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Mihay - Problema instalare Net Framework 4 pe Windows XP


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Ce problema ai?:Pai chiar daca instalez Net Framework 4 cand incerc sa deschid o aplicatie imi da eroare.

O scurta descriere a situatiei: Salutare ,am un program care necesita Microsoft .NET Framework 4 pentru al deschide, bun instalez Microsoft .NET Framework 4 toate bune si frumoase se termina instalarea,dau restart si dupa aceea cand vreau sa intru in program imi da eroare ca trebuie sa instalat Microsoft .NET Framework 4 desi eu l-am instalat deja, am citit cate ceva pe net si am inteles ca merge numai pe windows XP SP3, eu am Microsoft Windows Professional Service Pack 3, deci ar trebuii sa imi mearga, vreo idee?


Alte precizari:-

Edited by Hitman Agent Mihay
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Acum imi da eroare asta

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.


Proces id=0xab4 (2740), Thread id=0xab8(2744).


Click OK to terminate the application.

Click CANCEL to debug the application.


Iar daca dau CANCEL imi apare:


Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2(2). Please check computer settings.

cordbg.exe !a 0xab4


Click on Retry to have the procces white while attaching a debugger manually.

Click on Cancel to abort the JIT debug request.

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