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The Tsar Bratva - Evidenţă war-uri / Wars evidence


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Atentie !

  • Cine posteaza dupa mine are FW.
  • Cei cu un raport incomplet au primit 1 avertisment verbal.La 2 avertismente verbale respectivul va primi FW.
  • Cei cu rosu la bani trebuie sa depuneti suma de bani in seif , sa faceti poza si sa postati in topicul "Seiful Familiei".Aveti 24 de ore , in caz contrar veti fi sanctionati!


  • Who will post after me will receive FW.
  • Those who have missing report will receive 1 warning.At 2 warnings that member will receive 1 FW.
  • Those with red at money have to deposit that ammount in family deposit,make Screenshot and post it in "Family Deposit" topic.You have 24hours , or you will be punished.

Edited by South ValentinoRossi
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