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Comenzi Federal Bureau of Investigations :






/r <text> - Vorbesti cu colegii tai pe radio.

/d <text> - Vorbesti cu cei din PD/NG.

/tazer - Imobilizeaza un player.

/duty - serviciului. Trebuie sa fii in sectie.

/nearwanted - Arata suspectii din zona ta.

/su <id/nume>

/wanted - Arata toti suspectii si wanted-ul care il au.

/undercover <ON/OFF> -iti schimba skin-ul si devii civil.

/punish <nume> - Blochezi un jucator aflat in jail.

/frisk = perchizitioneaza persoana de droguri. Se pot vizualiza si detinerea de arme, materiale sau lucruri cumparate de la 24/7

/m <text> - Transmiti un anumit mesaj pe o raza mai mare ( trebuie sa fii in masina de cop ).

/cuff <id> - Legi cu catuse pe cineva din masina ( trebuie sa fii soferul )

/clear <id> - Scoti wantedul unui suspect in caz ca ai gresit cand i-ai dat wanted.

/confiscate <object> <id> - Confiscati obiectele jucatorului specificat.

/ram - Forteaza usa casei in caz ca este incuiata.

/arrest <id | nume>

/gov <text> - Afiseaza un ANUNT Global. Se vor da doar anunturi importante.


Membrii FBI cu rank superior pot folosi si skin-urile celor cu rank inferior, dupa preferinta. De ex.: daca ai rank 2 poti folosi skinul de rank 2 sau pe cel de rank 1. Daca ai rank 3 poti folosi skinurile de rank 1, 2 si 3 etc.

Bullet-urile pot fi folosite de catre membrii cu rank 3+.

Tancul cu apa poate fi folosit de membrii de rank 4.

Elicopterul poate fi folosit doar de membrii de rank 4+, NU pentru plimbari. Cei cu rank sub 4, trebuie sa ceara aprobare.


Structura Rank-urilor

Rank 1: Proffesional Staff


Este in perioada de proba.

Are obligatia de a fi cat mai activ si de a respecta ordinele celor mai mari in rank.

Este obligat sa comunice cat mai mult cu ceilalti colegi.

In aceasta perioada el trebuie sa invete de la cei mai mari in rank si sa se acomodeze.

Trebuie sa aiba capacitatea de a comunica cu oamenii cat mai bine.


Rank 2: Special Agent


Nu mai este in perioada de proba.

Este obligat sa ii ajute pe cei cu rank 1.

Trebuie sa fie cat mai activ.

Poate folosi masini in functie de rank-ul sau.

El este agent in devenire si la randul sau trebuie sa invete de la agentii cu norma plina.


Rank 3: Supervisory Special Agent


El are deja un sub-departament si este deja acomodat in factiune.

Trebuie sa fie cat mai activ.

Poate folosi masinile in functie de rank-ul sau.

El este agent cu norma plina.

Are obligatia de a ii ajuta pe agentii in devenire si de a ii coordona pe cei cu rank 1.

Trebuie sa ii respecte pe agentii profesionisti si sa invete cat mai mult de la ei.


Rank 4: Special Agent in Charge


El are deja experienta in sub-departament si are vechime in factiune.

Trebuie sa fie cat mai activ.

Poate folosi masini la alegere.

Are obligatia sa comunice cu agentii speciali si sa ii ajute.

Trebuie sa coordoneze actiunea rank-urilor mai mici si sa se sfatuiasca cu rank-urile mai mari daca ei necesita o opinie.

El trebuie sa invete de la asistentul directorului sau director despre organizarea factiunii.

El poate fi desemnat de catre director pentru a conduce o divizie in cadrul unei interventii speciale.(wanted 6 runner, blocarea iesirilor din oras, luarea prin surprindere a suspectului de catre o echipa de agenti)


Rank 5 : Section Chief



Se ocupa de coordonarea membrilor FBI.

El trebuie sa supravegheze constant membrii F.B.I. si sa raporteze datele directorului.

El are obligatia de a fi cat mai activ.

El trebuie sa ajute agentii de orice rank, si sa fie deschis discutiilor the orice natura.

El trebuie sa asculte de Director si sa ii urmeze sfaturile.


Rank 6 și Leader: Assistant Director și Director


El este Lider si directorul F.B.I.

El se ocupa de deciziile importante, de coordonarea si controlarea factiunii.

Se poate consulta cu subliderii (rank 6) si membrii de rank 5 in luarea unor decizii.

El trebuie sa fie de asemenea activ si pe forum, pentru a gestiona topic-urile.

El raspunde de toti agentii F.B.I.

El trebuie sa-si ajute Directorii Adjuncti, iar Directorul Adjunct nu poate actiona fara permisiunea sa.

Directorul Adjunct este mana dreapta a Directorului / Liderului.

Directorul Adjunct poate cere demiterea unui membru, dupa ce s-a consultat cu toti Sefii de Sectie.






Federal Bureau of Investigations commands:

/r <text> - Talk to your colleagues on the radio.

/d <text> - Talk with PD/NG members.

/tazer - Immobilizes the player.

