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Foods to reduce stress


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It is always said that exercise is all it takes to stay healthy and stress free. While it is true that exercise will help you manage stress, some small tweaks to your diet can also reduce stress.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate helps ease emotional strain and helps to elevate your mood naturally. Fortunately, dark chocolate is somewhat of a guilt free snack. Buy good quality dark chocolate go for organic. Go as dark as you can handle, and try to find chocolate with as few ingredients as possible.


Almonds are packed with nutrients such as Vitamin B and Vitamin E. These vitamins help to strengthen your immune system during stressful times. Just about five to seven almonds does the trick.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are full of immune boosting nutrients which help you fight stress. A warm dish of sweet potatoes after a long day gives you a feeling of satisfaction and tranquility.

Good Fat

Avocado is an excellent source of fat. You need at least one half avocado per day. Other good fats include olive oil, fish oil, etc. One or two tablespoons per day should do the job.


Your body needs sugar-good sugar. You can get sugar from a natural source, such as fresh or dry fruit, and raw honey. Honey boosts your immune system. Honey also gives you a better night's sleep. A spoonful of honey per day is all you need.

Green vegetables

Asparagus, spinach, kale are packed with vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid and magnesium. These minerals promote emotional well-being. A cup of these vegetables per day is all you need.

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