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ho2w to buy the house which are owned by nobody?


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please help me guys how can i buy the house which shows no detail that this is the owner

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please help me guys how can i buy the house which shows no detail that this is the owner


Do you mean, That when you walk up to a house you don't see info such as - Owner name, House level, Rent price etc?


If yes, Then it simply means that these houses have not been scripted yet, Please note that all the houses have not been opened yet. So it might very well be possible that the house you are trying to purchase has not yet been added to the game.


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please help me guys how can i buy the house which shows no detail that this is the owner

If the house has no owner, it shows you a command.


You may talk about the houses that only show owner's name? These are not rentable.

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krish u got my point exactly ... ok thanks dear ... i thought that may b these houses are under state and but through state admins coz many players sold their houses to state

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