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🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Lista Neagră / Blacklist ❌

Daniel ZEW

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4Play- primeşte un avertisment la Black List.

[Advance]bogdan - nu primeşte nimic.


Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

_Luci_ - 1.500$ bar-000614023.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

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Nickname: Emerad

Rank-ul pe care îl deţii: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: aleshaler

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000621074.png

Motivul: Insulte

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): Click!

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Nickname: AndyZohl

Rank-ul pe care îl deţii: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: Traficant

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000624143.png

Motivul: Imi bubuie intentionat taxiul.

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): post-46344-0-38329200-1374562191.pngpost-46344-0-31656200-1374562193.png

Edited by B L A Z E
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aleshaler - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.

Traficant - nu primeşte nimic.


Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

_Luci_ - 1.500$ bar-000614023.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

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dodi - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.


Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

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Aditzin - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.



Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

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Rank-ul pe care îl deţii:1

Nick-ul celui reclamat:MrRadu

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000135912.png

Motivul:Vorbeam despre vanzarea masinii mele si vine sa se bage in seama + limbaj (A intrat in Tsar Bratva imediat dupa ce am postat pe BL, sper ca se poate face ceva in legatura cu asta)

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): http://postimg.org/image/niwmtqoyx/

Edited by Emerado
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MrRadu - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.


Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

MrRadu - 10.200$ bar-000135912.png

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Rank-ul pe care îl deţii:2

Nick-ul celui reclamat:Dan.io

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000618996.png

Motivul: Sare in mijlocul strazii, il calc (intentie 0) si il intreb frumos de ce imi da wanted apoi ma insulta.

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): Click

Edited by Emerado
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Dan.io - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.

aleiro08 - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.


Black List



1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

MrRadu - 10.200$ bar-000135912.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

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ARASH98 - primeşte un avertisment la Black List.


Black List


1/2 avertismente:

SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

Ewing - 1.500$ bar-000601822.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

MrRadu - 10.200$ bar-000135912.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

ARASH98 - 1.500$ bar-000626354.png

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Nickname: eroare

Rank-ul pe care îl deţii: SF Cabbie

Nick-ul celui reclamat: drunKer

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000381976.png

Motivul: DM aiurea şi deranj edință

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): Click

Edited by eroare89
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drunKer primeşte direct 2 avertismente datorită comportamentului.


1 avertisment


SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

ARASH98 - 1.500$ bar-000626354.png


2 avertismente


drunKer - 17.500$



Ewing şi MrRadu au plătit pentru a fi scoşi de pe blacklist. http://i.imgur.com/JaWNX2s.png

Edited by Tomm
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Nickname: HunTer.

Rank-ul pe care îl deţii: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: Sill3nt

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000546279.png

Motivul: Trage in mine.

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): Click

Edited by HunTer xD
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Sill3nt primeşte 1 avertisment.



1 avertisment


SnOoP - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

Aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

ARASH98 - 1.500$ bar-000626354.png

Sill3nt - 1.500$


2 avertismente


drunKer - 17.500$

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Nickname: HunTer.

Rank-ul pe care îl deţii: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: [GOD]Cosmin

Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mica): bar-000608592.png

Motivul: Mai intai da in masina fara motiv, apoi in mine.

Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video): Click

Edited by DC HunTer
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[GOD]Cosmin primește 1 avertisment.



1 avertisment


Snoop - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

ARASH98 - 1.500$ bar-000626354.png

Sill3nt - 1.500$ bar-000546279.png

[GOD]Cosmin - 2.000$ bar-000608592.png


2 avertismente


drunKer - 17.500$ bar-000381976.png



Drecsy a plătit pentru a fi scos de pe blacklist. http://i.imgur.com/ZLaokgk.png

Edited by Tomm
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Petrica_Muncitoru primește 1 avertisment.



1 avertisment


Snoop - 2.000$ bar-000553716.png

jackdaniels - 1.500$ bar-000566912.png

DeStRoYeR112 - 2.000$ bar-000536293.png

NoStres - 2.000$ bar-000537094.png

Twist3r - 1.500$ bar-000586158.png

Jim.Capone - 9.600$ bar-000155899.png

Wolf.40 - 1.500$ bar-000596178.png

Victor. - 7.800$ bar-000013507.png

giubau - 1.500$ bar-000596469.png

Shotzz - 1.500$ bar-000596734.png

aditzus - 1.500$ bar-000605805.png

DevilxD - 2.000$ bar-000566529.png

Costibutus12 - 1.500$ bar-000614918.png

aliop - 1.500$ bar-000614281.png

Stereo - 1.500$ bar-000603390.png

Drecsy - 1.500$ bar-000597969.png

4Play - 2.000$ bar-000610355.png

aleshaler - 1.500$ bar-000621074.png

dodi - 1.500$ bar-000606729.png

Aditzin - 5.400$ bar-000569181.png

Dan.io - 2.000$ bar-000618996.png

aleiro08 - 1.500$ bar-000626660.png

ARASH98 - 1.500$ bar-000626354.png

Sill3nt - 1.500$ bar-000546279.png

[GOD]Cosmin - 2.000$ bar-000608592.png

Petrica_Muncitoru - 1.500$


2 avertismente


drunKer - 17.500$ bar-000381976.png

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  • South Flacko changed the title to 🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Lista Neagră / Blacklist ❌
  • aky9 pinned this topic
  • D r e e W unpinned this topic

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