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Cerere - Mr WhiTe - Logo + Semnatura

LCS Mr White

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Nick: Mr WhiTe

Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Logo + Semnatura

Imagine (Optional):||| logo - nu ||| semnatura - http://www.google.co...:32,s:100,i:100

Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): logo - pentru about profil ... si semnatura am dat imagine

Text: logo - WelCoMe To Mr WhiTe ProFile ||||| semnatura - Don't be sad.Always in life we have good parts and bad parts.Just smile and think at something that is good

Dimensiuni: cele potrivite ...

Alte precizari: Cele mai bune lucrari +1 si Multumiri speciale :)

Edited by Mr WhiTe
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