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SF Police Department - Raport de activitate / Activity Report


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Rezultate / Results:

Dany - 144 p

Zorro - 57 p

Hofyman - 71 p

Xtazy - 140 p

Sasa_sale - 72 p

Dajicu - 75 p

Adolfe - 95 p

Marian - 141 p

Liewo - 106 p

This_life - 50 p


Best Reports:

Dany (Urmatorul raport: 24)

Xtazy (Urmatorul raport: 8)

Marian (Urmatorul raport: 7)

Liewo (Urmatorul raport: 4)


Rapoarte anulate / Canceled Reports:



Rapoarte Neprezentate:

Ukizalanje - concediu

Pade88 - concediu

Cres - invoit

Himmat - nou venit

Edited by Seba97
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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 14
Numele membrului: [RTS]ZoRRo
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 23.11.2013-29.11.2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 4
Număr de amenzi date: 62
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): Arme - 28 + Droguri - 1 + Materiale - 1 = 30
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 8
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 108
Alte menționări: --

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Activity report ROAD


Activity report number: 1

Member name: Himmat
Member rank: 1 (officer)
Date of the report: (24/11/2013 -- 30/11/2013)
Number of suspended licenses:
http://imgur.com/a/pn2yq#0 (3 suspended licenses)
Number of tickets given:
http://imgur.com/a/f8dcX#0 (43 tickets)
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk):
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given:
http://imgur.com/a/yo7dv#0 (4 disobying order )
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested):
Number of beginners players helped:
Total points: 53
Other specifications:

Edited by nWoHimmat
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Raport de activitate S.W.A.T

Raportul de activitate cu numarul: 24
Numele membrului: .DaNy.
Rank-ul membrului: Lieutenant(4)
Data raportului: 23/10/2013-30/11/2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): 32 ( https://plus.google.com/photos/101536854964201185802/albums/5952007756251731425?banner=pwa ) + 35 ( https://plus.google.com/photos/101536854964201185802/albums/5952007240493991169?banner=pwa )

Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 6 https://plus.google.com/photos/101536854964201185802/albums/5952008224186869889?banner=pwa
Numar de licente suspendate:0
Numar de amenzi date: 0

Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 73
Alte mentionari:

Edited by D a n y
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Activity report number: 29
Member name: Sasa_Sale
Member rank: 4 [Lieutenant]
Date of the report: 23.11.2013. - 30.11.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): Without right 40: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2020/Without%20right%20to%20surrender?sort=3&page=1 , Arrested 26: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2020/Arrested?sort=3&page=1
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 6: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2020/Confiscated%20Objects?sort=3&page=1
Number of suspended licenses: -
Number of tickets given ( materials without license, headlights off, hidraulics, selling weapons, violation of the speed limit, fishes without license,Walking on the road side): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 40 + 26 + 6 = 72
Other specifications: Thank you on your time.
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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 8
Numele membrului: XtaZy
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 23.11 - 30.11
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 53 + 92
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0
Număr de amenzi date: 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 145
Alte menționări: -

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Raport de activitate S.W.A.T

Raportul de activitate cu numarul: 7.
Numele membrului: .Marian.
Rank-ul membrului: 2 (Detective)
Data raportului: 24/10/2013-30/11/2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): 32 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5952092890844150881?banner=pwa + 38 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5952094037210582769?banner=pwa
Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 2 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5952094527272982545?banner=pwa
Numar de licente suspendate:0
Numar de amenzi date: 0
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 72
Alte mentionari: :D

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Activity report SWAT:

Activity report number: 13
Member name: ukizalanje
Member rank: SFPD Sergeant [3]
Date of the report: 1.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested):
28 + 28
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 15
Number of suspended licenses: -
Number of tickets given:
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 28 + 28 + 15 + 1 = 72
Other specifications: thank you...

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Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 5.
Numele membrului: This_Life
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 27.11.2013 - 30.11.2013
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 83. http://imgur.com/a/gYmsL#0
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0.
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0.
Număr de amenzi date: 0.
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0.
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0.
Punctaj total: 83
Alte menționări:

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Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 4
Numele membrului: [DC]Liewo
Rank-ul membrului: 1
Data raportului: 23-29 noiembrie 2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 1
Număr de amenzi date: 45
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): -
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 3
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): -
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 1
Punctaj total: 51
Alte menționări:

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Activity report S.W.A.T:

Activity report number: 29.

Member name: [MwP]Adolfe.
Member rank: 4 {Lieutenant}.
Date of the report: 24/11/2013-01/12/2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 56 Suspects Killed / 13 Suspects Arrested
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 1 Object Confiscated.
Number of suspended licenses: 2 License Confiscated.
Number of tickets given: 1 Ticket Given.
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 0.
Number of beginners players helped: 0.
Total points: 56 + 13 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 73.
Other specifications: Have a nice day.

