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Los Santos Taxi - Evidență Teste / Test logs evidence


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- Nick: DarreN

- Rank: LS Dispatcher - 4

- Data: 02.06.2014

- Am dat test cu: 3Rth

- Teorie: 1/3

- Practic: -/5.

- Rezultat final: Respins.

- Alte precizari: /q in timpul testului, ai zis ca nu stii nimic.

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- Nick: DarreN

- Rank: LS Dispatcher - 4

- Data: 02.06.2014

- Am dat test cu: Costibutus12

- Teorie: 0.5/3

- Practic: 0/5.

- Rezultat final: Admis.

- Alte precizari: Te-ai descurcat excelent, felicitari.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 02.06.2014

Am dat test cu: [bOSS]IcePain

Teorie (x/3): 2/3

Practic (x/5): 5/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): RESPINS

Alte precizari: Mai studiaza locatiile. Teorie ... ai fost nesigur.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 04.06.2014

Am dat test cu: FaStH

Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Felicitari!

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  • Nick: Jodko

  • Rank: 4

Data: 04.06.2014

Am dat test cu: WMC

Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: AFK in timpul traseului, a si recunoscut ca s-a pus afk pentru a se uita pe harta.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 04.06.2014

Am dat test cu: ZEW

Teorie (x/3): 2/3

Practic (x/5): 1/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Felicitari!

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 04.06.2014

Am dat test cu: Sickk

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 2.5/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Felicitari!

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- Nick: DarreN

- Rank: LS Dispatcher - 4

- Data: 05.06.2014

- Am dat test cu: Tony..$tark

- Teorie: 2/3

- Practic: -/5.

- Rezultat final: Respins.

- Alte precizari: Ai luat crash in timpul testului si cand ai intrat in joc faceai tikki, nici decum nu m-ai contactat sa dam testul.

Am scris admis din greseala, imi cer scuze, m-am grabit.

Edited by D a r r e n
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- Nick: DarreN

- Rank: LS Dispatcher - 4

- Data: 05.06.2014

- Am dat test cu: ...Vlad.Cristian...

- Teorie: 3/3

- Practic: -/5.

- Rezultat final: Respins.

- Alte precizari: Desi ai fost membru LS Taxi inainte, nu te-ai pregatit absolut deloc, ai uitat tot.

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  • Nick: Mikkoz

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13/06/2014

Am dat test cu: Aymen

Teorie (x/3): 1/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Accepted

Alte precizari: Welcome!!!

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  • Nick: Jodko

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13/06/2014

Am dat test cu: Santos.ls

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 6/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Bafta data viitoare.

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  • Nick: Jodko

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13/06/2014

Am dat test cu: KidCuddy

Teorie (x/3): 0.5/3

Practic (x/5): 2.5/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Acceptat

Alte precizari: -

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  • Nick: Jodko

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13/06/2014

Am dat test cu: GoodFellas

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Acceptated

Alte precizari: Good job man!

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13.06.2014

Am dat test cu: AleXa89

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: Te-ai descurcat excelent, felicitari.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13.06.2014

Am dat test cu: TheRemix

Teorie (x/3): 3/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): RESPINS

Alte precizari : Nu te-ai pregatit deloc pentru test.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 13.06.2014

Am dat test cu: .Tony

Teorie (x/3): 3/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): RESPINS

Alte precizari: Nu te-ai pregatit deloc pentru test.

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- Nick: DarreN

- Rank: LS Dispatcher - 4

- Data: 13.06.2014

- Am dat test cu: Ynkanto

- Teorie: 0/3

- Practic: 4/5.

- Rezultat final: Respins.

- Alte precizari: Asa ceva nu se face, cum poti sa te dai jos din masina, sa iei alta si sa fugi mancand pamantul? crezi ca nu puteai trece testul daca ai acumulat 4/5 doar?

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 14.06.2014

Am dat test cu: sNeCkyyy

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 2/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Felicitari!

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 14.06.2014

Am dat test cu: ZzeRro

Teorie (x/3): 1/3

Practic (x/5): 2/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitari. Mai multa atentie in SF.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 14.06.2014

Am dat test cu: Seba20

Teorie (x/3): x/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): RESPINS

Alte precizari: A abandonat testele.

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  • Nick: FaceOFF

  • Rank: 4

Data: 14.06.2014

Am dat test cu: Vettel.

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: The best!

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