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Los Santos Taxi - Discuţii / Discussions


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Imi cer scuze ca scriu in acest topic, stiu ca nu am voie, dar chiar imi era interesant daca a scris cineva ceva dupa anuntul ala al meu.

Aveam ceva? Gandeste limpende fratele meu. Daca aveam aim nu mai stateam sa bag cerere unban pe forum si nu ma agresam atat de tare. Daca chiar aveam aim nu faceam nicio insulta asupra adminilor si apreciam banul dat mie ca o treaba buna facuta de admini. Dupa cum jucam aveam ceva.. chiar aveam.. experienta, dupa 4 ani de DM. Stii cate banuri aiurea a luat tratecy? Intreaba-l sa vezi.

De ce am scris aici? Deoarece mi-a placut aici. Membri de treaba, fara suferinte, ceea ce e foarte important, mai ales in ultimul timp si un lider perfect. A fost o perioada exceptionala cat timp am fost aici, dar asta e.

Multumesc celor care au bagat in seama acest post, inseamna ca nu l-am scris degeaba.





Tre sa iei masuri :)) Nu mai apasa pe tragaci la arme

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Când e examenul?

azi am avut franceza scris franceza citit si franceza vorbit. ma simt mandru le-am trecut cu brio si maine am am biologie iar luni istorie + olandeza vorbit si am scapat de scoala.
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  • Nickname: ukizalanje
  • Rank: 4
  • Member since: 13.4.2013.
  • Proposed member: MoN$TeR
  • Reason: he was kicked from faction ,but he really like this faction and taxi job ,he trying to get in again,so i wanted to help him a lil' bit :)


I really don't know how he managed to pass the test log with you :) I think that english wasn't the language that you spoke with him. I barely understand Mon$ter.

I will not accept him again. I can't talk to him, I don't understand what he want to say. Don't know what to say anymore...just learn him english.

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I really don't know how he managed to pass the test log with you :) I think that english wasn't the language that you spoke with him. I barely understand Mon$ter.

I will not accept him again. I can't talk to him, I don't understand what he want to say. Don't know what to say anymore...just learn him english.

im sorry but he is arabic,i don't know his language we had to speak in english..i didn't notice that problem,he did well on test but ok if theres a problem ,sorry

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im sorry but he is arabic,i don't know his language we had to speak in english..i didn't notice that problem,he did well on test but ok if theres a problem ,sorry

When i kicked him out of taxi he couldn't understand why I did that.. I told him for report, but he kept calling me 2-3 times a day and asking the same thing 8-|

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