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69 Pier Mobs - Invoiri - Pass requests


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Numele / Nickname: YzZY
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason:Sunt plecat la sala.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 7/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: StapLeR
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Plecat de acasa. Daca ajung mai repede acasa, intru la war-uri
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 7/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: runk
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Ma duc pe afara. Cred ca nu intru doar la 1, dar totusi.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 7/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname:Andutz.BELEAUA
Rang / Rank:2
Motiv / Reason:Am probleme cu pc mi s-a virusat cu un virus troian
Data warurilor / Date of the wars:07.01.2015

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests:3 o sa fie si ultima!

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Numele / Nickname: PauLyNNho
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: E plecat de acasa si ma rugat sa fac eu invoire.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 7/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Homyatol
Rang / Rank: 3
Motiv / Reason: Am treaba saptamana asta, imi pare rau incep de luni in forta.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 07/01/2016
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: a 2-a si ultima.

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Numele / Nickname: Sp0ng3B0b

Rang / Rank: 2

Motiv/ reason: azi nu pot ajunge, maine vad cum fac

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 08/01/2016

Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: cred ca a2a

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Numele / Nickname: AL..EX
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv/ reason: E posibil sa ajunga dar nu la toate.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 08/01/2016
Numărul total de învoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

P.S. M-a rugat pe mine sa-i fac invoirea

Edited by Mihaittzza V I P
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Numele / Nickname:Travie

Rang / Rank: 1

Motiv/ reason: Dupa primul war mi-a picat serverul si nici la ora actuala nu pot intra(precizez ca ma conectez din italia)

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 08/01/2016

Numărul total de învoiri / Tall number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: Mendez[VIP]

Rangul / Rank: 2

Motiv / Reason: Problema scolara , am depus si inactivitatea dar in caz ca se raspunde prea tarziu la ea am zis sa pun si invoirea

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 13.01.2016

Numarul total de invoiri / Total number of pass request: 1/2

Alte precizari: Mult Succes

Edited by Mendez VIP
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Numele / Nickname: Blexu[ZEW]
Rang / Rank: 1
Motiv / Reason: Nu ma simt bine si nu cred ca sunt in stare sa vin la war-uri.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 13/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: PauLyNNho

Rang / Rank: 2

Motiv / Reason: am programare la tuns, nu știu dacă ajung, poate ajung la ultimele 2.

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 14/1/2016

Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: YzZY
Rang / Rank: 2
Motiv / Reason: Sunt la sala.
Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 14/1/2016
Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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Numele / Nickname: fTd

Rang / Rank: 3

Motiv / Reason: Sunt plecat, dar e posibil sa ajung la ultimele.

Data warurilor / Date of the wars: 14/1/2016

Numărul total de invoiri / Total number of pass requests: 1

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