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Premium account before Update


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In urma ultimului update in care s-au facut schimbari radicale la sistemul de premium account, cei care achizitionasera contul premium pana in acel moment au primit o valabilitate de 18 luni a noului cont premium care a venit cu noi beneficii.


Multi dintre voi sunteti nemultumiti de aceasta schimbare si drept urmare am hotarat sa returnam creditul celor care nu doresc sa beneficieze in continuare de valabilitatea primita. Conditia de returnare a creditului este ca al vostru cont sa fie activ in ultima perioada, sa apara cel putin 3 logari in zile diferite in ultimele 2 saptamani de dinaintea update-ului. Inainte de a trece la pasul urmator asigurati-va de pe pagina serverului ca indepliniti aceasta cerinta. In continuare, va trebui sa deschideti un ticket de pe http://clienti.b-zone.ro/submitticket.php fiind logat de pe acelasi cont de pe care ati facut comanda in care sa solicitati returnarea creditului de pe contul premium. Tot ce ramane de facut este sa asteptati un raspuns la ticket in urmatoarele 24 ore. Daca ati comandat intr-o perioada promotionala cont premium, veti primi acelasi credit pe care l-ati utilizat la achitarea comenzii de cont premium. Aceasta retragere este irevocabila. Veti putea trimite Support Ticket pana la data de 28.12.2014 23:59.


Va multumim pentru intelegere si va dori Sarbatori Fericite!




Dear players,

After the update that brought significant changes to the Premium Account, those who had purchased premium account before the update received a 18 months validity of the new premium account that came with new benefits. 
A lot of you are unpleased with this change, so we have decided to give back the credit of those who don't want to keep using the Premium Account anymore. You can request the credit only if you logged in at least 3 times in 3 different days in the last 2 weeks before the update. Before moving to the next step, make sure you meet this requirement. If you do, continue by sending a Support Ticket on http://clienti.b-zone.ro/submitticket.php being logged in on the same account that you used when you ordered Premium Account, requesting the premium account credit refund. All you have to do next is to wait for a response to the ticket within the next 24 hours. If your order was placed during a Promotional Season, you will get the same credit that you spent on the Premium Account back then. You can send the Support Ticket until 28.12.2014 23:59.
Thank you for your understanding and we wish you Happy Holidays!
Edited by F4L KillerFish
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