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Guess the word

Rappa Ro

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Felicitari tuturor pentru raspunsuri!

Raspuns : Vinnie


1.Li0N 8p

2.rikos 5p

3.StapLeR 5p

4.DonDelir 3p

5.ThugLife. 3p

6.CsAS 3p

7.DerecK 3p

8.Oxigen 1p

9.KingTM 1p

10.RastaTM 1p

11.Gotze. 1p

12.Coto 1p

13.Nikos. 1p

14.aziz 1p

15.Kayden 1p

16.Row3R 1p

17.69Rusu 1p

18.Mihai[K] 1p

Editia Nr. 5 :

Ghiciti cuvantul : nait ostp nuterh

Indicii : Majoritatea ii urati .

Va urez mult succes !

Edited by F4L Stonely
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