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nWo Roronoa Zoro-Problema Ram

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Nume: nWo Roronoa Zoro

Ce problema ai?: Eroare imagine albastra asa zisa "Blue Screen of Death"

O scurta descriere a situatiei: Am un pc din 2006 era destul de bun la vremea lui. Placa de baza are 2 sloturi pentru ram, daca incerc sa bag dual sim ram(2 disk de cate 1 gb pe frecventa 533 fiecare) i-au eroare asta se intampla decat la slotu de langa cpu, celalat slot functioneaza corect, problema asta sa intamplat recent acum 2 saptamani.

Screenshot: Nu e nevoie cred.

Alte precizari: Ramu nu e de vina am incercat fiecare discheta in parte in primu slot si nu au nimic.

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In caz ca bluescreenul apare dupa boot screen(inainte sa apara loadingul de la windows) descarca MemTest si pune-l pe un stick/cd bootabil si ruleaza testul pentru fiecare placuta in parte(pui prima placuta in slotul care zici tu ca merge, apoi a doua). Sunt sanse mari ca o placut sa nu fie buna.

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@, describe your problem in english, i understand.. better than the romanian from google translate.

The problem is this when i try dual sim on my pc, afther loading screen if i try to enter chrome for example i get blue screen of death. But the problem is only the slot near cpu. The one near the front panel is working fine. I already tested each ram with the first slot an no errors. This problem occured to me 2 weeks ago.

Edited by nWo Roronoa Zoro
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It's an pretty old pc if wanna change the motherboard i have to change everything beside the power source and the carcas. Right now i have w7 and it runs very slowly with 1 stick of ram but it's acceptable. Il try cleaning very well the slot's maybe it's an dust problem, but thank's for the answers.

Edited by nWo Roronoa Zoro
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