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SF School Instructors - Meeting and Activities Statistics


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Nickname: TheWeeknd.[ToV]

Meeting / Activity: Meeting

Date and hour: 29/12/2018 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members): Optional

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: -

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

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Nickname: DirtyBird

Meeting / Activity: Activity 

Date and hour: 09/02/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent Members): https://imgur.com/a/lvIPpWl

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: KhalDrogo = 50.000$,.Dan_Dilo. = 50.000$,[]Amalia = 250.000$

-Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

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Nickname: TheWeeknd

Meeting / Activity: Activities

Date and hour: 02/03/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members):

Present members : Aymen - Daniyal_Xo - []Amalia - DirtyBird - Mihnea5tyle - psq

Absent request/Inactivity request : AdrakoR - .Dan_Dilo. - KhalDrogo - Bymon - Docinel - Steffy.NuDauTeapa - oThmaneCJ - DeeNyy.talibana - .Low - Conan - Shobex.Incredere - hypergamelife 

Absent members : NicuDaraban[JR] - St3f@n2014[MD] - Juve 

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Aymen 66k - Daniyal_Xo 66k - []Amalia 66k - DirtyBird 66k - Mihnea5tyle 66k - psq 66k

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

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Nickname: TheWeeknd

Meeting / Activity: Activities

Date and hour: 24/03/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :


  • Present members : Nahmir - LeniN - RaperUK - mrc14 - Wyktor - Mihnea5tyle - oThmanCJ - SteffyNuDauTeapa - Adrakor - Amalia - Archer - DirtyBird 
  • Late members : -
  • Absent request/Inactivity request : Bymon - Conan - Pirate_Esi - Shobex.Incredere - St3f@n2014[MD]
  • Absent members : GyuriYTB - KhalDrogo - psq - HyperGameLife - Docinel


Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Nahmir ( $200.000 ) - oThmanCJ ( $100.000 ) - DirtyBird ( $100.000 )

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

If there is any mistake PM/SMS me.

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Nickname: TheWeeknd

Meeting / Activity: Meeting

Date and hour: 31/03/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members): The Meeting setted to Optional, because the summer time has been activated.

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

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Nickname: []Amalia

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 07/04/2019 - 19:00

Statistics : The Activity has been changed to optional because the server had some lags that time. Thanks for understanding.

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Archer - 50,000$ (he didn't receive the prize yet). | Conan - 50,000$ (he didn't receive the prize yet) | SaltMane - 100,000$ (he didn't receive the prize yet) 

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️ ❤️


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Nickname: oThmaneCJ

Meeting / Activity: Activities

Date and hour: 02/06/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) : The activity was set optional as it's the first activity in a while now. Next weeks activities will be mandatory.

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Showking ( 250.000$) - Gavro ( 100.000$ ) - Sir.Diablo ( $100.000$ )

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!❤️

If there is any mistake PM/SMS me.

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Nickname: oThmaneCJ

Meeting / Activity: Activities

Date and hour: 23/06/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :


  • Present members : Zollop - Zelch.Scofield - King.Timou - Dania 
  • Late members : -
  • Absent request/Inactivity request : _Popica_ - Bogdan.Zen - Sir.Diablo - Kolibri - Circut - Cruce - Mihnea5tyle - Docinel - Alexandrovsky - Alexionutt - 
  • Absent members : Shobex.incredere - Pirate_Esi - Pali1 - Krinulkaki - XerJr - Skorpy27 - WarnSilent - The[H]awk


Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received: Zelch.Scofield ( 200.000$ )

Other mentions: Can't say it was a pleasant one. it was a lot messy. Dania left (/q) during the activity because he thought we were just playing a gungame for fun. 

If there is any mistake PM/SMS me.

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Nickname: Gavro

Meeting / Activity: Activities

Date and hour: 07/07/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :


Winners: Zelch 100k; Pirate_Esi 150k ; Zollop 150k

Other mentions: Honestly it was very short noticed the fact that i had to host the activity, it should have been more organised. I don't like how everything occured, it was a chaos. Maybe next time will be better.

For errors in the statistics from above pm me or Peleg .

