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Guess the location / Ghiceste locatia


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Guess the location / Ghiceste locatia

Hello B-Zone ! Well i contacted the previous maker of this event and we decided to make a new topic for this event beacuse he isn't able to continue taking care of this one cause he have another one at the moment.So i decided that i will take care of this one "Guess the Location / Ghiceste locatie".


This topic will be checked daily, when i get the right screenshot with the Position i will immediatly announce the winner here and start a new edition to win you need to have a screenshot at the exact location that i were at in the screenshot that i took and also with /time and radar seen in the screenshot taken also if i don't get a right answer in 2days i will put another edition.




  • You are not allowed to edit your post. ( if you do edit your post it will not count )
  • You are not allowed to post more than one time at per edition.
  • Useless comments outside of the contest is not allowed.(Punish = Report)
  • Screenshots need to contain the chat, and [/time] also the radar, if anything of those is missing your screenshot is not valid ( it will not count if its missing one of those details )


The prize of each edition will be 3.000$


Posting template:

  • Nick:
  • Level:
  • Poza:
  • Alte precizari:


Gaseste locatia / Ghiceste locatia

Salutare B-Zone! Am vorbit cu membru precedant care a incercat acest event care a fost abandonat acum ceva timp, dar nu a reusit sa se ocupe de el, asa ca am decis sa m-a ocup eu cu acest eveniment.

Acest Topic va fi verificat zilnic, atunci cand am correct screenshot cu pozitia i se va anunța castigatorul aici pentru ca castigati trebuie sa aveți un screenshot la locatia exacta pe care am fost cu / timp si radar vazut in screenshot luate, de asemenea, daca eu nu obtine un raspuns corect in perioda de doua zile se va pune un alt editie.


  • Esti strict INTERZIS sa dati edit dupa ce ati postat. ( Daca editiezi nu se considera )
  • Nu aveti voie sa postati de mai multe ori in cadrul unei editii.
  • Comentariile inutile sunt interzise.(Punish = Report)
  • Poza trebuie sa contina chat-ul, [/time] si radarul, nu ca in ale mele unde vor lipsi cele doua.

Premiul pentru fiecare runda o sa fie de 3.000$

Model de postare al unui raspuns:

  • Nick:
  • Level:
  • Poza:
  • Alte precizari:

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Gresit. Poza Trebuie sa contina si /time. S4bin - asteapta pana editia urmatoare

Wrong. Screenshot need to contain /time too read rules - S4bin - you cannot post again until the next edition.


Editia I - No Winner

Editia II

Poza: Click

Hint: North Los Santos

Model de postare:

  • Nick:
  • Level:
  • Poza:
  • Alte precizari:


Edited by Aymen
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  • Poza trebuie sa contina chat-ul, [/time] si radarul, nu ca in ale mele unde vor lipsi cele doua.

Castigatorul celei de a III - a editii este [TL]Octavian.Tavy. A aeja primit bani prin transfer - Dovezi

Editia a VI-a

Poza: Click

Indiciu: In aproape de Intersectie Las Venturas

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Castigatorul celei de a VI - a editii este [TL]Octavian.Tavy. A aeja primit bani prin transfer - Dovezi

Editia a VII-a

Poza: Click

Indiciu: In aproape de Dillimore

Edited by Aymen
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  • Poza trebuie sa contina chat-ul, [/time] si radarul, nu ca in ale mele unde vor lipsi cele doua.
  • Gresit. Poza Trebuie sa contina si /time si chat si radarule. AnDyDj - asteapta pana editia urmatoare

    Wrong. Screenshot need to contain /time and chat and radar too read rules - AnDyDj - you cannot post again until the next edition.


Edited by Aymen
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I Couldn't Edit the Previous Post.

Editia VII-a - No Winner

Editia VIII-a

Poza: Click

Hint: Los Santos

Model de postare:

  • Nick:
  • Level:
  • Poza:
  • Alte precizari:


Edited by Aymen
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