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69 Pier Mobs - Membri si sanctiuni - Members and sanctions


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Nick: Krax[ZEW]
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  mekoselim
Motiv: Banat Cheats(Aimbot)

Sanctiune: Demitere cu 60 fp



Nick: Krax[ZEW]
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  EA7.INTERVENTIA
Motiv: Banat Cheats(Aimbot)

Sanctiune: Demitere cu 60 fp

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  VasileGramada
Motiv: Evidenta war 19.09

Sanctiune: FW



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  Michael.hyena
Motiv: evidenta wars 19.09

Sanctiune: av + 50k amenda



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  Smileyown, Ray.Daumoda, Eugenw0w, mari99
Motiv: evidenta wars 19.09

Sanctiune: Amenda 50.000$



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  targaryen
Motiv: evidenta wars 19.09

Sanctiune: amenda 25.000$

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: teomateosiuuu, a1rgwnthegoat, shade, michael.hyena

Sanctiune: av + 50k



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: smileyown

Sanctiune: fw



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: teomateosiuuu
Motiv: acumulare x2 AV

Sanctiune: fw

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: Reyd, Mari99, Kede.atentat
Motiv: evidenta war

Sanctiune: AV



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: smileyown, shade, vitoroyal, ov1delius
Motiv: evidenta war

Sanctiune: fw



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: a1rgwnthegoat, warron
Motiv: evidenta war

Sanctiune: av+50k amenda



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: a1rgwnthegoat
Motiv: acumulare x2 av

Sanctiune: fw

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: a1rgwnthegoat, smileyown, .james., tucarino

Sanctiune: 25k amenda



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: Rain

Sanctiune: fw



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: lorix.spaider
Motiv: evidenta war

Sanctiune: av 

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: teomateosiuuuu
Motiv: evidenta wars 

Sanctiune: av+ 50 -> fw(acumulare x2 av)



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: rain
Motiv: evidenta wars 

Sanctiune: fw -> demis acumulare 3/3 fw



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: MicutuKura13 DSQ2
Motiv: evidenta wars 

Sanctiune: fw



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: Peqa Mada3alin 
Motiv: evidenta wars 

Sanctiune: av+50k 

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Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  Mada3alin 
Motiv: evidenta war

Sanctiune: av -> fw(acumulare x2 av)



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: teomateosiuuu
Motiv:evidenta wars

Sanctiune: av



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat:  apostol
Motiv: evidenta wars

Sanctiune: av+50k



Nick: siuuuuuuuAndreSef
Rank: Lider
Membrul sanctionat: a1rgwinthegoat, vitoroyal, cr0nex, peqa, reyd.varup
Motiv: evidenta wars

Sanctiune: amenda 25k

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