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SF School Instructors - Discussions


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Sorry, but this is the only way to speak to you.


Ok, please re-open applications for SF School Instructors on rpg.b-zone.ro, because I did it on Romanian.





Please don't kind of ban / kick me because you know, this was the only way to speak.

Applications will be reopened when we require members. Next time PM me if you have any questions.

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Sorry, but this is the only way to speak to you.


Ok, please re-open applications for SF School Instructors on rpg.b-zone.ro, because I did it on Romanian.





Please don't kind of ban / kick me because you know, this was the only way to speak.

Or you could:



[/wt (106.9)]

[/report for him by Admins]

PM him on forum.

Add a comment on his profile.




Edited by cows
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Nick: RDCristian98

Rank: 3


1. Stabilirea unei zile (cred ca vineri e ok) pe la ora 18:00 cand sa fie o sedinta scurta de 10 minute intre liderii factiunilor SI ( LV, SF, LS) la care sa poata participa membrii rank 4+ ai acestor factiuni. Aici se vor discuta evenimente, probleme si alte chestii pe scurt.

2. Stabilirea unui prag minim de licente la fiecare rank in fiecare factiune. Adica ori sa fie acelasi numar de licente la raport in factiuni, ori sa fie un minim stabilit ( nu in LV 50 licente rank 1 iar in sf 20 :| )

3. Adaugarea unei reguli noi: Orice membru care face post pe RPG unui alt membru SI ( LV, SF, LS ) va fi pedepsit cu 2 x FW !!! Cand aveti probleme cu un membru din aceste factiuni dati PM liderului (vostru sau celui din factiunea respectivului jucator)

4. Liderii sa comunice putin mai mult.

5. Factiunile sa lucreze ca o echipa. De exemplu LV SI (pentru ca are experienta) sa fie "Seful" iar celelalte mainile drepte ! Va dati seama ca 150 instructori sunt mult prea multi si raportul nu o sa poata fi indeplinit de toti membrii pentru ca nu o sa fie clienti, si atunci propun ca in LV SI (care o sa fie factiunea SI "adevarata" sa fie maxim 50 membrii, iar in celelalte cam 20-30) sau acelasi numar de membrii, depinde cum va intelegi...

6. Crearea mai rapida a unui chat comun pentru ca cei rank 2+ (din LV SI de ex ) sa ii poate ajuta cu give pe cei din SI SF sau SI LS...

7. Crearea unor piese pe forum pe comun (lista neagră este foarte important pentru ca nu este corect ca un jucător să injure instructori din LV și după sa primeasca licențe din LS)

8. Sa fie creata o comandă (/ blacklist) care va afișa jucatorii (cei online), care sunt pe blacklist. Doar liderul pot edita această listă pe joc (pentru a adăuga sau elimina jucători)
9. Sa conducem mai usor vehiculele celorlalte factiuni ( merit și Sultan) ca în taxi sau departamente. Vom putem anunța pe chat-ul comun, atunci când o luam.
10. Citiți acest propuneri și gânditi-va la ele. Impreuna. Vorbiti de asemenea cu administratorii (admin 6), pentru a le pune în aplicare și haideti ! Treziți-vă și vindeti licențe !!!

Nick : RDCristian98

Rank : 3
Proposal :
1. Establishing a day (I think Friday is ok ) at 18:00 when to be a short meeting between the leaders of factions during 10 minutes where can participate rank 4+ members of these factions ( SI LV,SF,LS). Here we will discuss events, issues and stuff shortly .
2. Establish a minimum threshold of licenses for each rank in each faction . Mean times to be the same number of licenses in relation to factions, or be a minimum set (not minim of licenses in LV 50 for rank 1, and in sf 20: | )

3. Adding a new rule : Any member who made ​​the post of another SI member (LV , SF, LS ) on RPG will be punished with 2 x FW !!! When you have problems with a member of these factors give PM to leader ( your leader of to leader of the faction that the members is )
4. Leaders communicate a little more.
5. factions to work as a team. For example LV SI ( because he has the experience ) to be " boss " and other arms straight ! You realize that 150 instructors are too many and the report can not be fulfilled by all members for not being a customer , and then propose that in LV SI ( SI faction to be a " true " to be up to 50 members , and the other about 20-30 ) or the same number of members in all factions depends on how you understand ...
6. Create a chat fastest jointly to the rank 2+ ( eg in LV ) can help with Give to those in SF and SI SI LS ...

7. Creating some parts on forum on common ( BLACKLIST is very important cuz is not right that 1 player to swear instructors from LV and after to receive licenses from LS)

8. To be created a command ( /blacklist ) on games where will be shown players (who is ONline) that are on blacklist.Only the leader can edit this list on game ( to add or remove players )

9. To can drive easly the others factions vehicles ( merit and sultan ) like in taxi or departaments. We will can announce on the common chat when we take one.

10. Read this proposals and think about them. TOGHETER. Talk also with admins ( admin 6) to implement them and come on ! Wake up and sell licenses !!!

PS. I posted here cause you dont have a "PROPOSAL TOPIC" !
Also is very important for instructors to learn the rules !!! Cause i see that some of you dont :| So...Learn more and you wont get more posts. Good Luck !
EDIT !!!
PS. Am postat aici pentru ca voi nu aveti topic cu propuneri.De asemenea, este foarte important pentru instructori să învețe regulile !!! Pentru că văd că unii dintr voi nu le prea stiu | Deci ... Invatati mai multe și nu veți mai obține posturi. Noroc!
Edited by RDCristian98
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Good luck in the future to the people who have resigned. 1 week of the faction, we're going OK up to now. 1 more week and some of you will be promoted :D.

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