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F.B.I. - Rapoarte de activitate namecover | Namecover activity reports


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Nick: RazvanSzatmari14
Actiuni namecover: http://imgur.com/a/0UjbF#0
Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1-Wanted 3->Posesie/Folosire droguri
Alte precizari: Gata raportu , :D pwp:*
Nu am avut [/timestamp] si de aceea am dat reply , multumesc anticipat!



Edited by RazvanSzatmari14 aka Krem
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RazvanSzatmari14 -> CORECT!
Radualex95 -> CORECT!
Shanker -> CORECT!
SkaterT30 -> CORECT! Ai grija ca data viitoare sa fie in ordine!
Crytek. -> RAPORT ANULAT! Nu ai nicio actiune! ai doar o poza cu primirea namecoverului si inca o poza in care nu se vede nimic!
Ansife -> CORECT!
Luci.. -> CORECT!
$$bobjounior$$ -> CORECT!
Alccs -> Inactivitate!
Tosti -> CORECT! P.S: Da, trebuie sa pui doar cu actiunea, adica /su, la droguri /frisk si /su
Saxobeatt -> CORECT!
Dovahkiin -> CORECT! Raport Best!
Gregoire -> CORECT!
Sickk -> Administrator, raport optional.
Zayn -> CORECT!
Maxdefected21 -> CORECT!
N.Catalin -> CORECT!
Cres -> Totul este corect dar nu ai ultima poza cu Undercover Off



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Nick: Ansife

Rank: 2

Actiuni namecover: Aici

Numarul de actiuni namecover: Doar un /su cu civil attack, am fost atacat in fara de safe zone apoi m-am apropiat de el cand s-a dus langa paintball.

Alte precizari: Sper ca e de ajuns. Multumesc anticipat.

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Raport NAMECOVER data 04.05.2015 - 10.05.2015 corectat de Special Agent In Charge IonuVRS






RazvanSzatmari14 -> CORECT!.

Radualex95 -> CORECT!.

Shanker -> CORECT!.

SkaterT30 -> CORECT!.

Crytek. -> CORECT!.

Ansife -> CORECT! Ai poza dublata cu namecover acordat.

Luci.. -> CORECT!.

$$bobjounior$$ -> CORECT!.

Alccs -> CORECT!.

Tosti -> CORECT!.

Saxobeatt -> CORECT!.

Dovahkiin -> CORECT!.

Gregoire -> CORECT!.

Sickk -> Administrator, raport optional.

Zayn -> CORECT!.

Maxdefected21 -> INACTIVITATE!

KingTM -> CORECT!.

N.Catalin -> CORECT!.


Turbo -> CORECT!.

Edited by IonuVRS e VIP
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