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SF School Instructors - Member's Guide


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Everyone should either print out or memories this topic at the back of their hands as it is circuital for you to understand it. In this topic you will find all information about the faction and how to deal with circumstances. If you have any questions about this topic please feel free to PM me on the forum or contact me in the game. This topic will be frequently changed over the next few weeks. I will keep up to date on the faction MOTD when changes are made. Make sure you view it and look at the bottom for any new edits!
Testing and giving the license
This is the procedure for testing and giving the license, please read it carefully and make sure you use this procedure at all times. Failure to do so will result in you being Faction Warned or an uninvite depending on the gravity of the situation.
1. Find a client and do /requestlicenses, take a screenshot when the licenses dialog pops up.
2. Say on /f "X (ID) is with me for Y license test" (take a screenshot of this).
3. Start his lesson via [/startlesson name/ID License]. ( Payments for the license is automatic )
4. Do the full test.
5. If they have failed ->  (take a screenshot) or if they have passed -> , give the license with command  [/givelicense  name/ID type of license] ; (take a screenshot).
6. Then stop you candidate's lesson via [/stoplesson name/ID]. (take a Screen Shot for your safety)
7. For level 50 + -> /f "X ( ID) with me for Y License/s, Level 50+"; (Then /givelicense and take screenshot of this), Who doesn't respect this model for level 50 + will be punished.
- You have to announce only single time for all the licenses (in case the client more then level 50).
EX: Peleg (69) with me for Flying, Fishing and Weapon licenses, Level 50+ (if the client want all the licenses you will say "for all licenses") -> /givelicense Peleg Flying, /givelicense Peleg Fishing, /givelicense Peleg Weapon.


Edited by AdeM nWo
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This topic has been edited according to the new update, Every member are requested to read this topic once again.

If you have any kind of doubt you can contact me in game or via PM.

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I have Removed:






Free licenses to 69 Pier Mobs members

The licenses sold to 69 Pier Mobs members doesn't count in the activity report, they will be invalidated in the rpg site

The gang 69 Pier Mobs offers us full protection and take cares of our blacklist in exchange of free licenses

To make a complaint about a member of 69 Pier Mobs contact me via pm, don't report the player on rpg site - Punish FactionWarn

• The announcing model for 69 Pier Mobs is, -> /f "X, 69 Pier Mobs, Y License "



I have Added:



· Free licenses to Avispa Rifa members.

· The licenses sold to Avispa Rifa members doesn't count in the activity report, they will be invalidated in the rpg site

· The gang Avispa Rifa offers us full protection and take cares of our blacklist in exchange of free licenses

· To make a complaint about a member of Avispa Rifa contact me via pm, don't report the player on rpg site - Punish Faction Warn.


· The announcing model for Avispa Rifa is, -> /f "X, Avispa Rifa, Y License "


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Changes made to Point 7.


I have Removed:



7. For level 50 + -> /f "X ( ID) with me for all licenses or ( X Y Z if the client don't want all License )"; ( take screenshot of this ), to announce "X ( ID ) has paid fully for Y License, level 50 +"; (take a screenshot of each announce and /givelicense), otherwise the licenses and who doesn't respect this model for level 50 + will be punished.




I have Added:

7. For level 50 + -> /f "X ( ID) with me for Y License"; (Then /givelicense and take screenshot of thi), Who doesn't respect this model for level 50 + will be punished.

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I have removed



· Free licenses to Avispa Rifa members.

· The licenses sold to Avispa Rifa members doesn't count in the activity report, they will be invalidated in the rpg site

· The gang Avispa Rifa offers us full protection and take cares of our blacklist in exchange of free licenses

· To make a complaint about a member of Avispa Rifa contact me via pm, don't report the player on rpg site - Punish Faction Warn.

· The announcing model for Avispa Rifa is, -> /f "X, Avispa Rifa, Y License "


I have Added:


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Changes made to Point 2 and 5.


I have removed


2. Say on /f "X (ID) is with me to do the Y License"; (take a screenshot of this).

5. If they have failed -> /f "X (ID) has failed the Y License because [reason]"; (take a screenshot of this) or if they have passed -> /f "X (ID) has passed the Y License", give the license; (take a screenshot of this).



I have Added:


2. Say on /f "X (ID) is with me to do the Y license test"; (take a screenshot of this).

5. If they have failed -> /f "X (ID) has failed the Y license test because [reason]"; (take a screenshot of this) or if they have passed -> /f "X (ID) has passed the Y license test", give the license; (take a screenshot of this).


Edited by Khalsa Ji
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