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Cloudy with a chance of Meat Balls


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Cloudy with a chance of Meat Balls Pc-Game (PC-ENG-2009)
English | PC | 2009 | 2.96 GB
Genre: Action


Review Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs is the predictable game tie-in to the animated film that was released this Summer.
It played to mostly positive reviews and you can read all about it on our sister site Rotten Tomatoes.

Like most tie-ins targeting a younger crowd, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs is a simplistic nod to the movie that will temporarily entertain most children.

Gamers take on the roll of Flint Lockwood, a wacky scientist in search of a great invention.
His latest creation is a satellite that materializes food and rains the portions down on his
hometown of Swallow Falls. When the food generator gets out of control its up to Flint (and you!)
to dig his hometown out of the mess and save the day. There are some supporting characters,
but the game doesn't bother to elaborate on the story or provide context. In fact,
if you aren't familiar with the film, the game will feel extremely random.
But since children rarely need a story to make sense to enjoy it, this minor complaint hardly matters.

Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061297887-cloudy-with-a-chance-of-meat-balls-pc-game-pc-eng-2009.html

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