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Happy Children Day 2014 [Event & Promo code]


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De 1 iunie, echipa B-Zone ureaza la multi ani tuturor copiilor si celor care inca le place sa traiasca sub spiritul copilaresc. 

Va asteptam astazi pe serverele RPG incepand cu orele 20:00 pentru a participa la mai multe eventuri organizate de stafful nostru. La ora 21:00 se vor oferi 10 puncte de respect si 5000$ tuturor jucatorilor. Atentie, trebuie sa fiti online la acea ora pentru a primi aceste bonusuri. Pe langa acestea, astazi va fi deschis un nou event de tip Find Checkpoints in care va trebui sa cautati cele 30 de jucarii Tikki plasate pe harta serverului, event la care puteti castiga 30 000$ si 30 puncte de respect.

Pana pe 7 iunie 2014, inclusiv, beneficiati la orice produs din Shop de o reducere de 10% introducand codul promotional CHILD14. Comenzile realizate in aceasta perioada pot fi achitate pana pe 9 iunie 2014, inclusiv.

In spoilerul de mai jos gasiti informatii utile despre Shop.


*Produsele au un caracter permanent. Acestea nu expira dupa un anumit timp.
*Timpul de livrare mediu este de 2 ore. Produsele nu sunt livrate instant, un operator va livra produsele comandate.
*Vehiculele cumparate din magazinul nostru nu pot fi vandute altor jucatori. Mai multe detalii pe http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/ . Acelasi lucru se aplica si pentru categoria Heli : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/ .
*Jucatorii de pe serverele B-Zone : Roleplay pot detine pana la 4 vehicule, chiar si de acelasi tip.
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On 1st of June, B-Zone wishes Happy Birthday to all children and those who still like to live in the spirit of childhood.

We are waiting you on the RPG servers today starting with 20:00 to attend to more events organized by our staff. At 21:00 we will give 10 respect points and $5,000 to all online players. Please note, you must be online at that time to receive these bonuses. In addition, today we will open a new Find Checkpoints event where you have to search the 30 Tikki toys placed on the server map where you can win $30,000 and 30 respect points.

Until June 7 2014, inclusive, all products from the Shop are 10% discounted. All you have to do is to enter the promotional code CHILD14 while ordering. Orders made ​​during this period can be paid until June 9 2014, inclusive.

In the spoiler below to find useful information about Shop.



*Products are permanent. They do not expire after a certain time.
*Average delivery time is 2 hours. Products are not delivered instantly.
*Vehicles purchased from our store can not be sold to other players. More details can be found here : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/96950-new-personal-vehicles-in-our-shop/ . Same thing happens for Helicopters : http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/101616-autumn-sale-week-3-promo-code/ .
*B-Zone: Roleplay players can have up to 4 vehicles, even the same type.
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