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SF School Instructors - News and Announcements


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We have introduce a new topic i.e. " SF School Instructors - Suggestions ". If you have any type of suggestion, you can post it there.

But that's not a discussions topic, Don't try to post there, If you want to discuss something.

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Faction's Activity Report is not mandatory for this week. (28/09/2014 - 04/10/2015)

As RPG is facing some flood problems. Therefore, the Activity Report for this week is optional.

Moreover, This will be fixed until next week.

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We have introduce a new topic i.e. " SF School Instructors - Doubts ". If you have any type of Doubt/Question, you can post it there.

But that's not a discussions topic/Suggestion topic, Don't try to post there, If you want to discuss/suggest something.

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Attention !

This Sunday (18.10.2015) we are going to have an Activity after a long time, I request every member to be present during Activity, This will be TDM (Team Death Match) Type Activity. Short details are given here. More Details will be at Activity.

If in case you are unable to come to Activity, Put an Absent request. Or You will be Punished Accordingly.

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The points for Activity Report has been modified once again.

Minimum Licenses sold per week according to the ranks given below:

Rank 1 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.

Rank 2 = At least 15 licenses SOLD.

Rank 3 = At least 20 licenses SOLD.

Rank 4 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.

Rank 5 & 6 don't have activity reports but may post at their own will to gain points (this will get their chances to receive sub-leader to increase if they are rank 5 and they are still doing their activity report).

Modification to activity report will come in force on 19/10/2015.

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Some changes has been made in the announcement of Level 50+ on [/f], Go though the topic Member's Guide, Disrespecting this rule will lead you to punishments.

The following chances has been made:

7. For level 50 + -> /f "X ( ID) with me for Y License"; (Then /givelicense and take screenshot of thi), Who doesn't respect this model for level 50 + will be punished.


I do recommend you all to go though to the topic too, It will make you more clear.

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Important Announcement

This is to inform to each and every member, From now Its forbidden to report Other School Instructors (LV or LS) on RPG Site. This rule will be implemented from now. Be careful before Reporting Other School Instructor's (LV or LS) Member.

Rule Says:

It is strictly forbidden to make complaints to other School Instructor (LV and LS) Members. If you have any problems with LV or LS Instructors you must PM to respective leader/sub-leader. Disrespecting this rule will lead to a Faction Warn.


I do recommend you all to go though to the Internal Rules topic too, It will make you more clear.

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The Job Rules has suffered a change. You are requested to check the topic Internal Regulation.

New Rule is as Follow..

During Night Time (20:00 - 12:00)

Every Member can have any legal or illegal job during the mentioned period of time.

This rule is not mandatory for weekend i.e. Sunday. Every Member can have any legal / Illegal job at Sunday.



I do recommend you all to go though to the Internal Rules topic too, It will make you more clear.

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The points for Activity Report has been modified once again.

Minimum Licenses sold per week according to the ranks given below:

Rank 1 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.

Rank 2 = At least 15 licenses SOLD.

Rank 3 = At least 20 licenses SOLD.

Rank 4 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.

Rank 5 = At least 10 licenses SOLD.

Rank 6 don't have activity reports but may post at their own will to gain points (this will get their chances to receive sub-leader to increase if they are rank 5 and they are still doing their activity report).

Modification to activity report will come in force on 16/11/2015.

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This is to inform all the members of the SF School Instructors, that we have a Faction Activity on Sunday. This is mandatory Activity i.e. Presence of every member is compulsory.

If you are unable to come to Activity, You must put an Absent Request here. If you remain absent without request, you will be punish accordingly.

For short details of the Activity click here. Or Click on Spoiler.


** Name ( in game ): Khalsa

** Rank: Leader (SF Boss)

** Activity: Hide and Seek (Prize = 20,000$)

** Date and hour: 29.11.2015 and 18:00 (Server Time)

** Other mentions: Location will be secret, And there will be only 1 Round . Also the Event is mandatory. More Info will be at event.

If you are not able to come, Put an Absent request. Or You will get sanction.


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Important Announcement

This is to inform all the members of the SF School Instructors, that Activity Report is optional (Mandatory) for the mention weeks.

