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Happy Birthday Romania [Event & Promo Code]


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La 95 ani de la Marea Unire a Transilvaniei, Banatului, Crisanei si Maramuresului cu Romania, ziua nationala va fi marcata de o fastuoasa parada ce va avea loc pe fiecare dintre serverele RPG(13:00 RPG1, 16:00 RPG2) si un nelipsit foc de artificii. Doar maine veti putea admira tancuri si alte vehicule ale armatei. Locatia evenimentului va fi anuntata cu cateva minute inainte. De asemenea, in cele 3 orase au fost plasate cate 50 de dischete pierdute (in total 150 de dischete). Majoritatea dischetelor au fost formatate inainte ca proprietarul sa le piarda dar 30 dintre ele (cate 10 in fiecare oras) contin informatii vitale si puse cap la cap va pot aduce un beneficiu $30.000 si 30 respect points. Alegerea celor 30 de dischete pline este aleatorie in functie de fiecare jucator. Colectarea unei dischete este permanenta (discheta ramane colectata si daca iesiti de pe server). Intre doua dischete colectate trebuie sa treaca un timp minim selectat aleatoriu intre 2 si 3 minute. Eventul se poate castiga o singura data.

Noi am pregatit o reducere pentru produsele shopului nostru pentru perioada 1 Dec 2013 - 3 Dec 2013 in care puteti beneficia de reduceri de pana la 30%. Facturile pot fi achitate pana pe 6 Dec 2013 inclusiv.

Denumire produs Procent reducere Pret initial(EURO) Pret initial(LEI) Pret redus(EURO) Pret redus(LEI) Cod promo
B-Zone: Forum
Clear 10 % of warn 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 1DEC15
Clear 50 % of warn 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 1DEC20
Clear 100% of warn 25% 8 32 6.00 24.00 1DEC25
Change display name 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 1DEC10
Change member title 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 1DEC10
B-Zone: Roleplay Servers
Premium Account 15% 8 32 6.80 27.20 1DEC15
Change nick 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Clear 1 warn 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 1DEC15
Clear 2 warns 25% 4 16 3.00 12.00 1DEC25
Unban(Not for cheats) 25% 10 40 7.50 30.00 1DEC25
Unban(Easy use of cheats) 30% 25 100 17.50 70.00 1DEC30
Clear FP(10) 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 1DEC15
Clear FP(30) 20% 3 12 2.40 9.60 1DEC20
Clear FP(60) 25% 5 20 3.75 15.00 1DEC25
Small House Interior[NEW] 10% 7 28 6.30 25.20 1DEC10
Medium House Interior[NEW] 10% 12 48 10.8 43.2 1DEC10
Big House Interior[NEW] 10% 20 80 18 72 1DEC10
Vehicle KM Reset 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Vehicle Hidden color 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Premier 10% 4 16 3.60 14.40 1DEC10
Vehicle-Phoenix 10% 5 20 4.50 18.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Freeway 15% 9 36 7.65 30.60 1DEC15
Vehicle-FCR-900 15% 11 44 9.35 37.40 1DEC15
Vehicle-Feltzer 10% 12 48 10.80 43.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-Huntley 10% 13 52 11.70 46.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Savanna 10% 14 56 12.60 50.40 1DEC10
Vehicle-Sabre 10% 15 60 13.50 54.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Jester 10% 17 68 15.30 61.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-NRG-500 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 1DEC15
Vehicle-Super-GT 10% 18 72 16.20 64.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Comet 10% 18 72 16.20 64.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Elegy 10% 22 88 19.80 79.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-Buffalo 10% 25 100 22.50 90.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Sultan 15% 28 112 23.80 95.20 1DEC15
Vehicle-Cheetah 15% 31 124 26.35 105.40 1DEC15
Vehicle-Turismo 15% 35 140 29.75 119.00 1DEC15
Vehicle-Banshee 20% 40 160 32.00 128.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Bullet 20% 45 180 36.00 144.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Infernus 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Hotring Racer 25% 60 240 45.00 180.00 1DEC25
Heli-Sparrow 15% 20 80 17.00 68.00 1DEC15
Heli-Maverick 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 1DEC20
B-Zone: Wow
5 Donation Coins 10% 4 16 3.60 14.40 1DEC10
15 Donation Coins 10% 10 40 9.00 36.00 1DEC10
25 Donation Coins 15% 15 60 12.75 51.00 1DEC15
40 Donation Coins 20% 20 80 16.00 64.00 1DEC20
70 Donation Coins 25% 30 120 22.50 90.00 1DEC25
150 Donation Coins 30% 50 200 35.00 140.00 1DEC30

*Preturile in LEI de mai sus sunt valabile doar pentru plata prin depunere numerar. Preturile pentru plata cu cardul vor fi calculate la cursul euro din ziua respectiva. Platile prin depunere numerar sau transfer bancar se vor calcula la un curs de 1 euro = 4 lei. Spre exemplu, pentru 6 euro, veti avea de plata 24 lei.

*Produsele au un caracter permanent. Acestea nu expira dupa un anumit timp.

*Timpul de livrare mediu este de 2 ore. Produsele nu sunt livrate instant, un operator va livra produsele comandate.

