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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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umele / Nickname: Cataa

Rang / Rank: 3

Motiv / Reason: Antrenament

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 10.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2



Numele / Nickname: YoshiJiro

Rang / Rank: 1

Motiv / Reason: Pana nu se reparata intenetul din regie nu am ce face...

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 10.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1



Numele / Nickname: GroMo

Rang / Rank: 3

Motiv / Reason: i have exam tomorow i can't play sorry ... + This lag of server when i enter truf i get desyanc ... almost make sec in turf ....

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 11/11/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1 first one



Numele / Nickname: Cataa

Rang / Rank: 3

Motiv / Reason: Antrenament

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 11.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 2/2




Numele / Nickname:Maxim.7[ZEW]

Rang / Rank:1

Motiv / Reason:Nu-s acasa.

Data warurilor / Date of the wars:12.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2




Numele / Nickname: fatza

Rang / Rank: 1

Motiv / Reason:plec de acasa la bunici

Data warurilor / Date of the wars:13.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2



Mai accept una pentru astazi! Toti cei care fac invoiri dupa atingerea limitei de 2, vor fi respinse!


De acum, ori activitate adica 35+ ori FW, toti!

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Numele / Nickname: GroMo
Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: i don't know if i can play or no i have a little problem with my Father ( possible i will play )
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 13/11/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1 ( i played all the wars im present )

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Numele/Nickname: FlashGun


Motiv/Reason: Nu pot ajunge in seara asta la war ! Am niste probleme personale !

Data warurilor/Date of the wars;17.11.2015

Numar total de invoiri/Total number of pass request: La toate din seara asta ! Daca pot intra, intru !

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Numele/Nickname: Zeronord


Motiv/Reason: Sunt plecat de acasa de azi dimineata, abia acum am reusit sa fac rost de putin net pe telefon sa fac o invoire, cam tarziu.Bafta la war.

Data warurilor/Date of the wars;17.11.2015

Numar total de invoiri/Total number of pass request:1



Edited by ZeroNord
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Numele/Nickname: tuddypwnz

Rang/Rank: 2

Motiv/Reason: Nu cred ca pot ajunge la war, posibil sa intru la 9. Totusi e preventiv, s-ar putea sa ajung la toate, sper.

Data warurilor/Date of the wars: 18.11.2015

Numar total de invoiri/Total number of pass request: 1

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Numele/Nickname: tuddypwnz

Rang/Rank: 2

Motiv/Reason: Nu cred ca pot ajunge la war, posibil sa intru la 9. Totusi e preventiv, s-ar putea sa ajung la toate, sper.

Data warurilor/Date of the wars: 18.11.2015

Numar total de invoiri/Total number of pass request: 1




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Numele/Nickname: CarreY.

Rang/Rank: 1

Motiv/Reason: Nu sunt acasa si nu sunt sigur ca ajung, cel mai probabil o sa ajung la ultimele 2. Exista o posibilitate sa ajung la toate insa am facut invoire pentru orice eventualitate.

Data warurilor/Date of the wars: 19.11.2015

Numar total de invoiri/Total number of pass request: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Nerfedx
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: nu pot intra ca am niste treaba importanta , poate pot ajunge la 3/4 2/4 war-uri.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 19.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname:pROTOTYPE_HAMERAS
Rang / Rank:1
Motiv / Reason:SCOALA... AM DE INVATAT. R.I.P
Data warurilor / Date of the wars:24/11/2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

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Numele / Nickname:Tobe_pettesRang / Rank:1Motiv / Reason:Antrenament ... internet problemData warurilor / Date of the wars:24/11/2015Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

Numele / Nickname:Tobe_pettesRang / Rank:1Motiv / Reason:Antrenament ... internet problemData warurilor / Date of the wars:24/11/2015Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:1/2

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Numele / Nickname: ZeroNord
Rang / Rank: 1 acusi 2 :P
Motiv / Reason: Azi sunt in tura de noapte la servici, incep la 19:00 si termin la 7:00 dimineata ...
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 25.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1/2

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Numele / Nickname: CarreY.
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: Nu sunt acasa si nu stiu exact la cat ajung.. Posibil sa ajung la ultimele 2.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 25.11.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

#Chiar imi pare rau ca nu pot ajunge, daca e imi accept sanctiunea fara nici o problema, succes la wars.

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