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Bug -1 insurance, paying insurance dialog, /park (NOT THE +15 TD BUG)


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Nick-ul tau: DH01

Descrierea bugului: If a car has -1 insurance, and you do a certain procedure, you can drive the car without paying any money and still have -1 insurance. I did this by td'ing the car until -1 insurance, then I pressed F inside of the car, and then I pressed cancel when it asked for my insurance money, after I rapidly typed /park and then typed /engine, then I drove away with -1 insurance and not paying any money. As you can see in my hand I still have all the money I had in the first place.


- Descriptions are right above the image.
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Da stiu si eu la fel tot asa am patit la comet de la 19 TD am 36 mi-a crescut cu 17 TD si la insurance imi aparea -1X(....Sper sa primi inapoi TD'urile pe care le aveam.

Am patit si eu de la 75 la 96td!

Nu e acel bug ... epic fail. =D>

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Da stiu si eu la fel tot asa am patit la comet de la 19 TD am 36 mi-a crescut cu 17 TD si la insurance imi aparea -1X(....Sper sa primi inapoi TD'urile pe care le aveam.

Am patit si eu de la 75 la 96td!


Amandoi report.


Cred ca e bug vizual !.... ai paltit reparatile dar la insurance tot -1 a ramas sau de la lag....


Nu e, am facut relog de 10 ori, nu am avut niciun lag..

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Nu stiu ce e... poate din baza de date... cum a fost lag, au fost 2-3 restarturi... habar n-am....


Am apasat pe "cancel" atunci cand mi-a cerut sa palati insurance.. si dupa aia am dat repede /park, si tot a mers perfect.

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Topic-ul asta nu e ceva cu bug-ul de care a facut 15td, va rog sa nu postati despre asta...

This topic has nothing to do with the bug that causes 15td for all the cars, please don't post anything about that.

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