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Anique Re – o noua tema inedita pentru iOS 7


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Anique Re este o tema lansata in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, ea fiind gandita special pentru a modifica aspectul iconitelor iDevice-urilor noastre, insa nu se rezuma doar la atat. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, tema modifica forma iconitelor aplicatiilor instalate in iOS 7, modifica dock-ul implementandu-le pe cel disponibil in iOS 6, insa nu modifica interfata vreunei aplicatii native sau interfata vreunui alt meniu al sistemului de operare, asa ca nu va asteptati la asa ceva.
Is elegant, modern, cool and original theme for your device, really beautiful icons (over 80 icons + mask for all icons (Cydia and Appstore apps), with look very cool has, includes pretty widget for iWidgets, also includes perfect Wallpapers (in native Settings.app) and icons for Statusbar to give a great experience. I’ve also applied info.plist effects to make it look cool. For the theme work to perfection: Need install DockShift (Free in Cydia) and activate Transparent dock, NoPageDots7 (Free in Cydia), For Statusbar icons, once you have installed this theme, you must activate it through WinterBoard. You will then need to delete the following folder: /var /mobile /Library /Caches / com.apple.UIStatusBar (It´s only cache). If you do not delete this file, this theme will not work. The font is Bariol Font iOS7 (Free in Cydia).
Anique Re arata interesanta, insa pentru ca ea sa functioneze este nevoie sa instalati o suita intreaga de tweak-uri din Cydia, ele implementand o parte dintre efectele care o fac atat de grozava. Mai exact, va trebui sa instalati DockShift, NoPageDots7 si Bariol Font iOS7, iar in final va trebui sa stergeti din /var /mobile /Library /Caches fisierul com.apple.UIStatusBar. Anique Re este disponibila in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia.
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