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[Guide]New to B-zone? Read this

nWo Revolver

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Hello guys, Im Joe_Hart, and welcome to my guide. In this guide, I will sum up everything a new guy need to know, and be detailed as much as possible. Oke, let's get down to business eh?


Part 1: Basic

So in this part, I will teach you how to get around B-zone.



Oke, you just found RPG B-zone, and you want to be a part of this community. You bookmark the IP and stuff, then rushly login. When first login you will see this:



After you have typed your password, you will be taken to this:



The images said it all, so you just need to do that

After you have login, there will be a short tutorial, just watch the whole thing.


First arrival

Oke, you have finished the tutorial, so now you will be spawned at the airport, or referred as 'noob spawn', with a little money in your hand and some in the bank. First thing you need to do is, use the ATM nearby to take out some money you will need later by /atmwithdraw 5000, then run straight to the DMV and get yourself a driving license.


This is the DMV


The DMV is quite near from the airport, so just run around and you will find it


Stand here and /exam



After that you will be teleported to the nearest DMV car. Do /engine inside and just drive pass the checkpoints appear. Just don't hit things.

Pass the last checkpoint? Congratulations, your reward is your driving license.


Useful items

So, you have earned your driving license, good job. Next thing to do is, go to the nearest 24/7, which is here:





Stand infront of the door of 24/7, then /enter. Once you are inside, type /buy, then choose Phonebook, then /buy again and choose Walkier Talkie. You can also buy some cigars and a Lighter, will become handy later.



For now, job is your main source of income, because you still have crappy payday until you reach higher level. To see all jobs you can use /jobs in-game. The best job I would recommend is Bus Driver job, you can do /jobs then choose Bus Driver job, then go to the checkpoint.


Here is the Bus Driver job:




As said in the picture, stand there and /getjob. Already typed? Congratulations, you have your first job and will be your main source of income.


Place to live

You might not like to spawn at the airport everytime you login, so now is the time to find a place to rent. Luckily, Krishanu has bought a house near the bank and it has been used as a place to live for most English players. You might wanna rent there and make some English friends.


Here is the location:




The 'Sunrise' place in the map is 'Temple', just incase.


Oke people, so I basiclly taught you all the things you need to know. If you feel like playing already, just login right now. If you still wanna learn some more, then continue reading.


Part 2: Advance

So in this part, I will teach you how to make money, how to be a good player, ect.



Money is something that is quite important around B-zone. If you want fancy car, you need money. If you want to have money, you can read c0ws's guide right here: http://forum.b-zone....-a-lot-of-easy/



Being a civilian could be quite boring sometime, so you must join a faction. You can read my another guide here: http://forum.b-zone....join-a-faction/


Useful stuff you certainly need to know

You can't be a good player if you don't know anything that needs to know. You can read Kelton's guide right here: http://forum.b-zone....ver-full-guide/

Although it's pretty old, but still useable.


Some basic Romania

This is a Romania server, so don't expect that everyone knows English. You can read Ruskie's guide here: http://forum.b-zone....ions-and-verbs/


Basic driving rules

This isn't really necessary but I suggest you should read. You can read Attila's guide here: http://forum.b-zone....-traffic-rules/


That I all I can think of right now. I will update with the help of moderator later, if I think It should be added. Last but not least, please click rep_up.png if you think I have helped you. Thanks


Have fun playing ya all

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yea, that guide is nice but who reading it has absolutely no idea what to do when they just arrived (at least for me). It's for those who already know around the server.


Anyways, i will update this now

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Seems alright. I like it, I'd have given you a +1, but the quota.. maybe you should add more about factions, how to join them, and some basic commands, some information about all the jobs.


You gotta remember your title is "RPG B-zone full guide" not a quarter guide :)).

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Part 2: Advance

So in this part, I will teach you how to make money, how to be a good player, ect.



Money is something that is quite important around B-zone. If you want fancy car, you need money. If you want to have money, you can read c0ws's guide right here: http://forum.b-zone....-a-lot-of-easy/



Being a civilian could be quite boring sometime, so you must join a faction. You can read my another guide here: http://forum.b-zone....join-a-faction/


Useful stuff

You can't be a good player if you don't know anything that needs to know. You can read Kelton's guide right here: http://forum.b-zone....ver-full-guide/


Some basic Romania

This is a Romania server, so don't expect that everyone knows English. You can read Ruskie's guide here: http://forum.b-zone....ions-and-verbs/


Basic driving rules

This isn't really necessary but I suggest you should read. You can read Attila's guide here: http://forum.b-zone....-traffic-rules/


That I all I can think of right now. I will update with the help of moderator later, if I think It should be added. Last but not least, please click rep_up.png if you think I have helped you. Thanks


Have fun playing ya all

Dude, there is the 'faction' part where I linked my guide on how to join a faction. lol
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Good job but there is already a guide that will be updated soon .

I will not pin this topic or anything because it doesn't have any new information , just some things in the begenning .

Topic locked .

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