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69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi Importante - Important Announcements


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RO: Maine, 15.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.


Trashmaster SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30

GSSF SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00

EN: Tomorrow 15/11/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn.


Trashmaster SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30

GSSF SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00

NU am prins atacuri! Pagina s-a incarcat foarte greu si nu doar mie. Asa ca maine sa fiti toti online pentru ca se da fw pentru 2 waruri lipsite. Vreau sa aparam alea macar sa nu mai zic ca sunt 2 waruri in zone frumoase.

Edited by F4L Balon
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RO: Maine, 15.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.


Trashmaster SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 20:00-20:30 (ATACK)

Foster SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00(DEFF)
Arch Angels SF
69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:00-21:30(ATACK)
GSSF SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 21:30-22:00(DEFF)

EN: Tomorrow 15/11/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn.


Trashmaster SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 20:00-20:30 (ATACK)

Foster SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00(DEFF)
Arch Angels SF
69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:00-21:30(ATACK)
GSSF SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 21:30-22:00(DEFF)
Daca prezenta nu o sa fie foarte mare o sa incep sa zbor persoane! Pentru ca uneori e mai buna o paleta decat un inactiv. Desigur nu orice paleta.


Edited by F4L Balon
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RO: Maine, 24.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.


Naval Base SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30(DEF)

Airport SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00(DEF)

CNN SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:00-21:30(Atac)

City Hall SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:30-22:00(Atac)

EN: Tomorrow 24/11/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn.


Naval Base SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30(DEF)

Airport SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:30-21:00(DEF)

CNN SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:00-21:30(Atac)

City Hall SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:30-22:00(Atac)


Edited by F4L Balon
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RO: Maine, 25.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.


Palisades SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30(DEF)

Airport SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 20:30-21:00 (ATAC)

China Town SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 21:00-21:30(DEF)

CNN SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:30-22:00(ATAC)



EN: Tomorrow 2511/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn.


Palisades SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 20:00-20:30(DEF)

Airport SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 20:30-21:00 (ATAC)

China Town SF El Loco Cartel 69 Pier Mobs 21:00-21:30(DEF)
CNN SF 69 Pier Mobs El Loco Cartel 21:30-22:00(ATAC)


Edited by F4L Balon
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RO: Maine, 26.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 2511/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn.


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RO: Maine, 27.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 2511/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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RO: Maine, 30.11.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 2511/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

Maine la ora 19:30 va avea loc votarea noului lider, v-as sugera sa intrati pentru a vota persoana pe care v-o doriti.

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RO: Maine, 01.12.2015, la ora 20:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 01.12.2015, at 20:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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Astazi 02/12/2015, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri.
Nu voi accepta învoiri.

1. El Loco Cartel - Juniper SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (defend)

2. El Loco Cartel - China Town SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (attack)

3. El Loco Cartel - Naval Base SF - 21:00 - 21:30 (attack)

4. El Loco Cartel - Jizzy SF - 21:30 - 22:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.

Edited by S k Y V i P BELEAUA
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Astazi 04/12/2015, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri.
Nu voi accepta învoiri.

1. El Loco Cartel - Juniper SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (attack)

2. El Loco Cartel - China Town SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (attack)

3. The Tsar Bratva - SFPD - 21:00 - 21:30 (defend)

4. Red Dragon Triad - Bike Rent SF - 21:30 - 22:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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Astazi 07/12/2015, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri.
Nu voi accepta învoiri.

1. El Loco Cartel - China Town SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (attack)

2. El Loco Cartel - Naval Base SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (attack)

3. El Loco Cartel - Juniper SF - 21:00 - 21:30 (defend)

4. El Loco Cartel - Jizzy SF - 21:30 - 22:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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Astazi 08/12/2015, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri.
Nu voi accepta învoiri, doar pe cele mai importante.

1. El Loco Cartel - CNN SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (attack)

2. El Loco Cartel - Airport SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (attack)

3. Green Street Bloods - Naval Base SF - 21:00 - 21:30 (defend)

4. Avispa Rifa - SFPD - 21:30 - 22:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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Astazi 09/12/2015, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri.
Nu voi accepta învoiri.

1. El Loco Cartel - Cartel SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (attack)

2. El Loco Cartel - Avispa SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (attack)

3. El Loco Cartel - Airport SF - 21:00 - 21:30 (defend)

4.El Loco Cartel - CNN SF - 21:30 - 22:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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RO: Maine, 10.12.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 2511/2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

PS: Ultimul war este obligatoriu

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RO: Maine, 14.12.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 14.12.2015 at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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RO: Maine, 15.12.2015, la ora 20:15 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 15.12.2015 at 20:15 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

Edited by Darius 69 ZEW
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RO: Maine, 16.12.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 16.12.2015, at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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RO: Maine, 21.12.2015, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 21.12.2015, at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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RO: Maine, 4.1.2016, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn. VOM TINE O MINISEDINTA DE LA ORA 19:45 PANA LA ORA 8:15. Tineti minte,aveti la dispozitie doar 2 invoiri pe saptamana, iar cea de la sedinta se pune la numar.

EN: Tomorrow 4.1.2016, at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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RO: Maine, 5.1.2016, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 5.1.2016, at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

Edited by Darius 69 ZEW
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RO: Maine, 6.1.2016, la ora 19:45 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru a ne prezenta la war-urile ce vor avea loc. Prezenta este obligatorie, iar cei ce lipsesc fara o cerere de invoire/inactivitate vor fi sancionati cu Faction Warn.

EN: Tomorrow 6.1.2016, at 19:45 you have to be in HQ to prepare ourselves for the upcoming wars. Those who are missing at the wars without a passing request will recieve Faction Warn

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Astazi 07/01/2016, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 3 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri. Se vor accepta maxim 3 invoiri!

1. Avispa Rifa - Avispa SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (defend)

2. Avispa Rifa - Arch Angels SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (defend)

3. The Tsar Bratva - Bratva II - 21:00 - 21:30 (attack)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


Edited by S k Y V i P BELEAUA
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Astazi 08/01/2016, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 3 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri. Se vor accepta maxim 3 invoiri!

1. El Poco Cartel - Cartel SF - 20:00 - 20:30 (defend)

2. Shoutern Pimps - SFPD - 20:30 - 21:00 (defend)

3. Shoutern Pimps- School Instructors LV - 21:30 - 22:00 (attack)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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Astazi 11/01/2016, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 4 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem/luam turfuri. Se vor accepta maxim 3 invoiri!

1. Shoutern Pimps - SFPD- 20:00 - 20:30 (attack)

2. El Poco Cartel - Cartel SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (defend)

3. Vietnamese Boys - Foster SF- School Instructors LV - 21:00 - 21:30 (defend)

4. The Tsar Bratva - Bratva I LV - 21:30 - 22:00 (attack)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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Astazi 12/01/2016, vreau ca toti membrii 69 PierMobs sa fie on la ora 19:45.
Avem 2 waruri unde trebuie activitate maxima, trebuie sa ne mentinem turfurile. Se vor accepta maxim 3 invoiri!

1. El Poco Cartel - Cartel SF- 20:00 - 20:30 (defend)

2. El Poco Cartel - Avispa Hills SF - 20:30 - 21:00 (defend)

Cine nu este on va primi FACTION WARN.


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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi Importante - Important Announcements

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