​21.12.2015 - 27.12.2015 and 28.12.2015 - 03.01.2015.

Meanwhile all the Activities/Meetings organize in that given period will be optional.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


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Attention !

This Sunday (10.01.2016) we are going to have an Activity after a long time, I request every member to be present during Activity, This will be LMS (Last man Standing) Type Activity. Short details are given here. More Details will be at Activity.

If in case you are unable to come to Activity, Put an Absent request. Or You will be Punished Accordingly.

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Faction's Activity Report is not mandatory for this week. (04/01/2016 - 10/01/2016)

As RPG is facing some flood problems. Therefore, the Activity Report for this week is optional.

Moreover, This will be fixed as soon as possible.

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This is to inform all the members for SF School Instructors

There is an activity i.e. War 4 Fun which is going to conduct on 16.01.2016 (19:00 Server Time). I want each and every member to present at 18:30 (Server time) at Head Quarter (HQ) [ Exceptions for Absent members]. At 19:00 war will be start, So I want members before time. So that we may discuss about some problems and Rules regarding War.

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Important Announcement

SF School Instructors and Avispa Rifa are no more Alliance.

So, No more free licenses to Avispa Rifa members.

Also, For now SF School Instructors only provide free licenses to Admins.

Moreover, Blacklist topic has been open again. If you want to put anyone to blacklist, Use SF School Instructors forum instead of Avispa Rifa's Forum.

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Attention !

This Sunday (31.01.2016) we are going to have an Activity (Announced 6 days in advanced), I request every member to be present during Activity, This will be LIS (Last Instructor Standing) By SF Manager Ziad414. Short details are given here. More Details will be at announce at Activity.

If in case you are unable to come to Activity, Put an Absent request in Absent request topic. Or You will be Punished Accordingly.

Activity has been canceled. Because organizer has resigned from the faction.

Edited by Khalsa Ji
Canceled Activity
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Multi Important Announcements

This Friday (26.02.2016) we have a faction activity i.e. Free licenses Eve. This is a non mandatory activity, If you are unable to come to activity, its okay. but If you are in game at that time, You should come at Activity. for more Info about Activity click HERE.

This Upcoming Sunday (28.02.2016) we have a meeting among faction members. This meeting is mandatory i.e. Presence of every member is necessary. If you are unable to come to meeting you must put Absent Request in Absent request topic, Or you will be punish accordingly. for more Info about Activity click HERE.

" Member's Guide " topic has been updated.

- Corrected the grammar.

- More briefly explained where you have to take Screenshot (SS).

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Important Announcement

Today's Meeting has been canceled, Reasons

- Server have technical problems, Crash every 2 minutes.

- Lot of absent requests.

Some Important points which was about to discuss on meeting is given below

- Follow the announcing model, when you announce during licenses test. Read the Member's Guide once again to be more sure.

- You are not allow to park your vehicles in from of HQ. You can park them behind Faction Vehicles.

- You are not allow to take test for other SI's (LVSI and LSSI) vehicles (Mavericks and Speeders). We have our vehicles to test players

There are more points, but we will discuss them in next meeting.

If you have any type of doubt you can clear HERE.

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Important Announcement

This announcement is to inform to all the members of SF School Instructors, that we have introduced a new topic i.e. "Daily Activity".

About daily activity timing, rules, need has been mentioned in the respective topic.

I would request each and every member to have a look on that topic.

If you have any type questions/Doubts, you ask/clear them from me Either in game or on forum "Doubts topic".

- Khalsa

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Important Announcement

-- This announcement is to inform all the members of SF School Instructors that the Blacklist topic has been updated now.

- You can now find all the blacklisted players of SF School Instructors on Panel. ( RPG.B-ZONE.RO )

- Rules of the blacklist has been updated according to new rules posted by Kelton. You can find them HERE.

- Prices by which a player can get rid of blacklist from SF School Instructors has been Increased.

