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🚓LV Police Department🚓 - 💬 Discuții | Discussions 💬


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Buna seara tuturor ! Eram azi la ora de engleza si dadeam test... sa povesim o intamplare ce incepe cu "I saw a man who..." apoi totul a venit de la sine... :))


Varianta cu un scris mai citeţ :


I saw a man who stole a kid. I called him "BlackThief" because he was wearing black clothes. I knew that i had the mission to save that kid and to bring him back to his family like a real hero I always wanted to be.

BlackThief got in to his car and I did the same. I got in to my police car and then, my journey began. I had my deagle and mp5 in my bag, like all the time.

The engine was ready, I was ready too. I knew that BlackThief had no chance against me, so I followed him bravely until he arrived at his den.

I took my guns and my courage and I entered in with no fear . I waited patiently until he went to sleep an then… I attacked him like an assassin and I broke his neck with my knife, taken from a mafia member long time ago.

After that, I saved the little kid and I became the chief of my department, loved by all the citizens from Las Venturas. To be a chief is not that easy as u think. I have to train new police mans, to give punishments and, all the time, to represent an example for all my members who adore me.

Finally, after ten years of being a chief, I’m proud of my activity and I’ll never forget our motto: “Serving with pride, protecting with honor!”.

Edited by Officer demeZu
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Deci prea tare.... scriu la vrajeala pe youtube lugu lugu si uite ce gasesc




si pentru laca laca am gasit :



Edited by AshimaPetrisor2014
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