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El Loco Cartel - Evidenta waruri / Wars log

Jurjak KIA

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EVIDENTA 12.08.2016







Chevy[HULIGAN] - Amenda 5000$

abedsakr - Amenda 5000$

EqAndr3i - Amenda 5000$

[]Ryder[] - Faction Warn (FW)

MiDou[nWo] - Amenda 5000$

Sharawy - Amenda 5000$

Micku7zu - Avertisment Verbal (AV) + Amenda 10.000$

WhapZ- Avertisment Verbal (AV) + Amenda 10.000$

DRUXLER.BELEAUA - Amenda 5000$

IoNeL. - Faction Warn (FW)

kaTaa. - Faction Warn (FW)

Edited by Ala mic
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Sanctiuni War

- Absenta nemotivata la war se sanctioneaza :
Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction warn


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EVIDENTA WAR 19.10.2016

Sanctiuni War:

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn


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EVIDENTA WAR 24.10.2016

Sanctiuni War: 600

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn


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EVIDENTA WAR 26.10.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn


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EVIDENTA WAR 4.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn







GreenDay mi-a dat PM,este invoit


Edited by AIM TeRoRe
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EVIDENTA WAR 7.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn




2P@c invoit la primele 2 war-uri - Probleme cu Internetul


Edited by mR CoFFe
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EVIDENTA WAR 9.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn




iLusi0n. este invoit , am gresit eu.


Edited by mR CoFFe
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EVIDENTA WAR 11.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn



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EVIDENTA WAR 14.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn




Dani_Jr Invoit , probleme cu net-ul .

Edited by AIM TeRoRe
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EVIDENTA WAR 15.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn



M5e60 - War 1- Prezent War 2- Prezent War 3- Absent[720] War 4-Absent[360] - Advertisment Verbal+5.000 Amenda.

Edited by AIM TeRoRe
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EVIDENTA WAR 16.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 600

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn








Edited by AIM TeRoRe
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EVIDENTA WAR 17.11.2016

Sanctiuni War: 900

Absent la 1/1 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/2 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 2/2 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/3 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/3 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 3/3 - Faction Warn
Absent la 1/4 - Amendă 5.000$
Absent la 2/4 - Avertisment Verbal
Absent la 3/4 - Avertisment Verbal + Amendă 10.000$
Absent la 4/4 - Faction Warn




Edited by AIM TeRoRe
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