/duty - You become "on duty". You must be in the Police Station.

/su <id>

/wanted - Will show you a list of all the wanted suspects.

/nearwanted - Shows you the suspects that are in your area.

/undercover <ON/OFF> - Applies the undercover state to you.

/punish <name> - It will block a certain player ( <name> ) in jail.

/frisk = Will frisk a certain player and show you a list of the items that he's holding. An FBI agent usually frisks for drugs.

/m <text> - Will send a chat text messaje that covers a larger area ( it can only be used in a cop car ). It is also called the cop car Megaphone.

/cuff <id> - Will cuff the player of the specified <id>. ( it can be used in cop cars as the driver )

/clear <id> - You can clear the wanted level of a certain suspect using this command, if there was a mistake or if he deserves it.

/confiscate <object> <id> - Confiscate the items of a specified player.

/arrest <id | name>

/gov <text> - Will display a global government ad. It can only be used in important situations which concern the F.B.I.



FBI members of a superior rank can use lower rank skins. For example: If you own rank 2, you can use the rank 2 skin or the rank 1 skin. If you own rank 3, you can use rank 1, 2 or 3 skins.

The Bullet's can be used by Rank 3+ members.

The Water Tank car can only be used by rank 4+ members.

The helicopter can be used only by members of the rank 4+ and not for strolling. The other members need approval for it.


Rank structure

Rank 1: Proffesional Staff


He is being tested all the time.

He must be very active and respect higher rank orders.

He must communicate with his colleagues.

He must use his time to learn from higher ranks and accommodate.

He must have the capacity and skill to communicate with people in the best way possible.


Rank 2: Special Agent


He is not monitored as much.

He has the obligation to help lower ranks (rank 1).

Must be very active.

He can use cars according to his rank.

He must also learn from higher rank and full fledged agents.


Rank 3: Supervisory Special Agent


He is already used to the organization and it's rules and must coordinate and help his sub-deparment.

Must be very active

Can use cars according to his rank.

He is a full fledged agent.

He must use his abilities to help lower rank agents and must coordinate rank 1 agents.

He must respect professional agent (higher ranks) and learn as much as he can from them.


Rank 4: Special Agent in Charge


He is an experienced agent and has much time spent in the organization.

He must be as active as he can.

He can use cars as he sees fit.

He is obligated to communicate with special agents and help them.

He must coordinate lower rank actions and must consult higher ranks if they are in need of an opinion.

He must learn from the Assistent Director and The Director about organising the Bureau.

He can be assigned by the Director to lead a division during a special intervention (wanted 6 - runner, blocking city exits, taking a suspect by surprise)


Rank 5: Section Chief



He are in charge of coordinating the the FBI agents.

He must constantly monitor the Bureau's members and must report any important data to the leader.

He must be very very active.

He must help any agent of any rank and must be open to any kind of discussion.

He must listen to the leader and take any advice from him.


Rank 6 and Leader: Assistant Director and Director


He is the organization's Director and Leader.

He deal with high decisions, coordinates and controls the Bureau.

He can consult with rank 6 and 5 members in certain decisions.

He must also be active on the forum, and manage topics.

He is responsible for all FBI agents

He must help the Assistent and the Assistent cannot act without the his permission.

The Assistant Director is the right hand man of the Director.

The Assistant Director can ask for a certain member's dismissal after consulting with all the Section Chiefs.



Edited by Sonnyy
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Noutati in Regulament (22.07.2010):






Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda atunci politistul are dreptul doar sa-l omoare.

Daca suspectul zice ca nu se preda, atunci politistul are dreptul doar sa-l omoare.

Daca suspectul fuge zice ca nu se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.

Daca suspectul nu raspunde cand este intrebat daca se preda si fuge cu un vehicul atunci politistul are dreptul sa-i dea wanted pt runner.

Se considera "fuga" doar daca suspectul se foloseste de un vehicul.


Chat-ul /d se foloseste doar pentru discutii despre ceea ce priveste politia, cine vorbeste despre altceva va fi sanctionat cu /jail 5 - 10 minute pana la demitere.


FBI si NG au dreptul sa intervina doar de la wanted 3+.

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Astazi, 01.01.2011 am modificat comenzile de arrest in functie de decizia sedintei dintre liderii departamentelor de a folosi si functia de bail in procesul de arestare. Nu uitati sa le invatati pe cele noi!

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Incepand de astazi, FBI are dreptul de a aresta orice persoana cu wanted 1+ fara a mai intreba pe /d daca vine un PD la jail.

Mentiune foarte importanta: Daca un membru PD va cere sa-i cedati suspectul pentru a-l aresta el, sunteti nevoiti sa acceptati acest lucru. Orice abatere de la aceasta mentiune va fi pedepsita.

De asemenea, s-a hotarat eliminarea din Wanted List a punerii sub urmarire a suspectilor ce detin arme ilegale. De astazi, nu mai exista wanted pentru arma ilegala. Toate armele sunt considerate legale.

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In urma sedintei tinute Vineri, toate departamentele au cazut de acord cu un set de reguli, care se vor aplica cu strictete in departamente. Aceste reguli au fost create / accentuate pentru a lucra nu doar la comportamentul vostru, dar si la modul in care va desfasurati activitatea profesionala in cadrul departamentului.


