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SF School Instructors - Discussions


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Hello SF Instructors.


Happy Birthday Khalsa :):*

Thanks a lot.


Happy Birthday Khalsa, best leader indeed :)

Thank you.



Salutare tuturor. In primul rand, vreau sa imi cer scuze ca postez aici, dar vreau sa va informez cu un lucru. Cartea Recordurilor a fost refacuta de catre mine saptamana aceasa. Majoritatea recordurilor au fost resetate deoarece s-au schimbat multe. Asta inseamna o oportunitate pentru de a arata ca sunteti cei mai tari doborand un record. Va astept aici: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/369745-cartea-recordurilor-the-records-book/. Verificati ce recorduri pot fi batute si cititi regulamentul. Daca doriti sa imi dati un + pentru munca depusa as fi fericit. O zi buna tuturor!
Hello everyone. First of all, I want to apologize for posting here, but I just want to inform you a thing. The Records Book was rebuilt by me this week. Most of the records have been reseted because a lot of things change. This means an oportunity for all of you to show that you are the best by breaking a record. Check here: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/369745-cartea-recordurilor-the-records-book/. Check which records can be break and read the rules. If you want to give me a + for what I did to the topic I would be happy. Have a good day all of you!


Thanks for the information friend, I think I will go to break some records now :V

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San Fierro School Instructors was and will be the best faction where I have played and where I spent time !

Thank you all for the atmosphere, it was a pleasant.

Thank you , Khalsa, for your chance to join in Faction and make friends .

Thank you, Zaid, for your amusement and time spent together. Because you were a funny noob !

Thank you, Jojo, for the same seriousness and all funny moments . For our conversation .

This faction was my second family and it will be !

Jojo and Zaid were like my brothers !

Khalsa was the big daddy !

And thank you for all , to all Faction !

Good Luck and Have Fun in faction . Respect #Khalsa and don`t lose him . He is a very good leader , thank you once again Khalsa . You will do better for faction !

Photos <3 :

1. http://imgur.com/a/nvJy6

2. http://imgur.com/a/l9tXh




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San Fierro School Instructors was and will be the best faction where I have played and where I spent time !

Thank you all for the atmosphere, it was a pleasant.

Thank you , Khalsa, for your chance to join in Faction and make friends .

Thank you, Zaid, for your amusement and time spent together. Because you were a funny noob !

Thank you, Jojo, for the same seriousness and all funny moments . For our conversation .

This faction was my second family and it will be !

Jojo and Zaid were like my brothers !

Khalsa was the big daddy !

And thank you for all , to all Faction !

Good Luck and Have Fun in faction . Respect #Khalsa and don`t lose him . He is a very good leader , thank you once again Khalsa . You will do better for faction !

Photos <3 :

1. http://imgur.com/a/nvJy6

2. http://imgur.com/a/l9tXh




We will miss you dude from MoJo JoJO

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wow , it's really .. he scam you :/ .. he transfer to him self the money ! Contact him on game , his name is rayen_dallel .. i can't do anything .. just speak with him .. sorry

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I post here just in case to show you what kind of persons you have in SFSI - EMIR.BR - SCAMMER








I want my money back because i have worked hard 2 months for those money and this noob take it and run away !

1. Who allowed you to post here ? Next time, You will be reported.

2. Thanks for the Info, We will keep in mind about Emir.


@emir ben romdhane, You receives an AV (Advertisement Verbal).

After so many warns, You still spammed the posts.

I told ya, Edit your last post. Take care next time.

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Hey guys, im back for the 5th time here *lol*, hopefully this time i will stay for a longer period cuz i am never lucky, i enter and i face study and tests or i get serious lags, good luck to me this time.

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Hey guys, im back for the 5th time here *lol*, hopefully this time i will stay for a longer period cuz i am never lucky, i enter and i face study and tests or i get serious lags, good luck to me this time.

Welcome back nab.

Stay here, Do Reports, and Enjoy the game :V

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Welcome back nab.

Stay here, Do Reports, and Enjoy the game :V

Thanks, i hope i have fun here and specially that i have kind friends like you.

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Welcome Back DrZombie! hahaha same as me im back but not like him xD im back for the 2nd time :D

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Welcome Back DrZombie! hahaha same as me im back but not like him xD im back for the 2nd time :D



Hey guys, im back for the 5th time here *lol*, hopefully this time i will stay for a longer period cuz i am never lucky, i enter and i face study and tests or i get serious lags, good luck to me this time.

Welcome back guys , wishing you both more time here than the past. Just remember ENJOY the game.

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