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🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Evidența testelor / Test logs 🔰

Daniel ZEW

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Nick: [Daria]

Rank: 4(dispatcher d-ala fain)

Data: 15/06/2019

Am dat test cu: Misu.Andrei

Teorie (x/3? 1/3

Practic (x/5? 4/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ? ADMINS !

Alte precizari: Felicitari, bun venit in familia San Fierro Taxi, speram sa te integrezi repede. P.S: Fii mult mai sigur pe tine si nu mai lasa emotiile si gandurile negative sa te influenteze, esti un baiat super ok, chiar m-am bucurat ca ai trecut. Nu mai spune niciodata lucruri negative despre tine pentru ca le vei atrage. Te pwpă Dăriuka ta scumpă! :*

Edited by FreshStyle23
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Nick: Mihaela_1317

Rank: 5


Am dat test cu: AbsoluTe.[SeX]

Teorie (x/3 0/3 

Practic (x/50/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Felicitari! Succes in continuare!

Edited by NeneaTROLL
Of mihaela... nu sti sa scrii decat text-ul?
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Nick: Ansecond

Rank: 4


Am dat test cu: K3NnTx10

Teorie (x/3 2.5/3 

Practic (x/5):6/5

Teren (x/4) -

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins  : Respins.

Alte precizari: Felicitari! Succes in continuare!

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Nick: Ansecond

Rank: 4


Am dat test cu:miguel[.]

Teorie (x/3 0/3 

Practic (x/5):4/5

Teren (x/4)0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins) :Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitari!

Edited by NeneaTROLL
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Nick: Mihaela_1317


Data: 02/07/2019

Am dat test cu: SpuLber.[BeLeAuA] 

Teorie (x/3: 0/3

Practic (x/5: 2/5

Teren (x/4: 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins:  Admis

Alte precizari: Bun venit in factiune ! Felicitari!

Edited by HaVaNa
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Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 04.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Zan2000

Teorie (x/3? 0/3

Practic (x/5? 2/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitariii !

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Nick: Mihaela_1317

Rank: 5

Data: 09/07/2019 

Am dat test cu: Odion

Teorie (x/3: 2/3

Practic (x/5):6/5

Teren (x/4)-

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Respins

Alte precizari:Imi pare rau.. Succes data viitoare!

Edited by HaVaNa
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Nick: Mihaela_1317


Data: 10/07/2019

Am dat test cu: HvH

Teorie (x/3) : 0/3

Practic (x/5):0/5

Teren (x/4):0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Felicitari! Bun venit in factiune !

Edited by HaVaNa
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Nick: Adi.17

Rank: 5

Data: 10.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Chrome01

Teorie (x/3? 3.5/3

Practic (x/5? 0/5

Teren (x/4? 0/5

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins : Respins!

Alte precizari: Succes data viitoare.Pregateste-te mai bine!

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Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 10.07.2019

Am dat test cu: [Daria]

Teorie (x/3? 2.5/3

Practic (x/5? 0/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitariii !

Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 10.07.2019

Am dat test cu: manea.v.a

Teorie (x/3? 0/3

Practic (x/5? 6/5

Teren (x/4? x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Respins

Alte precizari: Pare rau, dar fii optimist, data viitoare!

Edited by FreeBoom
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Nick: [HaVaNa]

Rank: owner

Data: 10.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Alexia67

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):

Alte precizari:

Nick: [HaVaNa]

Rank: owner

Data: 11:07:2019

Am dat test cu: Spike.IDN

Teorie (x/3): 1/3

Practic (x/5): 0.5/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):

Alte precizari:

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Nick: Mihaela_1317

Rank: 5

Data: 12/07/2019

Am dat test cu: alexboos23

Teorie (x/3: 0/3

Practic (x/5: 5/5

Teren (x/4):-

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins : respins

Alte precizari:Incearca sa faci ceva pe spatele tau, nu mai frauda!

Edited by HaVaNa
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Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 14.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Inner.fear[junior]

Teorie (x/3? 1/3

Practic (x/5? 2/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitariii !

Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 14.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Mike_777

Teorie (x/3? 2/3

Practic (x/5? 6/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Respins.

Alte precizari: Data viitoare

Edited by FreeBoom
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Nick: rachieru.exe

Rank: 6 

Data: 17.7.2019

Am dat test cu: eduku03

Teorie (x/3? 1.5/3

Practic (x/5? 4/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ?

Edited by aLinnul
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Nick: Khiri

Rank: 5

Data: 17.07.2019

Am dat test cu: Agenturs

Teorie (x/3? 1/3

Practic (x/5? 0/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis /Respins ? Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitariii !

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Nick: Mihaela_1317

Rank: 5

Data: 17/07/2019

Am dat test cu: Hardway.

Teorie (x/3):0/3

Practic (x/5):4/5

Teren (x/4):0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins : Admis

Alte precizari: Bun venit in factiune!

Edited by HaVaNa
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