Modificari in regulament:


Membrii PD / F.B.I. / NG vor putea urmari suspecti si in masini de civil, dar: in cazul in care merg dupa suspecti ce au drept de predare trebuie sa respecte regulile de circulatie, iar in cazul in care suspectii urmariti nu au drept de predare pot incalca acele reguli. Neconformarea cu aceasta regula si incalcarea, din propria initiativa, a regulilor de circulatie cand nu este cazul se va pedepsi cu Faction Warn.

Joburile permise in departamente vor fi: in principal
, si
doar pentru situatii speciale justificate de catre membrii, si cu acordul liderului / subliderului.

Pentru a evita tendinta de a folosi bind-uri si SPAM-ul, numarul de somatii adresate unui suspect va fi redus la
minim 3
, inainte de a-l trata ca pe un suspect fugar. Membrul ce someaza va trebui sa se asigure ca suspectul a vazut cel putin 3 somatii. 2 somatii consecutive in aceeasi secunda, vor fi considerate bind / SPAM si membrul respectiv va fi sanctionat.

Membrii departamentelor nu mai au voie sa ceara unui civil / mafiot / factiune pasnica / hitman sa-i omoare.

Pretul universal pentru /accept lawyer va fi 1.000.000$. Orice membru ce ofera accept cu mai putin va fi sanctionat drastic.

In cazul patrunderii civililor pe teren guvernamental, membrii au obligatia sa le vorbeasca frumos si sa ii roage sa iese afara (indiferent de level), si la cei de level mic ce nu cunosc termenul au obligatia sa le explice ce inseamna si de ce nu pot sta acolo.

Limbajul de mahala nu va mai fi tolerat in conversatii cu civili. Expresii gen: "Mars", "BAAA!", "Ce vrei ba?", "Nab", si jigniri de orice fel adresate civililor vor fi sanctionate. PD / F.B.I. / NG sunt factiunile ce stabilesc linistea si impun legea pe server, si astfel membrii trebuie sa dea dovada de buna crestere si sa dea un exemplu demn de urmat celorlalti playeri. Limbajul "familial" poate fi folosit doar cu persoane care le permit acest lucru (prieteni) si nu in locuri publice sau inconjurati de civili.

/d este chat-ul prin care membrii departamentelor pot colabora in situatii legate de politie. Certurile / jignirile in cadrul acestui chat nu vor fi tolerate si vor fi sanctionate, in general, cu demitere.

Denumirea "war in zone publice", din acordarea wanted-ului, se va schimba in simplul "war". Zonele publice nu prea se mai justifica.

Limita de 30 de membrii in departamente.



! Reguli vizavi de war:


WAR-ul intre membrii mafiilor si de asemenea micile rafuieli savarsite de un numar mic de mafioti vor fi sanctionate cu wanted 4 pe motivul WAR. Intrucat membrii mafiilor au voie sa faca war oriunde doresc, fortele de ordine au voie sa intervina oriunde zaresc astfel de actiuni. Dupa ce wanted-ul este acordat, membrii PD / F.B.I. / NG au obligatia sa-i someze pentru a se opri, si apoi a se preda, cu o replica de genul: "Opriti atacurile si predati-va!". Daca respectivii mafioti nu se opresc / nu se predau, isi vor pierde dreptul de predare si vor fi omorati.


! Observatie:

O singura problema ramane, dar pana cand Andrei se va ocupa de aceasta nu putem face nimic. Pentru a va putea apara impotriva plangerilor facute de catre anumiti playeri din cauza noului /su + wanted ascuns, aveti doua variante:

- faceti SS dupa ce ati scris comanda, exact inainte de a apasa Enter. Exemplu: /su X-ulescu 4 cop atac, F8, apoi Enter;

- scrieti comanda /mdc X-ulescu si faceti SS acesteia, dupa ce ati acordat wanted lui X-ulescu. Exemplu: /su X-ulescu 4 cop atac + Enter, /mdc X-ulescu + Enter, apoi F8.

Edited by Klaudiu
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Astazi, 27.09.2011, am modificat Regulamentul F.B.I. in conformitate cu noile reguli stabilite in urma ultimei sedinte dintre liderii departamentelor. De asemenea, am rescris mici parti din Regulament fara modificari majore, dar importante.

O noua regula aprobata de catre liderii departamentelor a fost adaugata, si anume ultima regula din "! Tratarea suspectilor fugari:" cu privire la acordarea de wanted 6 pe motivul Complice.


Rog fiecare membru FBI sa revizuiasca Regulamentul pentru a repera si a intelege micile modificari.