Old Prices

- Level 5-10 (1/2 offenses) - 1.500$
- Level 5-10 (2/2 offenses) - 3.000$

- Level 10-15 (1/2 offenses) - 2.000$
- Level 10-15 (2/2 offenses) - 4.000$

- Level 15+ (1/2 offenses) - Level x 300$
- Level 15+ (2/2 offenses) - Level x 500$

New Prices

- Level 7-9 (1/2 warnings) - 3.750$
- Level 7-9 (2/2 warnings) - 7.500$

- Level 10-15 (1/2 warnings) - 7.500$
- Level 10-15 (2/2 warnings) - 15.000$

- Level 16+ (1/2 warnings) - 15.000$
- Level 16+ (2/2 warnings) - 30.000$

-- According to new update, Faction's personal safe has been edit. Here you can put Materials, Drugs, Money.

- As far as its peaceful faction, you are not allow to put drugs in faction's safe.

- You can put Money as well as materials.

- All the blacklist money will go to that faction's safe.

- You If a member want to donate money, He/She can use [/fdeposit] to faction's Safe.

- Khalsa

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Important Announcement

This announcement is to inform to all the members of SF School Instructors, that we have introduced a new topic i.e. "Donations".

If you want to donate an amount of money to faction, You can use [/fdeposit] and further you can post the stats on donations topic.

Money donated by the members will be used for faction activities and other stuffs.

I would like to request each and every member to read the content of the new topic.

- Khalsa

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Multi Important Announcements

-- Each and every member have to take Screen Shots (SS) for every license you have given.

1. [/requestlicenses] - first SS

2. Announcement on [/f] - x (id) with me for y license test. - second SS.

3. A part of license test - thired SS

4. Annoucnement on [/f] - x (id) has passed/failed the y license test. - forth SS.

Rank 6+ members can ask you the screen shots for the licenses test anytime, SO be careful

-- You are not allowed to use vehicles (Mavericks and Speeders) from LS School Instructors and LV School Instructors for licenses test (Flying and sailing licenses test). You can be punished with a faction Warn.

-- You are not allow to put drugs in faction's safe. You can be punished for that. [i am repeating this again]

-- [For rank 1 only] You are not allow to sell licenses to level 50+ player. You are not even allowed to accept a [/needlicense] request from level 50+ player. You can be punished with a faction warn.

-- [For rank 1,2,3,4] You are not allowed use faction vehicle to complete the quest. According to rules, its like using faction vehicles for personal use and Rank 1,2,3,4 are not allowed to use faction vehicles for personal use. you can be punished with a faction warn.

- Khalsa

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Important Announcement

This announcement is to inform to all the members of SF School Instructors, that activity report for the week "25.04.2016 - 01.05.2016" is optional for every Instructor. Its the Instructor's wish that If he/she want to complete his/her Activity report or not.

Every faction activity/meeting which may or may not announced in this week will be optional too.

Happy Easter Everyone.


- Khalsa

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Multi Important Announcements

-- A rule is added to Internal Regulation about Screen shots of the Activity report. I request each and every SF School Instructors members to check that rule once. You can check that rule here. or see the spoiler below.

• You have to keep the evidences of licenses at least for 3 days after you gave the test. In case, If a leader/Sub-leader ask you the proofs you need to show them. Those who don't have evidences of the tests will get uninvite without FP or with FP if you have less than 14 days in the faction.


-- Each and every member of SF School Instructors (Either rank 1 or Rank 6) are requested not to delete your screen shots for the Activity Report until 3 days of you have taken a test.

Leader or Rank 6+ members can ask you proofs anytime for any test. If you are unable to provide them you are gonna get punishment. [sanction given in the spoiler above.]

-- The topic "Daily Activity" has been restarted from now on wards. For rules and other things you can check that topic.

-- If you have any type of doubt, do not feel shy in asking high rank members or directly ask on forum "Doubts" topic. Its being better to ask your question instead of making mistakes.

-- [important] Always take Screen shot (SS) after you accept a [/needlicense] request from a players. Sometimes, due to lag other Instructors may see that you have accepted that request under 3 seconds.. Maybe you do accepted that request after 3 seconds. So, to secure yourself don't forgot to take Screen shot.


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Important Announcement

This announcement is to inform to all the members of SF School Instructors, that we have a faction activity on this Sunday (15.05.2016).

The presence of each and every member is necessary. If you are unable to come to activity put an absent request on the respective topic. Otherwise you are going to get respective punishments.

Information about the activity is given on the "Activities topic".


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