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El Loco Cartel - Listă Neagră / Blacklist

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Aici membrii El Loco Cartel pot posta persoanele care au gresit fata de ei sau de acest gang.

Nu postati persoane pe Blacklist daca acestia au sub LEVEL 5.
Echipa de asasini actioneaza doar la comanda liderului / subliderului /Rank 4+.
Baniarrow-10x10.pngpe orange/black list sunt primiti de rank4+ , apoi postati aici.
Nu faceti plangere jucatorilor si la sectiunea Complaints, si la Blacklist, alegeti una dintre cele doua. +.
Playeri cu 1/2 avertisment vor fi omorati de 3 ori pe zi , playeri cu 2/2 avertisment vor fi omorati de cate ori consideraleaderul/subleaderul/rank 4+ ca este nevoie.
Daca un player are 1/2 avertismente [ Orange List ] si nu doreste sa plateasca Orange List , postati ca nu a platit Orange List si v-a primii 2/2 Avertismente [black-List]

DM-ul se va sancționa doar atunci când există dovezi clare (de preferat video / mai multe poze) care să ateste că jucătorul respectiv a făcut DM. 
Membrii unor alte factiuni de tip GANG nu pot fi adaugati pe Blacklist
-- 1 avertisment: jigniri grave, în exces, care tind spre limbaj vulgar sau luat la mișto membrul sau facțiunea, încurcarea membrului să-și facă datoria, kamikaze, /q on tie.
Model de postare al unui membru pe Orange/Black List

Nick-ul celui reclamat:
Level-ul celui reclamat:
Motivul reclamatiei:
Dovezi (screenshot/video):
Bara RPG a celui reclamat:



Here members of El Loco Cartel can post players that wronged them or the gang,

Don't post players on the Blacklist with level below 5.
Assassins team act only at demand of the leader/subleader/rank 4+.
Don't post players at Complaints Section and Blacklist, choose on of them
Orange/black list can be paid to a rank 4+, who will deposit the monei in the saif and post here.
Players with 1/2 warnings will be killed 3 times a day, players with 2/2 warnings will be killed as many times as the leader/subleader/rank4+ think is needed.
If a player has 1/2 warnings ( Orange list ) and he refuses to pay Orange list, post here that he refuses to pay and he will get 2/2 Warnings ( Black list ). 

The DM will be punished just when there are clearly proofs (especially video or more Screenshots) that prove a member made DM.
Members of others GANG factions will not be added to the Blacklist.
-- 1 warning: serious offenses, excessive, which almost would be vulgar language or mocking the member or the faction, disturbing the member from doing his duties, kamikaze, /q on tie.
Posting model for people that get Orange/Black list.

Nick of defendant:
Level of defendant:
RPG bar:


Edited by Kewin
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Nick: ShoKaru[Zuz]

Rank: 3

Nick-ul celui reclamat: esential123

Level-ul celui reclamat: 40+

Motivul reclamatiei:Dm aiurea

Bara RPG a celui reclamat:esential123.png

Edited by ShoKaruZuZ
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Nick: PresuPusu

Rank: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: xZ3k0

Level-ul celui reclamat: 12

Motivul reclamatiei: Atacarea unui membru al gangului fara motiv.

Dovezi (screenshot/video):

Bara RPG a celui reclamat:xZ3k0.png

Nick: PresuPusu

Rank: 1

Nick-ul celui reclamat: georgepc

Level-ul celui reclamat: 6

Motivul reclamatiei: Atacarea unui membru al gangului fara motiv.

Dovezi (screenshot/video):

Bara RPG a celui reclamat:georgepc.png

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Nick: yXk
Rank: 1
Nick-ul celui reclamat: Anti_Social
Level-ul celui reclamat: 17
Motivul reclamatiei: Death-Match pe un membru El Loco Cartel.

Dovezi (screenshot/video): http://imgur.com/a/8jWgv
Bara RPG a celui reclamat: Anti_Social.png

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Nick: BAWZ

Rank: 4

Nick-ul celui reclamat: Anti_Social

Level-ul celui reclamat: 17

Motivul reclamatiei: Limbaj, acesta se afla deja pe blacklist cu 1/2 advertismente.

Dovezi (screenshot/video): http://postimg.org/image/bu5g9r6gb/

Bara RPG a celui reclamat: Anti_Social.png

Nick: BAWZ

Functia lider/sublider/Rank4+): 4

Am primit suma de la: Marius13829

Stare player/Level (BlackList): level 7, 1/2 advertismente.

ScreenShot cu banii primiti: http://postimg.org/image/dchtq1e8v/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://postimg.org/image/s7l9y68pd/

Nick: BAWZ

Functia lider/sublider/Rank4+): 4

Am primit suma de la: [RW]New7Up

Stare player/Level (BlackList): level 20, 2/2 advertismente.

ScreenShot cu banii primiti: http://postimg.org/image/64sm2wrb9/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://postimg.org/image/54gytk5kn/

Nick: BAWZ

Functia lider/sublider/Rank4+): 4

Am primit suma de la: Hodika

Stare player/Level (BlackList): level 7, 1/2 advertismente.

ScreenShot cu banii primiti: http://postimg.org/image/64sm2wrb9/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://postimg.org/image/8yfm4ntxd/

Edited by Weeld
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Nick: BAWZ

Functia lider/sublider/Rank4+): Rank 4

Am primit suma de la: xMary

Stare player/Level (BlackList): 1/2, level 16

ScreenShot cu banii primiti: http://postimg.org/image/n2dqk7vaj/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://postimg.org/image/g81oua9m1/

Nick: BAWZ

Functia lider/sublider/Rank4+): Rank 4

Am primit suma de la: ask37

Stare player/Level (BlackList): 1/2, level 17

ScreenShot cu banii primiti: http://postimg.org/image/cpbg9e36p/

ScreenShot cu /fdeposit: http://postimg.org/image/vjt1lurml/

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Nick: yXk
Rank: 1
Nick-ul celui reclamat: isio
Level-ul celui reclamat: 15
Motivul reclamatiei: DM
Dovezi (screenshot/video):

Bara RPG a celui reclamat:
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Nick: yXk
Rank: 1
Nick-ul celui reclamat: RobotZZeLL
Level-ul celui reclamat: 10
Motivul reclamatiei: DB shot
Dovezi (screenshot/video):

Bara RPG a celui reclamat:
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