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In urma sedintei efectuate Joi intre liderii departamentelor, am decis deocamdata doua modificari de regulament. Intrucat serverul a cazut, sedinta s-a incheiat subit. Vom discuta alte aspecte pe viitor. Deocamdata regulile adaugate / modificate sunt:


  1. Pretul unui accept lawyer va fi redus la 700.000$.
  2. Wantedul "neoprire la somatie" va fi inlocuit cu "neconformare ordin", intrucat acest tip de wanted cuprinde o multitudine de situatii, inclusiv situatii in care un anumit player incurca activitatea unui membru PD / FBI / NG si nu inceteaza la rugamintea respectivului membru.
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* In urma modificarii metodei de WAR si aprobarii acesteia, Regulamentul FBI a suferit o mica modificare. In ceea ce priveste WAR-ul si interventia fortelor de ordine in cadrul acestuia. Astfel membrii PD / FBI / NG au voie sa intervine doar daca astfel de actiuni se petrec in interiorul oraselor.

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In urma unei discutii cu ceilalti lideri, determinata de o plangere la adresa lui Corneliu, am decis sa adaugam o noua regula in ceea ce priveste urmarirea suspectilor (in special cei fara drept de predare), si anume regula 45.

Va rog sa o revizuiti pentru a evita astfel de situatii si implicit plangeri.

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In urma sedintei tinute Vineri (10.02.2012) de catre liderii departamentelor, s-a decis modificarea regulamentului pe anumite arii. Regulile adaugate / modificate sunt:



De acum inainte prioritatea de urmarire si arestare a suspectilor de catre NG va fi urmatoarea:

- in principal wanted 3+;

- cand nu mai exista wanted 3+ in lista, vor putea aresta wanted 2;

- cand nu mai exista wanted 2+ in lista, vor putea aresta wanted 1.


In ceea ce priveste robberii, se vor delimita doua "tabere": prima fiind
care se va ocupa de playerii ce jefuiesc
Banca LV
, iar a doua fiind
care se vor ocupa de cei ce jefuiesc
Banca LS
, indiferent unde s-ar afla acestia. In cazul in care una dintre cele doua tabere se afla in inferioritate numerica, ea poate solicita ajutorul celeilalte tabere. Altfel, fiecare din cele doua tabere nu au voie SUB NICI O FORMA sa intervina in jurisdictia celeilalte.

Daca cei 4 muschetari jefuiesc Banca LS, doar PD si FBI au dreptul sa-i urmareasca / doboare. In cazul in care este ora 3 noaptea si nu se afla decat un membru PD sau FBI online contra 4 robberi, acesta poate solicita ajutorul unui NG (fiind in inferioritate numerica). Deci acel membru NG va putea interveni doar cu acordul celui din FBI / PD.


In ceea ce priveste runnerii, urmaririle se vor organiza in echipe mixte, ce contin cel putin un membru din fiecare departament. In cazul in care un anume departament nu contine nici un membru online / activ, echipele vor fi organizate din membrii celorlalte doua departamente. Stabilirea echipelor se va face pe /d INAINTE de a fugi dupa respectivul suspect. Aceasta regula este valabila doar pentru runneri (suspecti care s-au folosit de o masina pentru a fugi si au primit wanted 6).


In cazul in care un membru de departament acorda wanted unui civil, acesta are dreptul de a-l aresta, indiferent de wanted level. Daca, inainte de a-l aresta, membrul respectiv iese din joc, suspectul ii revine departamentului ce are prioritate pe wanted-ul sau.


Noul pret pentru /accept lawyer este de
500.000 $


Membrii de rank 5+ au voie sa foloseasca masinile speciale ale celorlalte departamente (HPV-1000, SecuriCar, Enforcer, FBI Truck, SWAT Tank, Ranger, FBI Rancher, Heli PD, Heli FBI) cu conditia sa anunte pe /d si sa le respawneze dupa ce au terminat a le utiliza.


Aceste reguli nu sunt definitive, si anumite aspecte sunt inca sub testare. Daca se vor dovezi a fi ineficiente, injuste sau inconsistente vor fi modificate dupa situatie. Desi inca nu sunt adaugate in Regulamentul General (cel putin nu pana cand vor fi validate), le veti respecta pe cat posibil.






After the meeting held on Friday (10.02.2012) by the department leaders, it was decided that portions of the Rules will be modified. The rules that were added / modified are as follows:



From now on, NG will be able to chase and arrest suspects, by respecting the following priority standards:

- first and foremost, NG needs to arrest wanted 3+;

- if there are no wanted 3+ in the /wanted list, NG can arrest wanted 2;

- if there are no wanted 2+ in the /wanted list, NG can arrest wanted 1.


Concerning robbers, two teams will be formed: the first will be
which is going to deal with players that rob the
Las Venturas Bank
, while the other team will be
PD and FBI
who will deal with the ones that rob the
Los Santos Bank
, no matter where those robbers may be headed. If, by any chance, one of the teams is outnumbered, they can ask for the other team's help. Otherwise, each of the teams are not allowed BY ANY MEANS to intervene in the other's jurisdiction.

If the 4 musketeers rob the Los Santos Bank, only PD and FBI are allowed to chase or bring them down. If it's 3 o'clock in the morning and there's only one PD / FBI member online against 4 robbers, he can solicit the help of a NG member (because he is outnumbered). Thus, that NG member can intervene only with the permission of the FBI / PD member.


