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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Raport de activitate namecover // Data: 7.09.2015 - 13.09.2015


Rapoartele sunt bune, cu Fritz am discutat deja, e bine ca ti-ai refacut raportul si vreau ca rankurile mari cand raspund intrebarilor unui rank mic sa fie atenti la ce le spuneti, un namecover nu are voie sa confiste, doar sa acorde wanted.


Edited by Teylo
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The name I use to play on the B-Zone RPG Server: DH01

The rank I have acquired successfully over my current career in Federal Bureau of Investigations: 3

The evidence of the actions that I have completed for this week's namecover session of which are screenshots formed with F8: http://imgur.com/a/kNbBi

The amount of actions of the namecover and a brief description on what each namecover action is: 1x drugs

Any other specifications or notes I would like to leave for the correspondent of whom will check this report: sal

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Raport de activitate namecover // Data: 13.09.2015 - 19.09.2015


Rapoartele sunt bune, incercati cand va scoateti namecover-ul sa fiti cat mai ascunsi.

Edited by Teylo
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