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Bug Wanted

AIM Mezen

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Your nickname: [AIM]Mezen.Salaawi

Server: RPG 1

Description of the bug: i was in jail, then when i left it the text "when you left the server you had wanted level 2" Shown in my screen and i got w2... in the same screen you can see that i was in jail and i left it.
Screenshot(s): http://imgur.com/JZzJcty

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@@F4L KillerFish Sorry man, there is something wrong :-W

i remember how exactly i got jailed, i used /work about 2 or 3 times (as an arms dealer), then i went afk more than 3 minutes, when a cop came to arrest me, so i got killed by that cop cause of afk more than 3 minutes.



Sorry because i forgot how i get jailed.

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