buffalo - 40€(pret initial) - 30€/120Lei(pret redus)

Cheetah - 45€(pret initial) - 33.75€/135Lei(pret redus)

Banshee - 50€(pret initial) - 37.5€/150Lei(pret redus)

Turismo - 55€(pret initial) - 41.25€/165Lei(pret redus)

Bullet - 65€(pret initial) - 48.75€/195Lei(pret redus)

Infernus - 70€(pret initial) - 52.5€/210Lei(pret redus)


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Autum comes with a series of discounts for some products from our B-Zone Market shop. During the 29th of October 2012 from 00:00 until the 5th of October 2012 at 23:59 use the discount code "A2012W2" (without quotation marks) to purchase one of the vehicles below to benefit of a 25% discount. Moreover, these vehicle models will get automatically the hidden color red (161, 161) inspired by the season's chromatic. Orders made in the promotional period can be paid until the 10th of November 2012 at 23:59.



Premier - 10€(without discount) - 7.50€(with discount)

Phoenix - 12€(without discount) - 9€(with discount)

Feltzer - 15€(without discount) - 11.25€(with discount)

Huntley - 16€(without discount) - 12€(with discount)

Savanna - 16€(without discount) - 12€(with discount)

Sabre - 17(without discount) - 12.75€(with discount)

Jester - 18€(without discount) - 13.5€(with discount)

Comet - 20€(without discount) - 15€(with discount)

Super-GT - 20€(without discount) - 15€(with discount)

Elegy - 25€(without discount) - 18.75€(with discount)

Sultan - 35€(without discount) - 26.25€(with discount)

Buffalo - 40€(without discount) - 30€(with discount)

Cheetah - 45€(without discount) - 33.75€(with discount)

Banshee - 50€(without discount) - 37.5€(with discount)

Turismo - 55€(without discount) - 41.25€(with discount)

Bullet - 65€(without discount) - 48.75€(with discount)

Infernus - 70€(without discount) - 52.5€(with discount)


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