In that which concerns runners, the pursuits will be organized in mixed teams, containing at least one member from each department. If a certain department hos no online / active member, the teams will be composed of members from the other two departments. The teams will be established on /d, before pursuing the runner. This rule is valid only for runners (suspects who used a car to run and got wanted level 6).


If a certain department member gives wanted to a certain civilian, that department member has the right to arrest him, no matter what the wanted level of that civilian is. If the member who gave the wanted quits the game, before the arrest, that suspect can be arrested only by the department which has priority on his wanted level.


The new price of /accept lawyer is
500.000 $


Rank 5+ members are allowed to use special department cars (HPV-1000, SecuriCar, Enforcer, FBI Truck, SWAT Tank, Ranger, FBI Rancher, Heli PD, Heli FBI) under the condition that they announce it on /d and respawn the vehicle after they are done with it.


These rules are not final, and certain aspects are still "under testing". If they will prove to be inefficient, unjust or inconsistent, they will be modified according to the situation. Although they are not yet added to The General Rules (at least not after they are validated), you are obligated to respect them as much as possible.

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In urma sedintei tinute Miercuri (07.03.2012), de catre liderii departamentelor, anumite reguli au fost revizuite. Acestea sunt dupa cum urmeaza:



Nu va mai exista delimitarea ce vizeaza robberii. Astfel membrii departamentelor vor putea merge dupa robberi indiferent care banca ar fi jefuita.

Membrii FBI de rank 1 nu vor putea merge dupa suspecti cu wanted 6 fara drept de predare. Se poate face exceptie la aceasta regula in urmatorul caz: Un suspect, cu drept de predare, nu se preda si primeste wanted 6 pe motivul runner de la un rank 1. Acel rank 1 are dreptul de a urmari respectivul suspect.

Membrii departamentelor nu vor putea pleca din factiune daca inca exista plangeri la adresa lor.

Primul membru de departament care ajunge la un anumit suspect, este cel care il va procesa / aresta. Membrii care ajung dupa acesta nu au dreptul sa intervina decat daca sunt solicitati, iar in cazul in care suspectul intra la ei in masina, sunt obligati sa-l predea membrului initial.

Un membru FBI poate sta la jail maxim 5 minute. Suspectii trebuie urmariti, nu asteptati.

In cazul in care ati fost omorat sau un alt civil a fost omorat de catre un jucator, trebuie sa aveti dovezi concrete ca acel jucator a tras / a atacat, pentru a va apara impotriva unei plangeri. Acel "first degree murder" acordat de gamemode nu reprezinta, pe cont propriu, o dovada, ci mai degraba o intarire a dovezilor existente. Acest lucru este valabil si pentru hitmani.

Comanda /tazer poate fi utilizata in cazul in care un jucator nu coopereaza, sau pentru aparare in cazul in care un jucator va ataca / ataca alti civili. Acest lucru este valabil si pentru hitmani, in special cand se folosesc de undercover pentru astfel de actiuni, sau cand se afla cu undercover pe teren guvernamental. Utilizarea acestei comenzi pentru motive stupide / inutile sau utilizarea in mod abuziv, va fi pedepsita.

In cazul in care o anumita factiune are antrenament / sedinta, membrii FBI trebuie sa dea dovada de intelegere si sa nu ii deranjeze, chiar daca exista suspecti cu wanted printre ei. Acest lucru este valabil si pentru membrii Hitman care au contract. Dupa finalul sedintei / antrenamentului / contractului, suspectii respectivi pot fi arestati. Pentru confirmare in aceste cazuri, puteti apela la lideri / sublideri / membri Hitman de rank 4+.

Comportamentul / atitudinea / limbajul unui membru FBI este
carierei sale in acest departament. Daca sunteti provocati pe /d sau pe /r, vorbiti frumos (fara aluzii, jigniri sau prea multe vorbe inutile) sau IGNORATI TOTAL.
Acest lucru este valabil si in interactiunile cu civili. De asemenea c
erturile pe /r sunt TOTAL INTERZISE. Daca nu va puteti abtine, indiferent de situatie, nu aveti ce cauta in FBI. Departamentele trebuie sa coopereze intre ele, iar relatiile dintre acestea trebuie sa fie pozitive. Pedepsele pentru comportament pot ajunge pana la
demitere cu Faction Punish










After the leader's meeting held on Wednesday (07.03.2012), some rules were reevaluated. These rules are as follows:



The Rob LS / Rob LV limitation will no longer exist. Thus, department members will be able to pursue and kill bank robbers, no matter what bank they choose to rob.

Rank 1 FBI members are not allowed to chase suspects that have wanted 6 and no right to surrender. An exception to this rule can be taken in the following situation: A certain suspect (who has the right to surrender) chooses to run from the rank 1 member who comes to arrest him and he receives wanted 6 with "runner" status. That rank 1 member has the right to chase the "runner" he convicted.

A department member is not allowed to leave the faction if unanswered complaints about that member still exist.

The first department member who reaches a certain suspect, is the one who is process / arrest him. The members who arrive subsequently, have the right to intervene only if they are solicited, and if the suspect enters their car. they are obligated to surrender the suspect to the member who reached him first.

