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Green Street Bloods - Lista neagra | Blacklist


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Nick: Indicator

Rank: 2

Nick-ul reclamatului: opis54

Level-ul reclamatului: 5

Descriere: We was robbing bank, then we noticed that he was 5lvl, so we ejected him, after that he started DM,







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Nick: RoberteL

Rank: 2

Nick-ul reclamatului: dragos7198

Level-ul reclamatului: 10

Descriere: Nu ne lasa sa ne desfasuram blacklist-ul. Ne da jos din masina, ne bate cu pumnii, ne ameninta.

Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/VbAZ5#0



Nick: RoberteL

Rank: 2

Nick-ul reclamatului: fatlum_kurtishi

Level-ul reclamatului: 9

Descriere: A venit dupa mine si m-a omorat cu pumnii. Probabil are ciuda ca are 1/2 adv la bl de la mine..nu-i bai, se face acu si 2/2 :)

Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/aPdoW#0

Edited by R O B E R T
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dragos7198 - primeste 1/2 pentru amenintari.

fatlum_kurtishi - nu primeste nimic, daca e pe Bl are dreptul sa se apere.

andreey. - primeste 1/2 pentru DB.

prizone12 - nu primeste nimic, nu sunt clare pozele.

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Nick defendant:Himmat

Level the defendant:6

Description:himmat killed me at jail when i was waiting for fung to get back he was afk.


Edited by NGU Zer01
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Nick: RoberT97

Rank: 3

Nick-ul reclamatului: FunKyMzQ

Level-ul reclamatului: bar-000161266.png

Descriere: DB. Asteptam BlackList-u sa iasa din casa si acesta ma calca, lasa masina pe mine.

Dovezi: http://postimage.org/image/6fkfr892t/ , http://postimage.org/image/3jquufc1z/ , http://postimage.org/image/axedjr3u7/ , http://postimage.org/image/j3xn318vf/ , http://postimage.org/image/r411t292l/ !

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Nick: RoberT97

Rank: 3

Nick-ul reclamatului: JuNNkey

Level-ul reclamatului: bar-000505898.png

Descriere: Ma ia la bataie fara motiv cand vroiam sa ii explic ceva unui player.

Dovezi: http://postimage.org/image/x1no166jn/ , http://postimage.org/image/oo36nlt79/ , http://postimage.org/image/ooy6zl7pz/ , http://postimage.org/image/pqsm8o76p/ , http://postimage.org/image/437sscf4z/ !

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