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Weekendul acesta(8-9 Decembrie 2012) am avut probleme cu un hacker care a creat confuzie in randul jucatorilor. Siteul principal ( http://b-zone.ro ) a fost modificat de catre acest individ, anuntand inchiderea serverelor. In acest sens, vreau sa anunt ca respectivul mesaj nu imi apartine si ca aceasta comunitate nu va fi inchisa. Serverele au fost inchise temporar pentru ca datele sa fie neatinse pana ce noi consideram ca situatia este sub control.

Serverele de samp nu vor suferi rollback(revenirea la o baza de date mai veche). Nu se vor pierde bani, level, rp-uri, masini, case si altele.

Singurul site care a suferit modificari a fost http://clienti.b-zone.ro care a revenit pe o baza de date mai veche (06.12.2012 12:00 AM). Produsele cumparate dupa aceasta data vor fi sterse(exceptand serviciile de clear faction punish), deoarece nu mai exista evidenta vanzarilor. Platile facute dupa aceasta data trebuie re-confirmate pentru a primi creditul, apoi puteti comanda din nou produsele dorite. Platile facute prin PayPal pot fi re-confirmate printr-un ticket pe http://clienti.b-zon...ubmitticket.php in care veti trece Transaction ID (acesta poate fi gasit in contul de paypal in detaliile platilor facute catre noi).


Mai jos voi raspunde la un set de intrebari primite de la voi pe PM.



A fost sparta baza de date la servere?

Nu, serverele sunt in siguranta.


Cat vor mai fi inchise serverele de samp?

Acestea vor fi deschise dupa ce noi vom considera ca sunt in siguranta. Probabil ca astazi vor fi deschise.


Cine a fost faptasul?

Nu-i cunoastem identitatea deocamdata. Cu siguranta nu a fost DaniSteptu, asa cum multi ati banuit.


Se va inchide comunitatea?

Acest lucru nu se va intampla prea curand. Cat timp vor fi jucatori, totul va fi online.


Parolele vor fi regenerate?

Nu. Parolele sunt intacte, nu este nevoie de regenerare.



Lista de intrebari va fi actualizata pe masura intrebarilor noi primite. Daca aveti alte intrebari, va astept pe http://live.b-zone.ro





On this weekend (December 8th and 9th 2012) we had some problems with a hacker who created confusion among players. The home website ( http://b-zone.ro ) was modified by this person, announcing the closure of our servers. In this way, I want to inform you that the message doesn't belonf to us and this community will not be closed. Servers were turned off in order to keep the data untouched until the situation is under our control.

Samp servers will not suffer a rollback(returning to an older database). There aren't any data lose(money, level, rp, houses, cars and others).

The one and only website who suffered modifications is http://clienti.b-zone.ro which is running now on an older backup(06.12.2012 12:00 AM). Products bought after this date will be deleted(faction punish services are excepted), because we do not have anymore an sales record. Payments made after this date can be re-confirmed to receive the credit. After that you can order again the products you lost. Payments made by PayPal can be re-confirmed by a ticket on http://clienti.b-zon...ubmitticket.php in which you have to type the PayPal Transaction id(you can find it in your paypal account in the details of the payments).


Below, you can find a set of questions you asked me.



Were the databases broken?

No, the servers are safe.


How much does the downtime take?

The servers will be turned on when we consider that everything is safe. Probably, the servers will come online today.


Who was the hacker?

We do not know his identity.


Will the community close?

This will not happen soon. We do not intend to close it.


Will the passwords be regenerated?

No. You can use the actual password.



This list of question will be updated as I receive new ones. If you have other questions, please ask me on http://live.b-zone.ro


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