An FBI member can stay in the jail area no more than 5 minutes. We must chase and capture suspects, not wait for them.

If you are killed or another civilian is killed by a certain player, you must have solid proof of that player shooting / attacking, especially for defending yourself in case of a complaint. The "first degree murder" given by the gamemode does not represent solid proof, on it's own, but it can help you strengthen existing evidence (SS of him shooting). This rule can also be applied for hitmen (with undercover).

The /tazer command can be used if a certain player doesn't cooperate, or to protect yourself and other players if you are attacked or they are attacked by that player. This rule can also be applied for hitmen, especially when they use undercover for such actions, or when they are on government ground (LSPD, etc). Using this command for stupid / useless reasons or using it in an abusive way, will be punished.

If a faction is holding a meeting / training session, FBI members must be understanding and they will not bother them, even if there are wanted suspects among them. This rules is also available for Hitman members who have a contract to fulfill. After the meeting / training session / contract is over, the suspects can be taken and arrested. For confirmation in these situations, ask the leaders / sub-leaders / rank 4+ Hitman members.

The behavior / attitude / language of an FBI member is
to his career in the department. If you are provoked on /d or /r, respond nicely (no innuendos, no insults or nonsense arguments) or IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY. This also applies in interaction with civilians. If you cannot restrain yourself, no matter what the situation is, then you have no business being is the FBI. The departments must cooperate and must keep positive relations. Behavior penalties can reach as far as
/uninvite with Faction Punish
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In urma sedintei tinute Vineri (20.07.2012) cu liderii departamentelor, am cazut de comun acord cu urmatoarele reguli:


1. Adaugarea wanted-ului pentru "folosirea drogurilor", si anume wanted 3. Practic for exista 2 tipuri de wanted 3 pentru droguri: wanted pentru "folosirea drogurilor" (mesajul de pe chat) si wanted pentru "posesia drogurilor" (/frisk)

2. Cand un suspect este capturat acesta trebuie sa primeasca neaparat /cuff. Astfel daca masina este distrusa, el nu va muri. (pentru FBI si NG)

3. Pentru clarificare, "DM jail" presupune atacarea / omorarea oricarui jucator aflat in jail, indiferent daca acesta este detinut, membru de departament, sau orice alt jucator. Toate departamentele vor avea "DM jail" la wanted 6.

4. orice wanted level + DM jail = nu are drept de predare. (propusa de mine | spuneti-va parerea)

5. Schimbarea orelor de vizita la jail.

6. Regulamentul despre WAR se va schimba dupa cum urmeaza:

* War-ul intre mafioti se va pedepsi cu wanted 4, iar wanted-ul va fi acordat direct fara somatii in prealabil. Nu vor exista favorizari, si orice mafiot (fie el admin, sau orice alt jucator) va primi wanted. (folositi soft de game recording precum Fraps sau PlayClaw in aceste situatii | asigurati-va ca aveti dovezi)

* Nimeni nu va mai putea interveni pe cont propriu la war. Membrii departamentelor se vor organiza intr-o echipa mare si vor folosi vehiculele departamentelor pentru interventie. Pentru organizare / adunare folositi /d. Se va respecta urmatorul sablon:

Cel putin 3 jucatori vor soma pe /m si vor da /cuff suspectilor care s-au predat, cel putin 3 jucatori vor da /tazer + confiscate (pentru arme) si alti 3 jucatori, cel putin, vor acorda wanted. Veti decide, in prealabil, cine ce functie are. Daca echipa nu contine, cel putin, 9 membri (din orice departament), nu veti interveni la war.

* Este treaba voastra sa va asigurati ca mafiotii vor fi dusi la jail pentru arestare, si nu vor apuca sa se omoare intre ei, si prin urmare sa ia jail aiurea. Daca respectati acest model, neavand arme si primind /tazer mereu, mafiotii nu vor avea de ales decat sa intre pe g in masinile politiei. Folositi somatii sinonimice cu: "Opriti war-ul si predati-va, altfel veti fi omorati" si evitati SPAM-ul. Trebuie sa va asigurati ca daca nu toti, macar majoritatea mafiotilor au vazut aceste somatii.

* Daca nici dupa ce le-ati confiscat armele si i-ati somat nu vor sa urce in masini, isi vor pierde dreptul de predare si vor fi omorati.








After the meeting held on Friday (20.07.2012) with the department leaders, the following rules were debated and established:


1. Wanted 3 for "drug use" will be added to Wanted list. Two types of wanted for drugs will exist: wanted for "drug use" and for "drug possesion", both of them being wanted 3.

2. When a suspect is in your custody you must always /cuff him. This way, the suspect will not die if the car explodes.

3. For clarification, "DM jail" implies attacking / killing any player who is in jail, whether that player is an inmate, a department member, or any other player. All the departments will have "DM jail" at wanted 6.

4. any wanted level + DM jail = no right to surrender.