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Raport de activitate SWAT

Raportul de activitate cu numarul: 20
Numele membrului: Dajicu
Rank-ul membrului:
Data raportului: 24.11.2013-1.12.2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): Fara(35) si Cu(32)
Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 3
Numar de licente suspendate:
Numar de amenzi date: 1
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 71
Alte mentionari:

Edited by S4L Dajicu
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Rezultate / Results:

Zorro - 108 p

Himmat - 53 p (it's "Disobey" not "Disobye")

Dany - 73 p

Sasa_sale - 72 p

Xtazy - 145 p

Marian - 71 p (ai doar un obiect confiscat, -1)

Ukizalanje - 72 p

Liewo - 51 p

Adolfe - 73 p

Hofyman (PM) - 79 p

Dajicu - 71 p


Best Reports:

Zorro (Urmatorul raport: 16)

Xtazy (Urmatorul raprot: 10)


Rapoarte anulate / Canceled Reports:



Rapoarte Neprezentate:

Cres - probleme PC

Edited by Seba97
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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 16
Numele membrului: [RTS]ZoRRo
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 1.12.2013-5.12.2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 3
Număr de amenzi date: 38
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 3 ( Droguri) + 12 ( Arme ) = 15
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 6
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 65
Alte menționări: -

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Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 1
Numele membrului: SiSu
Rank-ul membrului: 1
Data raportului: Din data de 01.12.2013 pana in data de 07.12.2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 4
Număr de amenzi date: 91
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): -
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 4
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): -
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 2
Punctaj total: 91(amenzi) + (4*2)[permis suspendat] + 4(neconformare ordin) + 2(help) = 105
Alte menționări: Sper sa fie bine tinand cont ca este primul meu raport.Multumesc

Edited by BTD SISU
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Raport de activitate SWAT:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 10
Numele membrului: XtaZy
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 01.12 - 06.12
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): 50 + 24
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Număr de licențe suspendate: 0
Număr de amenzi date: 0
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 74
Alte menționări: -

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Raport de activitate S.W.A.T

Raportul de activitate cu numarul: 8
Numele membrului: .Marian.
Rank-ul membrului: 2 (Detective)
Data raportului: 30/11/2013-07/12/2013
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): 35 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5954618288194153873?banner=pwa + 36 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5954619331240243617
Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 1 https://plus.google.com/photos/108154866440707954708/albums/5954623991488965537
Numar de licente suspendate:0
Numar de amenzi date: 0
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 72
Alte mentionari:

Edited by Maryan97
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Activity report number: 30
Member name: Sasa_Sale
Member rank: 4 [Lieutenant]
Date of the report: 30.11.2013. - 07.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): Without right 91: http://s1334.photobucket.com/user/sasa275/library/SFPD%20Activity%20Report%2021/Without%20Right%20to%20surrender?sort=3&page=1 , Arrested 0:
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 0:
Number of suspended licenses: -
Number of tickets given ( materials without license, headlights off, hidraulics, selling weapons, violation of the speed limit, fishes without license,Walking on the road side): -
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: -
Number of beginners players helped: -
Total points: 91
Other specifications: Don't like to arrest...
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Raport de activitate Rutieră:

Raportul de activitate cu numărul: 5
Numele membrului: [DC]Liewo
Rank-ul membrului: 2
Data raportului: 4 - 7 decembrie 2013
Număr de licențe suspendate: 8
Număr de amenzi date: 39
Număr de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): -
Număr de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 1
Număr de suspecți prinși ( fără drept + arestați ): -
Numărul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: -
Punctaj total: 39 + 1 + 16 = 56
Alte menționări: -

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Activity report Roads:

Activity report number: 2
Member name: Himmat
Member rank: 1
Date of the report: 4/12/13 to 7/12/13
Number of suspended licenses: 1 ( http://imgur.com/OVYrb8E )

Number of tickets given: 55 ( http://imgur.com/a/cHSJg#0 )
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 0
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 2 ( http://imgur.com/hNbEmnM )

Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 0
Number of beginners players helped: 0
Total points: 59
Other specifications:

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Activity report SWAT:

Activity report number: 14
Member name: ukizalanje
Member rank: SFPD Sergeant [
Date of the report: 8.12.2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested):
25 + 39
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 9
Number of suspended licenses: /
Number of tickets given: /
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: /
Number of beginners players helped: /
Total points: 25 + 39 + 9 =
Other specifications: thank you

Edited by MwP nWo ukizalanje
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Raport de activitate SWAT

Raportul de activitate cu numarul:
Numele membrului: HofyMan
Rank-ul membrului: 3
Data raportului: 04/12/2013 - 08
Numar de suspecti prinsi ( fara drept + arestati ): (fara drept 82) ~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/114782526878990069923/albums/5954959176149975441 (82p)

(arestati 62)~> https://plus.google.com/u/0/114782526878990069923/posts (62p)

Numar de obiecte confiscate ( arme, droguri, materiale + /frisk): 0
Numar de licente suspendate: 0
Numar de amenzi date: 0
Numar de wanted-uri ''neconformare ordin'' date: 0
Numarul de jucatori incepatori ajutati: 0
Punctaj total: 144p
Alte mentionari: HofyBesT !

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Activity report S.W.A.T:

Activity report number: 30.

Member name: [MwP]Adolfe.
Member rank: 4 {Lieutenant}.
Date of the report: 1/12/2013-06/12/2013.
Number of suspects caught ( without right + arrested): 67 Suspects Killed / 63 Suspects Arrested
Number of confiscated objects ( weapons, drugs, materials + /frisk): 17 Object Confiscated.
Number of suspended licenses: 2 Licenses Confiscated.
Number of tickets given: 1 Ticket Given.
Number of wanteds ''disobeying order'' given: 2 Wanteds Given.
Number of beginners players helped: 0.
Total points: 67 + 63 + 17 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 152.
Other specifications: Best >:D<<'>

P.S: there is another SS added f rom the Last Activity Report, I couldn`t find it, don`t count it Seba, sorry :|.

Edited by nWo MwP AdoLfe
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