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Stop continutului obscen / Stop obscene content


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RO :



In ultimul timp exista o noua moda prin care membrii poarta avatare/semnaturi cu continut provocator. In aceasta categorie sunt incluse imaginile sau materialele video care contin pozitii obscene sau provocatoare sau prim-planuri in care apar sani, fese sau zona inghinala.


Din cauza problemelor cu agentii de publicitate am hotarat sa interzicem folosirea abuziva a acestor materiale. Comunitatea nu trebuie sa devina un site destinat adultilor. In acest sens se vor lua urmatoarele masuri :

  • Membrii ce vor purta astfel de materiale vor primi sanctiuni incepand cu 30 Noiembrie 2012. Pana la data precizata anterior, avem rugamintea sa renuntati de buna voie la imaginile provocatoare. Sanctiunea va consta in 1 punct de warn + stergerea imaginilor + un mesaj de atentionare. Repetarea aceleiasi greseli poate duce pana la suspendarea permanenta a contului.
  • Materialele obscene pot fi raportate direct de pe profilul unui membru prin butonul "Report this member". Va rugam sa precizati clar motivul.

Pentru a reduce continutul obscen intr-un timp record, apelam la membrii comunitatii printr-un mic concurs. Acesta consta in raportarea a cat mai multor posturi/avatare/semnaturi cu continut interzis. Pentru fiecare 15 reporturi valide ce implinesc targetul nostru, vom oferi 1 euro pe portalul clientilor ( http://clienti.b-zone.ro ). Dupa acumularea a fiecaror 15 reporturi, va rog sa-mi trimiteti un PM( http://forum.b-zone.ro/user/1-bobo/ ). Membrilor le este permisa participarea de mai multe ori, sa trimita noi serii de reporturi. Nu exista un numar maxim de premii ce vor fi oferite. Noi vom oferi premiile pentru fiecare membru. Concursul va lua sfarsit pe 30 noiembrie 2012.

Prin acest concurs, ambele parti vor avea de castigat, atat stafful, cat si membrii vor avea de castigat. Va dorim o navigare cat mai placuta.





EN :



Recently there is a new method in which members wear avatars/signatures with provocative content. In this category we include images or videos with obscene or provocative positions or close-ups in which we have breats, buttocks or the groin.


Due to the problems with the advertising agents we decided to forbid the abusive use of these materials. The community must not become a site for adults. In order to stop this phenomenon we will take the following measures:

  • All members that wear such materials will be punished starting from the 30th of November 2012. Until this date, we bid you to remove willingly these provocative images. The punishment will be 1 warn point + deleting the images + a warning message. Repeating the same mistake will result in a permanent ban of your account.
  • Obscene materials may be reported directly from the profile of the member by using the "Report this member" button. Please write the reason for your report correctly.

To get rid of this content in record time, we come to the users of the community with a small contest. This consits of reporting as many posts/avatars/signatures with forbidden content as you can. For every 15 valid reports that mark our target, we will give you 1 euro on the clients portal ( http://clienti.b-zone.ro ). After each 15 reports, please PM me ( http://forum.b-zone.ro/user/1-bobo/ ). You can participate for more than one time in this contest, you can send a new series of reports. There isn't a maximum number of participants. We will offer the prize for any member. The contest will end on 30th November 2012.


With this contest everybody wins, both the staff, and the community members. We wish you a pleasent browsing.



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