5. Visiting hours at jail will be changed by ChevChelios.

6. The Rules about WAR will be changed as follows:

* WARS between mafia members will be punished with wanted 4, which will be given directly without warning. There will be no favoring, and any mafia member (even an admin, or any other player) will get wanted. (you are adviced to use game recording software like FRAPS or PLAYCLAW in theese situations, thus making sure you have proof)

* No departament member will be allowed to intervene on his own in wars. Department members must make a big team and organize themselves for interventions. They must also always use department vehicles for war interventions. /d can be used for organization / gathering. The following team formation must be established:


There must be al least 3 members who will warn using /m and /cuff the suspects who surrendered. There must be at least 3 members that will use /tazer and /confiscate (weapons) and also, at least 3 members who will give wanted. You can decide while you organize yourselves who does what. If the team does not contain at least 9 members (from all departments), you will not intervene.

* If is your job to make sure that the mafia members will be taken to jail and arrested, thus preventing them from killing each other and avoiding long jail time if not necessary. If the above pattern is applied, mafia members will have no choice but to surrender and enter the police cars, because they don't have weapons, thus it will be pointless for them to continue. You MUST use warnings / summons like: "Stop the war and give up, or else you will be killed" and avoid SPAM. You must make sure that the majority of mafia members, if not all, have seen the summons.

* If they will not enter the police cars even after they were warned and their weapons were taken, then they will lose their right to surrender and they will be killed.



Au fost actualizate si sectiunile:

  • News and Informations
  • Regulament
  • Antrenamente | Invoiri Antrenamente
  • Sedinte | Invoiri Sedinte

Edited by Lorrant
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  • A fost schimbata distributia skin-urilor pe rank-uri! ( verifica primul post de la sectiunea News and Informations )
  • S-a adaugat o limita de puncte pentru postarea rapoartelor de activitate! ( verifica topicul Rapoarte de activitate )


  • Skin distribution was changed. ( check first post of section News and Informations )
  • I added a limit of points for posting activity reports! (check thread Activity Reports )

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Modificari 4.11.2012:





In urma sedintei intre lideri metoda de war a fost schimbata astfel:

*De acum se da Wanted 1 + kill celor din zona de war care sunt prinsi ca trag in oponenti! Este nevoie de o echipa de minim 9 membrii de departamente (FBI/PD/NG) (Regulament General - Reguli privind war-ul)


* De acum puteti da /frisk cand aveti /namecover, nu mai apare in chat: " X has frisked Y for any illegal items" (Regulament General - reguli privind namecover)





Following the meeting between leaders, the war method was changed as follows:

*For now on we give Wanted 1 + kill the mafia members that are caught shooting in oponents! It takes a team of at least 9 departments members (FBI / PD / NG) (General Rules - War Rules)

*For now you can give /frisk when you are on /namecover! Will not appear in chat: "X has Y frisked for any illegal items" anymore (Regulations - rules on namecover)

Edited by Fydo
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Modificari 24.11.2012






Modificari la Regulament:


- /namecover de acum va fi obligatoriu dupa structura: NUME.PRENUME sau invers.

- De acum aveti voie sa confiscati ARME daca gasiti civili cu arme la vedere.


Modificari legate de war:


- Deacum pentru a evita posturile si complaints aiurea la cei care au arme la vedere se va da /confiscate weapons. Iar cei care trag vor lua wanted conform metodei actuale.







Amendments to General Rules:


- / Namecover from now will be required after the structure: FiRST NAME.LAST NAME.


- From now on you are allowed to /confiscate weapons if civilians have them in sight.


Changes related to war:


- From now to avoid silly posts and complaints from those who have weapons in sight the department member can /confiscate weapons. The players that shoot in each other they will be punished like in the actual METHOD OF WAR.

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* WAR-ul între mafioţi se va pedepsi cu wanted 1 "WAR" fără drept de predare, iar wanted-ul va fi acordat direct fără somaţii în prealabil tuturor mafiotilor de pe turf. Nu vor exista favorizări, şi orice mafiot (fie el admin, sau orice alt jucător) va primi wanted.

* Nimeni nu va mai putea interveni pe cont propriu la WAR. Membrii departamentelor se vor organiza într-o echipă mare şi vor folosi vehiculele departamentelor pentru intervenţie. Pentru organizare / adunare folosiţi [/d]. Se va respecta următorul şablon:

- Se va forma o echipa de 10 cops (minim). Se va face un screenshot de catre organizator, ca sa dovedeasca ca au fost prezenti 10+ cops la WAR.

-Cei 10+ cops vor fi organizati in 2 echipe. O echipa va da wanted unei mafii, cealalta se va ocupa de a doua mafie prezenta la war.

*La HQ-urile mafiilor nu se va face nici o exceptie, regula ramane aceeasi. Daca mafiotii al caror HQ este atacat vor iesi din HQ vor primi wanted.

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  • Avand in vedere ca in ultima vreme PD a confiscat mai multe licente celor din FBI si NG, s-a decis noua metoda:

- In caz ca sunteti surprinsi de PD pe contrasens, trebuie sa fiti trasi pe dreapta ( fiind cu masini de civil ) voi trebuie sa spuneti ID-ul persoanei dupa care mergeti ( acesta nu trebuie sa aiba drept de predare ), iar cei din PD vor verifica cu [/mdc]. In caz ca aveti dreptate veti fi lasati sa plecati, in caz contract membrul PD trimite PM liderului, iar membrul in cauza este sanctionat cu FactionWarn.

