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69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements


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Pactul cu cei din Avispa Rifa a fost reluat.


Dar tine-ti minte, orice abuz din partea voastra (si evident a lor), o sa fie sanctionat mult mai drastic. In concluzie, incercati sa nu abuzati.. pentru binele tuturor.

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Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, pentru a incerca sa mai castigam ceva turf-uri.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.



ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in large number, to gain some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

Edited by E u G e n 9 0
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RO: Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.



ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in large number, we need all for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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RO: Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.



ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in large number, we need all for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.



# E inacceptabil ca de fiecare data sa fiti ~ 20 la war, noi fiind 37-38 de toti. Unii din voi, deja o dau in nesimtire.

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Duminica 09.03.2014 va avea loc o sedinta la ora 16:00 . Vreau ca toate lumea sa fie prezenta.

Cine nu este prezent si nu are Cerere de Invoire sau Inactivitate primeste Faction Warn, am multe lucruri foarte importante sa va spun.

V-am anuntat din timp sa nu veniti cu motivul ,,Nu am stiut".

Cei care faceti invoire sa aveti un motiv foarte bine intemeiat, altfel invoirea nu va fi luata in considerare si o sa primiti Faction Warn.

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Sambata 15.03.2014 la ora 15:00 se va tine antrenamentul saptamanal, prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate ajunge sa faca cerere de invoire. Cine este absent fara sa fie invoit primeste Faction Warn.
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RO: Maine la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.



ENG: Tomorrow, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in large number, we need all for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.



# Daca scriu mai mare poate tineti cont de ce zic.

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Astazi, ora 19:00, vom organiza o sedinta. Din cauza ca aceasta a fost anuntata prea tarziu, cei care nu pot ajunge nu vor fi santionati.

Today, at 19:00, we'll organize a meeting. Because the meeting was announced too late, those that can not take part of, will not be punished.

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Duminica, 23.03.2014, ora 19:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.


Sunday, 23rd of March 2014, 19:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request.

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RO: Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

RO: A fost actualizat regulamentul din topicul Arms Dealers, dupa cum urmeaza:

1. Inainte de fiecare zi de war trebuie sa aveti minim 30.000 materiale asupra voastra.
2. Limita de materiale vandute/war a fost scoasa. In schimb s-a adaugat o
amenda pentru cei ce sunt prinsi ca nu dau arme, in valoare de10.000$, pe care o poate acorda liderul gruparii, CiprianM.
3. Cine nu respecta regulie de mai sus, sau nu posteaza raportul, va primii Avertisment la JOB.
4. La 1 raport neprezentat/neefectuat veti fi sanctionati 1 avertisment la job, iar la 2 avertismente la job veti fi sanctionati cu 1 FactionWarn.
5. Cel care la sfarsitul saptamanii a dat cele mai multe materiale, la war, va primii un premiu de 2.500$.
6. Cine posteaza inainte de a posta
CiprianM , nu i se va lua raportul in considerare. O data ce a postat CiprianM , aveti la dispozitie din acel moment, pana Duminica la ora 14:00, pentru a posta raportul arms.

7. Sunteti obligati ca de acum incolo sa aveti jobul armsdealer mereu, asta insemnand ca regula care spunea ca toti iau ce job vor si la war il schimba in armsdealer, a fost anulata. Daca sunteti prinsi cu alt job, veti primi un AV. 2AV = 1FW

  • Raportul va fi postat incepand cu ziua de JOI, ORA 22:00, pana DUMINICA, ORA 14:00.

ENG: 1. Before each war, you must have minimum 30.000 materials.

2. The mandatory sold materials amount rule has beed deleted. It has been added a fine for those who refuse selling guns, 10.000$.

3. The one that does not respect the rules or does not post the report, will get an AV.

4. If you do not post the report, you'll get an AV. 2AV=1FW

5. The one that sells the most materials / week will get a prize of 2.500$.

6. You are allowed to post the report only after CiprianM posts first.

7. From now on, you'll be allowed to use only the arms dealer job, even if it's war or not. If you are busted using another job, you'll get an AV. 2AV = 1FW

The report will be posted starting Thursday 22:00 till Sunday 14:00.

Deasenemea, topicul ASASINI a fost redeschis si actualizat.

The assasin's topic was reopened and updated.

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RO: Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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RO: Astazi la 19:45 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:45 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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Duminica, 30.03.2014, ora 19:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, 30th of March 2014, 19:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request..


Sedinta de azi s-a anulat, MyAir nu poate ajunge.

Today's meeting has been cancelled, MyAir is not able to come.

Edited by Drew
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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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Astazi 03.04.2014 sunteti asteptati in HQ pentru war-uri. Doresc prezenta maxima, cine nu poate veni are timp pana la 18:30 sa faca o cerere de invoire, cererile facute dupa 18:30 vor fi considerate respinse. Va rog sa tratati cu cea mai mare seriozitate aceste war-uri, chiar daca sunt de teste, sunt war-uri si ajuta la organizare si coordonarea noastra.


* O sa dau $10.000 celor care vor lua 'best member'.




Today, 03.04.2014, you are all invited in HQ for wars. I want maximum attendence, those who can't come, you have time until 18:30 (06.30PM) to make a pass request, any pass request made after 18:30 (06.30PM) will be considered rejected. I ask you to treat this wars with maximum seriousness, even the wars are for tests, the wars will help our organisation and coordination.



* I'll give $10.000 to those who will get 'best member'.

Edited by Drew
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Duminica, 06.04.2014, ora 19:00 va avea loc o sedinta. Vreau ca toata lumea sa fie activa. Cine nu va fi prezent va primi FactionWarn.

Exceptie fac cei cu cerere de invoire.

Sunday, the 6th of April 2014, 19:00 we'll organize a meeting. I want you all to be present. Who will be offline will get a FactionWarn.

If you can't arrive, post a pass request.

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Pactul cu Avispa Rifa a fost reluat astazi, 13.04.2014, in urma rezolvarii unor mici neintelegeri. Rog toti membrii sa respecte acest pact si sa nu mai avem discutii pe viitor.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.

* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.

ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.

* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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RO: Astazi la 19:30 sunteti asteptati cu totii in HQ pentru war-uri. Sa veniti in numar cat mai mare, avem nevoie de toti pentru a castiga.


* Cine nu vine si nu are cerere de invoire / inactivitate, primeste factionwarn. Cererile de invoire vor fi acceptate doar daca sunt facute cu un MOTIV FOARTE BUN.



ENG: Today, at 19:30 I will wait you in HQ for wars. Try to come in a large number, we need all of you for winning some turfs.


* Who's not coming and doesn't have pass request / inactivity, receives factionwarn. The pass requests will be accepted only if the REASON IS VERY IMPORTANT.

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  • Scooby69 changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi Importante - Important Announcements
  • St Koppen changed the title to 69 Pier Mobs - Anunturi importante - Important announcements

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