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The unknown task - Event

South Maximus

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Salutare B-Zone! M-am gandit sa fac un eveniment putin mai complex si care, dupa parerea mea, este destul de interesant si de captivant- "Sarcina necunoscuta". Acest eveniment se va desfasura pe parcursul a 25 de runde, fiecare durand cel mult 2 zile.


In ce consta acest eveniment?


Eu o sa postez o data la 1-2 zile o cerinta. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa o indeplinesti. Toate cerintele necesita SS-uri care vor fi incarcate pe internet. Ca sa raspunzi cerintei, trebuie sa postezi link-ul care duce la poza pentru a putea fi luata in considerare. De-a lungul fiecarei runde, primi 3 concurenti care raspund corect cerintei vor fi punctati astfel:


Locul 1: 3 puncte


Locul 2: 2 puncte


Locul 3: 1 punct



La sfarsitul fiecarei runde o sa postez castigatorii rundei respective, clasamentul general pana in acel moment si noua cerinta. La sfarsitul tuturor rundelor, o sa fie afisat un clasament. Primele 3 locuri, adica primele 3 persoane care au cele mai multe puncte acumulate, vor fi premiate astfel:


Premiul 1 - 25.000$


premiul 2 - 15.000$


Premiul 3 - 10.000$



Cateva exemple de cerinte:


- Fotografiaza-te langa jucatorul cu ID 50


-Surprinde-l pe ID 34 AFK


-Fotografiaza-te langa un lider


-Fotografiaza-te intr-o masina de tip Cadrona


-Fotografiaza-te in businessul Restaurant Los Santos


-Fotografiaza-te in timp ce faci anim-ul [/crack]


-Capteaza o masina in flacari


-Fotografiaza un delfin


-Capteaza un TIR pe un pod





O sa incerc sa fac in asa fel incat fiecare runda sa aiba o sarcina diferita. Prima runda va incepe dupa 2 zile de la afisarea acestuia in sectiunea "Events", interval in care astept parerile si sugestiile voastre.



Alte reguli:


- comentariile inutile care nu au legatura cu evenimentul si contin cuvinte obscene si insulte vor fi raportate staff-ului.


- nu ai voie sa editezi comentariul dupa ce l-ai postat, nu va fi luat in considerare.


-nu ai voie sa postezi de 2 ori pe parcursul aceleiasi runde.


- raspunsurile care nu respecta modelul de postare nu vor fi luate in considerare.


-din momentul in care incepe prima runda, toate post-urile trebuie sa contina raspunsuri. Comentariile care tin de impresii si sugestii se posteaza pana la inceperea evenimentului, altfel vor fi raportate staff-ului.



Model de postare a raspunsului:






Sarcina rundei:


Link-ul pozei:


Alte precizari:






Hello B-Zone! I decided to make an event more complex and which, in my point of view, is enough interesting and exciting- "The unknown task". This event will take place over 25 rounds, eachone during 2 days.


What do you have to do in this event?


I will post a task every 1-2 ays. All what you have to do is to accomplish it. All tasks need SS-s which will be uploaded on internet. To answer the task, you have ti post the link which leads to the photo to be considered. During every round, the first 3 competitors who respond correctly will be pointed as shown:


1st place: 3 points


2nd place: 2 points


3rd place: 1 point



At the end of each round, I will post the winners of that round, the general rankind until then and the new task. At the end of all rounds, there will be shown a ranking. The first 3 places, which means the first 3 persons who have the most points accumulated, will be rewarded as shown:


First prize: 25.000$


Second prize: 15.000$


Third prize: 10.000$



Some examples of tasks:


-Capture yourself near the played with the ID 50


-Capture ID 34 while beeing AFK


-Capture yourself near a leader


-Capture yourself in a Cadrona car


-Capture yourself in the business Restaurant Los Santos


-Capture yourself while making the anim [/crack]


-Capture a burning car


-Capture a dolphin


-Capture a truck on a bridge





I'll try to do so as each round to have a different task. The first round will begin 2 days after the showing of this in section "Events", period of time when I wait your opinions and suggestions.


Other rules:


-the useless posts which are not related with the event or contain obscene words and reviles will be reported to the staff.


-you are not allowed to edit the answer after you post it, it won't be considered.


-you are not allowed to post two times during the same round.


-the answers which don't respect the post model won't be considered.


-after the first round begins, all posts have to contain the answer. The comments with opinions and suggestions can be posted until the beginning of the event, otherwise they will be reported to the staff


Model of posting an answer:






The round's task:


The photo's link:


Other specificatins:



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@@CryAtomic, multumesc mult si succes daca o sa participi!



ATENTIE! Prima runda incepe in data de 28.07.2015 dimineata pentru a putea face cat mai cunoscut evenimentul.


ATTENTION! The first round will begin in 28.07.2015 in the morning to be able to make this event as known as possible.

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Intr-adevar, un event destul de complex, insa ceva nou, din cate stiu eu...sper sa se desfasoare cum ti-ai propus, abia astept sa vad ce-o sa iasa.

O mica propunere, ar trebui sa afisezi timpul exact la care o sa postezi ca sa nu stea lumea sa dea refresh la pagina incontinuu, zic eu...

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@@Brocky20,@@Gisele, @, @@HG Bagwell,


Va multumesc si sper si eu ca o sa iasa cum mi-am propus. Ora exacta la care o sa inceapa prima editie o sa se anunte in seara zilei de dinainte.


Thank you and I hope it wil be like i want to. The hour which the first round will begin will be announced in the evening of the day before.

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ATENTIE! Prima runda a evenimentului "The unknown task" incepe acum. Sarcina acestei runde -> Fotografiaza-te langa o inima din cadrul quest-ului de vara.


Doar raspunsurile postate dupa modelul dat de mine vor fi luate in considerare. MULT SUCCES!




ATTENTION! The first round of "The unknown task" is beginning now. The task of this round -> Capture yourself near a heart within the summer quest.


Only the answers posted after the model gave by me will be considered. GOOD LUCK!

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Nivel: 10

Sarcina rundei: Fotografiaza-te langa o inima din cadrul questului de vara.

Link-ul pozei:http://imgur.com/9y3anzY

Alte precizari: Am si o poza secundara, in caz ca apar probleme http://imgur.com/k2xIvFB

Edited by VEVO
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