*Vehiculele cumparate din magazinul nostru nu pot fi vandute altor jucatori. Mai multe detalii pe http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/ . Acelasi lucru se aplica si pentru categoria Heli : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/ .

*Jucatorii de pe serverele B-Zone : Roleplay pot detine pana la 4 vehicule, chiar si de acelasi tip.

Pe http://clienti.b-zone.ro/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=9 se gasesc tutoriale de plata.


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After 95 years from the Great Union of Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures with Romania, the National Day will be marked by an impressive parade which will take place on each of the RPG servers(RPG1 1:00 p.m, 4:00 p.m RPG) and a set of fireworks. Only tomorrow you can admire tanks and other military vehicles. The event location will be announced a few minutes before. Also, in each of the three cities 50 disks have been lost (in total 150 disks). Most disks have been formatted before losing them, but 30 of them (10 in each city) contain vital information. Putting them back together can bring you a benefit of $30,000 and 30 Respect Points. These 30 disks are randomly selected for each player. Collection of disks is permanent even if you disconnect from the server. Between two collected disks it must pass a minimum time selected randomly between 2 and 3 minutes. This event can be achieved only once by each player.

In addition to this, we prepared promotions for the products from our Shop. Promotion period: December 1st, 2013 - December 3rd, 2013 in which you can get discounts up to 30%. Invoices can be paid until December 6, 2013 inclusive.

Product name Discount Initial price(EURO) Initial price(LEI) Discounted price(EURO) Discounted price(LEI) Promo Code
B-Zone: Forum
Clear 10 % of warn 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 1DEC15
Clear 50 % of warn 20% 5 20 4.00 16.00 1DEC20
Clear 100% of warn 25% 8 32 6.00 24.00 1DEC25
Change display name 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 1DEC10
Change member title 10% 2 8 1.80 7.20 1DEC10
B-Zone: Roleplay Servers
Premium Account 15% 8 32 6.80 27.20 1DEC15
Change nick 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Clear 1 warn 15% 2 8 1.70 6.80 1DEC15
Clear 2 warns 25% 4 16 3.00 12.00 1DEC25
Unban(Not for cheats) 25% 10 40 7.50 30.00 1DEC25
Unban(Easy use of cheats) 30% 25 100 17.50 70.00 1DEC30
Clear FP(10) 15% 1 4 0.85 3.40 1DEC15
Clear FP(30) 20% 3 12 2.40 9.60 1DEC20
Clear FP(60) 25% 5 20 3.75 15.00 1DEC25
Small House Interior[NEW] 10% 7 28 6.30 25.20 1DEC10
Medium House Interior[NEW] 10% 12 48 10.8 43.2 1DEC10
Big House Interior[NEW] 10% 20 80 18 72 1DEC10
Vehicle KM Reset 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Vehicle Hidden color 10% 3 12 2.70 10.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Premier 10% 4 16 3.60 14.40 1DEC10
Vehicle-Phoenix 10% 5 20 4.50 18.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Freeway 15% 9 36 7.65 30.60 1DEC15
Vehicle-FCR-900 15% 11 44 9.35 37.40 1DEC15
Vehicle-Feltzer 10% 12 48 10.80 43.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-Huntley 10% 13 52 11.70 46.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Savanna 10% 14 56 12.60 50.40 1DEC10
Vehicle-Sabre 10% 15 60 13.50 54.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Jester 10% 17 68 15.30 61.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-NRG-500 15% 18 72 15.30 61.20 1DEC15
Vehicle-Super-GT 10% 18 72 16.20 64.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Comet 10% 18 72 16.20 64.80 1DEC10
Vehicle-Elegy 10% 22 88 19.80 79.20 1DEC10
Vehicle-Buffalo 10% 25 100 22.50 90.00 1DEC10
Vehicle-Sultan 15% 28 112 23.80 95.20 1DEC15
Vehicle-Cheetah 15% 31 124 26.35 105.40 1DEC15
Vehicle-Turismo 15% 35 140 29.75 119.00 1DEC15
Vehicle-Banshee 20% 40 160 32.00 128.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Bullet 20% 45 180 36.00 144.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Infernus 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 1DEC20
Vehicle-Hotring Racer 25% 60 240 45.00 180.00 1DEC25
Heli-Sparrow 15% 20 80 17.00 68.00 1DEC15
Heli-Maverick 20% 50 200 40.00 160.00 1DEC20
B-Zone: Wow
5 Donation Coins 10% 4 16 3.60 14.40 1DEC10
15 Donation Coins 10% 10 40 9.00 36.00 1DEC10
25 Donation Coins 15% 15 60 12.75 51.00 1DEC15
40 Donation Coins 20% 20 80 16.00 64.00 1DEC20
70 Donation Coins 25% 30 120 22.50 90.00 1DEC25
150 Donation Coins 30% 50 200 35.00 140.00 1DEC30

*Products are permanent. They do not expire after a certain time.

*Average delivery time is 2 hours. Products are not delivered instantly.

*Vehicles purchased from our store can not be sold to other players. More details can be found here : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/ . Same thing happens for Helicopters : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/ .

*B-Zone: Roleplay players can have up to 4 vehicles, even the same type.

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