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69 Pier Mobs - Lista neagra - Black list


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Name: KaLai007
Rank: 2
Name of player to get on
Level of player to get on BlackList: 13
Describe the situation: DM + DB look at the 3 videos
https://youtu.be/5bYuco5MGd8and https://youtu.be/cgKYKpAYcwM and https://youtu.be/nNXdyIyqJus

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Name: hassen10legend1
Rank: 2
Name of player to get on BlackList: Rockstar(22)
Level of player to get on BlackList: 12 , here's player's stats bar , i think it'll help you

Describe the situation: i was going to my drop point and he attacked me with his friend




Name: hassen10legend1
Rank: 2
Name of player to get on BlackList: Toma_razvan
Level of player to get on BlackList: 13 , here's player's stats bar , i think it'll help you
Describe the situation: i was going to my drop point and he attacked me with his friend
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Name: hassen10legend1

Rank: 2

Name of player to get on BlackList: ultimatom27

Level of player to get on BlackList: 8 , here's player's stats bar , i think it'll help you


Describe the situation: i was hanging around and he attacked me with his friends


Name: hassen10legend1

Rank: 2

Name of player to get on BlackList: christopher_thompson

Level of player to get on BlackList: 12 , here's player's stats bar , i think it'll help you


Describe the situation: i was hanging around and he attacked me with his friends


Name: hassen10legend1

Rank: 2

Name of player to get on BlackList: astro28993

Level of player to get on BlackList: 12 , here's player's stats bar , i think it'll help you


Describe the situation: i was hanging around and he attacked me with his friends

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Name: [FR]AbRaKaDaBrA
Rank: 2

Name of player to get on BlackList: HX520W

Level of player to get on BlackList: 14
Describe the situation: He attacked me and JoCaJeBaC,destroyed my car i didn't record that time so i was chasing him and he killed me.

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Nume: maxim16
Rang: 1
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Dimciu
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 16
Descrie cazul: A inceput sa traga in mine in timp ce livram materiale.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):


Nume: maxim16
Rang: 1
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Fanica
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 18
Descrie cazul: A inceput sa traga in mine in timp ce livram materiale.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):

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Nume: maxim16
Rang: 1
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Estrada
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 72
Descrie cazul: A inceput sa ma atace din senin.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):


Nu merge edit la postul de mai sus.

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Nume: maxim16
Rang: 1
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Allone
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 14
Descrie cazul: Trage in mine aiurea.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):

PS: Pune pauza exact la inceput.

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Nume: CraiovaAdy
Rang: 4 (Cacique)
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Giovani1
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 13
Descrie cazul: A furat o mașină de la HQ și m-am dus după el. Acesta a început să mă atace fără motiv după ce și-a terminat treaba cu mașina.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):

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Nume: [GF]Maxim16
Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: vanu
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 7
Descrie cazul: DM aiurea.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):



Nume: [GF]Maxim16

Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: Luci78O
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 14
Descrie cazul: DM aiurea.
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):

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Nume: [GF]Maxim16
Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: (MFA)marius
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 19
Descrie cazul: Limbaj
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):


Nume: [GF]Maxim16
Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: buruiana22
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 8
Descrie cazul: Limbaj
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):


Nume: [GF]Maxim16
Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: bo$$07
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 27
Descrie cazul: DM
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):


Nume: [GF]Maxim16
Rang: 2
Numele celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: claudiu72
Nivelul celui ce trebuie trecut pe
Lista Neagră: 13
Descrie cazul: DM
Dovezile strânse(obligatoriu):

Edited by GF Maxim16
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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Lista neagra - Black list

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