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Regulament General:

De acum acordarea de wanted pentru furt in munca de undercover se va lua in considerare doar cand prindeti in flagrant un civil care ii fura altui civil vehiculul.



Reguli privind interventia la war:

In cazul in care o mafie este atacata la HQ, membrii departamentelor nu vor avea voie sa intervina, este singura situatie in care mafiotii sunt lasati sa isi desfasoare war-ul!

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Am adaugat o noua regula privind interventia la war-ul intre mafii:


Daca mafiotii sunt intr-o masina pe turf, dar nu sunt pe H, nu vor primi wanted!

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[RO] Raport de activitate:


Aferenta celor de rank 4+: Am adaugat obligatia de a avea minim o activitate de organizare a echipelor pentru interventia la war. Fara aceasta activitate RAPORTUL SE ANULEAZA!





[ENG] Activity Report:


Only for rank 4+: I added the obligation to have at least one activity of organizing teams for intervention at mafia wars. Without this, the report is CANCELED!






Regula intra in vigoare din 24.03.2013 ora 16:00!

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Sedinta data 11.04.2013!





Update la wanted:


wanted 2 - Insulte Cop ( Ex: "curcan", "taran","tigan", injurii de orice fel)

wanted 4 - Cop kill devine Wanted 5 ( First Degree Murder + Cop kill = Fara drept de predare )


Update la circularea cu masinile personale in timpul serviciului:


Daca un membru FBI este prins incalcand regulile de circulatie, cu masina personala, fara a avea suspect de wanted 6 fara drept de predare in lista.

Acesta va primi 2x /ticket 100.000$ sau Faction Warn







Update to wanted List:


Wanted 2 - Insulting an officer ( Ex: "curcan", "tigan", "taran", insults of any kind)

Wanted 4 - Cop Kill becomes Wanted 5 ( First Degree Murder + Cop Kill = without right of surrender)


Update to driving with personal cars after suspects:


If an FBI member is caught violating the traffic rules, without any wanted 6 without right of surrender suspects.

Will take 2x /ticket 100.000$ or Faction Warn!

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Modificari referitoare la Raportul de activitate:


Pentru a ajuta playerii noi pe server sa se acomodeze s-a introdus un nou criteriu OBLIGATORIU la raport:

*Playeri level 1-5 ajutati: Minim 7 puncte! Aceasta presupune explicarea suspectului ce a gresit, cu calm si rabdare! Si o a 2a poza in care sa arate raspunsul player-ului respectiv!


Cei care din aroganta nu le explica acestor playeri, este demis fara discutii

Cei care incearca sa fraudeze raport-ul va fi demis cu restrictie in orice departament!



Modificari privind regulamentul general:


Privind suspectii de level 1-5: Sunteti obligati sa somati de minim 5 ori, timp de minim 1 minut! Somatiile vor contine si urmatoarele informatii: " Daca nu opresti, risti sa stai in inchisoare mai mult!" sau "Opreste vehiculul sau risti inchisoare!"


Privind suspectii pe ESC: Daca ati ajuns la un suspect si acesta este pe ESC faceti SS, anuntati pe /d! Asteptati 5 minute, daca acesta nu revine de pe ESC il somati de minim 3 ori, faceti SS si il ucideti!




EDIT: Am vazut ca unora nu le merg cele 2 site-uri de upload al raport-ului asa ca am mai testat un site de photo-sharing: http://picasaweb.google.com/ Trebuie doar sa va faceti un cont google ( gmail) si merge perfect!






Update at Activity Report:


To help new players new on server to accommodate, we introduced a new mandatory requirement to report:

* Level 1-5 player help: Minimum 7 points! This involves explaining to the level 1-5 suspect what he do wrong , with calm and patience! And a second picture showing the player's answer!


Those who treat with arrogance to explain the things that suspect level 1-5 did! This member will take /uninvite without discussion!


Those who tried to defraud the report will take /uninvite restriction in any department!



Update to General Rules:

level 1-5 suspects: You are required to summon them for at least 5 times for at least 1 minute! Summons shall contain the following information: "If you dont stop, you risk to stay in jail for longer time" or "Stop the vehicle or risking jail!"


Suspects on ESC: If you come to a suspect, and this is on ESC make SS, announce on / d! Wait 5 minutes, if it does not return from ESC, summon him at least 3 times, doing SS and then kill him!



EDIT: I saw that the players who are from another country have problems posting theyr report, so i tested a new photo-sharing site: http://picasaweb.google.com/ Simply do a Google account (gmail ) and works perfectly!

Edited by FyDo
Adaugare site nou pentru postare a raportului!
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Update la Wanted List:


Wanted 6 - "posesie armura" si "abuz de /q on wanted" nu mai exista!


Pentru ambele cazuri se ocupa adminii!



Update at Wanted List


wanted 6 - "posession of armour" and "abusing of /q on wanted" has been deleted!

In both cases the admin team will take care of the abusers!

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