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Nickname: Shobex.Incredere

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 11.08.2019 - 19:00


Statistics (Present / Absent members) :

  • Present members : Sir.Diablo, Miss.TeDDY, H3lium, cheewbakagamer, Zefirka., .South, Dario_, bogdan.zen,  zollop, TheGamerXYZ, Pirate_Esi, hamidpixie
  • Late members : Pirate_Esi
  • Absent request/Inactivity request : Mihnea5tyle, SniperLyfe, AiraZah, pali1, Agentul23
  • Absent members :  Circuit, KrinulKaki, Tudoreal
  • Winners: Dario_ - 100k, H3lium - 300k
  • Other mentions:You need discipline guys. For errors in the statistics from above pm me or Peleg.
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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activitie.

Date and hour: 18/08/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) : The activity was set optional due to an orginazation failure  

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Zefrika ( 266.000$) - Dario ( 133.000$ ) -  Miss.Teddy - ( 50.000$ )(bonuse)

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activitie.

Date and hour: 01/09/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :   optional.

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Dio. (Infernus)

Other mentions: Thanks for participating!

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activitie.

Date and hour: 15/09/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :   https://imgur.com/a/t9Zn7Rz

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Helium(100k) Zeus(50k) Kendrick(25k) Pirate(60k)

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! ( if you see a mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activitie. orginized by Pirate_ESI

Date and hour: 20/09/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :https://imgur.com/a/YWM3tLr

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Kartman (50k) , Zeus (100k) and Deadlyarmaga( 50k ) 

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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From now on you will announce with the following model:


  • Nickname: 
  • Meeting / Activity:
  • Date and hour:
  • Statistics (Present / Absent members):
  • Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot):
  • Other mentions:
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  • Nickname: Shobex.Incredere
  • Meeting / Activity: Activity
  • Date and hour: 29.09.2019 19:00
  • Statistics (Present / Absent members):
    • Present: Bogdan.Zen, DoPamine, bbno$, TinKode, HappySmile, MiniCoooper5, Bogdan.Zen, ZeuS, KartMan, AiraZah, TheGamerYXZ_En
    • Absent request/inactivity: Pirate_Esi, Mr.Bombastic74, Master. Cain, [Mr]Mohab, Xenon, KENDRICK, HeLium, Mihnea5tyle, TheWeeknd
    • Absent: .Sergio., IKT_Andrew, Wzyah
  • Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot): 
    • Winner's name: SF School Instructors
    • Prize: SF/LS Turfs
  • Other mentions: SFSI Mafia, we killed them! 
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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activitie. 

Date and hour: 06/10/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) https://imgur.com/a/ACUlg9p

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Zeus, Tinkode, Thegamerxyz_ENG, Airazah  Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/OzfIApq

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 13/10/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) https://imgur.com/a/SnH23rL

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Xepect :250.000$ || DJC. 100.000$ || Okko 50.000$  https://imgur.com/a/m7R4R03 (okko is missing cuz he was offline proofs will be provided) 

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 20/10/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) https://imgur.com/a/ESwi81N

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Pride

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 27/10/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) https://imgur.com/a/psHIxC7

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Spark 1.000.000$ // Zeus 400.000$ https://imgur.com/a/kSqA5ZO

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 03/11/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :  https://imgur.com/NLwDdV3 

Winner/s name/s, Prizes that they have received:  Zeus 250.000$ ,  Dopamine 100.000$ Pirate_ESI 50.000$ https://imgur.com/rwBfCKJ

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 10/11/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :  https://imgur.com/a/b3rGtPO

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot):  Zeus - 150.000$- oKKo_Renul - 100.000$ -Dopamine - 50.000$- Leopicies 100.000$  https://imgur.com/a/5jm9M1U

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity

Date and hour: 17/11/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members)  (Click)

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot):  RealKira 200.000$  (Click)

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activity.(war) 

Date and hour: 1/12/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members)  Optional

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot):  None

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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Nickname: South.

Meeting / Activity: Activit

Date and hour: 8/12/2019 - 19:00

Statistics (Present / Absent members) :  https://imgur.com/0xVIPJK

Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received + Proofs of the transfer (Screen shot): https://imgur.com/PHI7MdV

Other mentions: Thanks for participating! (if you see any mistake PM me )

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